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Standards Committee (England) Regulations 2008 

Summary of Decision Notice of the Maidstone Borough Council Standards Sub-Committee Hearing on 20 November 2009

Subject Member: Councillor Vanessa Jones of Bredhurst Parish Council

The complainant alleged 10 breaches of the Code of Conduct of Bredhurst Parish Council including a breach of paragraph 4(a) of the Code which prohibits the disclosure of confidential information. The complainant alleged details of an email sent by him were disclosed to the press by Councillor Jones without his consent.

The Sub-Committee agreed with the Investigating Officer’s findings of facts as amended during the hearing.

The Sub-Committee agreed with the Investigating Officer that in respect of 9 of the allegations there had been no breach of the Code of Conduct by Councillor Jones.

The Sub-Committee agreed with the Investigating Officer that there had been a breach of paragraph 4(a) of the Code of Conduct by Councillor Jones as detailed above.

The Sub-Committee noted Councillor Jones had admitted that she had breached paragraph 4(a) but with mitigating circumstances.

The Sub-Committee determined that the sanction imposed for breach of the Code shall be that Councillor Jones write an apology to the Complainant in a format agreed by the Sub-Committee.

The Subject Member has the right to appeal the decision.