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Joint Transportation Boards

To:                              Maidstone Joint Transport Board

By:                              Tim Read, Head of Transportation

Date:                          22nd July 2015

Subject:                    Petitions Report B2010 and B2163 East and West Farleigh

Classification:         For Information


Summary: The purpose of this report is to provide members with a progress report on petitions currently being considered by KCC Highways and Transportation



1.0      Petitions Received

1.1      A petition to reduce the existing speed limits on the B2163 and B2163 through East Farleigh and West Farleigh, the petition comprised two separate petitions, one from St Helens Montessori School, the other from the West Farleigh Road Action Group.

2.0      Work undertaken

2.1      Following the last meeting of this board, members of the board resolved that KCC be recommended to implement a 30mph speed limit for the B2010 and B2163 between the existing 30mph limit at East Farleigh and the start of the existing 30mph limit at Yalding.

2.2      Subsequent to the meeting of the board officers made contact with the lead petitioner to relay the recommendation of the board. It was evident from discussions that the originator of the petition felt that what KCC had reported to the board was a pragmatic way forward. The traffic survey data supported the suggested changes previously reported, setting an artificially low limit on the sections with driven speeds closer to 40mph could lead to noncompliance and reduce the effectiveness on those sections recommended for reduction 30mph.

2.3      In order to avoid further delay the lead petitioner contacted the Local Member for the area who had previously agreed to part fund the scheme from her Combined Members Grant.

2.4      The Cabinet Member for Highways was consulted with regard to these developments and has agreed that the Statutory consultation should proceed as proposed previously.

2.5      As a result of all of these discussions, the speed limit reduction will now be advertised for consultation in line with the previously submitted report to the April meeting of this board.



Contact Officer: Michael Heath

Tel: 03000 418181