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15 500451_48 Lancet Lane_urgent update

Item 14, Page 46





48 Lancet Lane, Maidstone

Correction to report


Paragraph 7.04 of the report refers to “whilst work on the NP is progressing the Plan has been withdrawn for further Regulation 14 consultations…”.  Whilst the NP was withdrawn, the current status is that public consultation, according to Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Plan Regulations begins on the 11th September for 6 weeks. However, as set out in the remaining part of the paragraph there are still a number of key stages ahead including publication, independent examination and referendum. Whilst the NP is a material consideration, at its current stage, any conflict is not considered grounds to refuse planning permission.  


Additional condition


13)       The proposed development shall not be occupied until provision for cycle storage has been made in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved cycle storage arrangements shall be retained thereafter.


Reason: To provide adequate cycle storage provision.


Additional Informative


2.         With regard to condition 11, the mitigation strategy shall ensure that vegetation clearance is only undertaken between September and February to avoid the bird nesting season with a bat licence required from Natural England prior to the commencement of works.




My recommendation remains unchanged.