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Joint Transportation Boards

To:                              Maidstone Joint Transport Board

By:                              Tim Read, Head of Transportation

Date:                          22nd July 2015

Subject:                    Petitions Report - Leafy Lane

Classification:         For Information


Summary: The purpose of this report is to provide members with a progress report on petitions currently being considered by KCC Highways and Transportation



1.0      Petitions Received

1.1      A petition to introduce a formal Zebra crossing at Leafy Lane, Maidstone was presented at the April meeting of this board.

2.0      Work undertaken


2.1      Leafy Lane provides the sole means of access to Brunswick House Primary School; additionally the London Road Retail Park and Topnotch Health Club vehicular access is also via Leafy Lane.  Site observations confirmed that in general parents park in the retail park car park and then walk their children into the school. This appears to work well in the main. Due to the fencing around the retail park, pedestrian crossing movements to the primary school are concentrated into a narrow section of Leafy lane, directly outside of the school access.

2.2      Problems occur when this narrow area is compromised by parents parking on the double yellow lines or the school keep clear marking across the school access. Due to Leafy Lane being a no through road, these parents then have to try to turn around and site observations were that it is this aspect which could lead to potential conflict albeit at likely low speeds.

2.3      It was apparent that the school has taken steps to try to engage with parents about sensible parking. There were numerous banners promoting safer parking practises evident and the school has a system in place, in that the vehicular gates are closed well in advance of the school pick up and drop off periods and cones are placed to further deter parking

3.0      Conclusion

3.1      The school has taken reasonable steps to work with KCC School Travel Planners to promote safer parking arrangements. It was evident that it was a very small number of parents who were causing quite considerable difficulties to the other parents, who were acting responsibly and using the retail park car park. The existing waiting restrictions and School Keep Clear marking could be enforced more actively; however it’s acknowledged the Civil Enforcement operatives cannot be there all of the time.

3.2      A Zebra crossing might be likely to be respected more than the existing yellow lines. Stopping on the Zebra zig-zags would be an offence as opposed to a Fixed Penalty Notice and most drivers understand the difference.

3.3      A bid for funding from the Local Transport Plan budget has been submitted.  There are often more bids than there is available funding so at this stage funding cannot be guaranteed.



Contact Officer: Michael Heath

Tel: 03000 418181