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506426 URGENT UPDATE Springfield

Item 20, Page 144-152                                               Springfield Park, Royal Engineers Road 15/506426                                                              Maidstone Kent


Amend 3.2.3 (b) in paragraph 2.02 of page 147 to read:

 “the first occupation of the 50th residential unit to be constructed as permitted by the Planning Permission”. 

Amend Recommendation to read:

“The Head of Planning be delegated powers to grant the application to vary the section 106 agreement subject to the Head of Legal Services advising on the appropriate amendments to be made in order to facilitate the lifting of the restriction contained in clause 3.2 of the original section 106 agreement dated 1 August 2006 in respect of planning application MA/05/2350 and any other necessary subsequent amendments, to be completed by way of a Deed of Variation in accordance with section 106A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990”