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Item 14, Page 16






Land to the East of Hermitage Lane, Maidstone, Kent.

Consultee Responses


Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council:


No Objection Be Raised, subject to the following:


1. The applicant entering into a Section 106 legal agreement for enhancements to aid the free flow of traffic to the Coldharbour roundabout and the M20/J5 and reduce the impact of vehicular traffic passing through the AQMAs in Wateringbury village and along the A20

2. Archaeological field evaluation and safeguarding measures for any remains found

3. Submission of a Travel Plan along with proposed measures for its ongoing monitoring

4. Construction method statements for retained and protected habitats and protected species, as well as a detailed management plan for creation and management of new and existing habitats within retained areas on site

5. Landscaping to be in accordance with the approved details

6. Development to be implemented in strict accordance with the details of access




Additional representations received raising the following matters:


·         complaint about the application being determined at the committee meeting pending the results of the Secretary of State’s decision.

·         Tonbridge and Malling have declared that they will not be considering their application for schemes 2 and 3 until after the determination of the public inquiry. 

·         Bullying tactics by the developer – the application should be rejected as being inappropriate until the public inquiry results are known. 


Correction to condition


Condition 7 in the reason section of the main report (page 61) refers to “and to prevent….”   The following should be added to this reason:  “and to prevent motor vehicles other than buses and emergency vehicles from using this access to prevent a cut through access leading to Hermitage Road.


Additional Detail


Following comments raised by the KCC Biodiversity officer regarding the lack of provision within the submitted Landscape and Biodiversity Management Plan (LBMS) for managing the woodland outside the red line boundary and following concerns raised over the possible deterioration of the ancient woodland due to an increase in recreational use within the woodland. The applicants have confirmed in writing their agreement to amend the LBMS and for this strategy to be extended to include the woodland belt (which includes the Ancient Woodland). This woodland is within the ownership of the applicant and accordingly can be appropriately referenced within the s106 agreement (the LBMS document).


Members will be aware that the head of terms (page 60) of the main report includes the LBMS with the s106. This strategy provides the principles upon which the landscape and ecological management plan (LEMP) will be based, which is also included within the recommended heads of terms. 


The inclusion of the woodland copse (including the Ancient Woodland) which would relate to the increase in recreational pressure arising directly from the development proposals, would be agreed in liaison with the KCC Ecological officer and form a binding part of the s106 agreement upon which the LEMP would be based.


It is therefore requested that delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning and Development to agree an updated version of the LBMS which includes the southern woodland copse (including the Ancient Woodland) which lies outside the red line boundary, in liaison with and agreement from the KCC Ecological officer.




My recommendation remains unchanged but it is requested that delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning and Development to agree an updated version of the LBMS which includes the southern woodland copse (including the Ancient Woodland) which lies outside the red line boundary, in liaison with and agreement from the KCC Ecological officer and the amended wording to the reason for condition 7.