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Item 15                             Land at Barty Farm, Roundwell, Bearsted, Kent


A request is made to withdraw this item from the committee agenda for the following reasons:

•        due to the last minute representation received from KCC Highways  


Notwithstanding the above, additional letters of representation have been received reaffirming objections to the planning application and questioning why the Listed Building application for the wall at Barty Farm is not also on the agenda.  Concern has also been expressed that the Council website has not been able this week for objectors to view.


Officers comment

The Listed Building application is not on the agenda for consideration as its acceptability will rest on the outcome of the balancing of issues on the outline planning application.  The history section of the report makes it clear that previously Listed Building Consent and planning permission were refused for the works to the wall - this was in the absence of any material considerations which outweighed the impact of the works on the Grade 2 Listed Building.   As it stands the Council has delegated Authority to approve or refuse the current Listed Building and it therefore was not deemed necessary to report this to planning committee.     Notwithstanding this, the question of whether the application will be reported should the outline application be withdrawn from this evening’s agenda will be revisited.

At the present time the officer recommendation remains unchanged, with the additional condition proposed:

Details of a scheme to provide sources of renewable energy including solar power shall be submitted to the LPA with the application for approval of reserved matters and the approved details shall be implemented before the development is first occupied.


And amended conditions as follows;

21. The development shall not commence until details of vehicle parking and cycle storage have been submitted and approved in writing. The approved details of parking shall thereafter be kept available for such use. No development, whether permitted by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 as amended (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order, with or without modification ) or not, shall be carried out on the areas indicated or in such a position as to preclude vehicular access to them.