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Schedule of policies and amendments to be carried forward to the Regulation 19 Local Plan

Site reference

Site name & address


Introduction to the public consultation

Introduction and general comments

Introduction and general comments

No change. Introduction to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan


Amendments relating to landscape and landscapes of local value


The Countryside

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendments:

1)      Amend Para 2.13 to read: “Open countryside to the immediate south of the AONB forms a large extent of the setting for this designation.

2)      Amend Para 2.17 to read: “Preservation Conservation and enhancement of this area is also part of the Council’s statutory duty and is covered under the guideline set out in national policy (National Planning Policy Framework and National Planning Practice Guidance).

3)      Amend Criterion 5 to read: “The distinctive character of the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and its setting, the setting of the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the extent and openness of the Metropolitan Green Belt will be rigorously protected conserved, maintained and enhanced where appropriate”

4)      Amend Criterion 1,i,a to read: “The reuse or extension of existing buildings except in isolated locations;”

5)      Amend Criterion 8 to read: “Natural and historic assets, including characteristic landscape features, wildlife and water resources, will be protected from damage with any unavoidable impacts mitigated.”

6)      Amend Policy DM1 to read: “Proposals for development on previously developed land (brownfield land) in Maidstone urban area, Rural Service Centres and Larger Villages that makes effective and efficient use of land and which meet the following criteria will be permitted:

1 – The site is not of a high environmental value; and

2 – If the proposal is for the residential development, the density of new housing proposals reflects the character and appearance of individual localities and is consistent with Policy H2 unless there are justifiable planning reasons for lower density development. 

Exceptionally, the residential redevelopment of brownfield sites which meet the above criteria and which are in close proximity to Maidstone urban area, a Rural Service Centres or Larger Village will be permitted provided the redevelopment will also result in a significant environmental improvement and the site is, or will be made, demonstrably accessible by sustainable modes to Maidstone urban area, a Rural Service Centre or Larger Village.

7)      Amend Para 2.2 to read: “….The countryside has intrinsic value character and beauty that should be conserved and protected for its own sake.”

Proposed new housing site allocations


Bridge Industrial Centre, Wharf Road, Tovil

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



Dunning Hall (off Fremlin Walk), Week Street, Maidstone

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



18-21 Foster Street, Maidstone

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



Slencrest House, 3 Tonbridge Road, Maidstone

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



The Russell Hotel, Boxley Road, Maidstone

Policy not to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan for the following reason:

1)      It was granted planning permission before the housing supply base date of 1st April 2015


Land at 180-188 Union Street, Maidstone

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendments:

1)      Amend criterion 5 to read: “The development proposals are designed to take account the results of a detailed arbocultural survey, tree constraints plans and tree retention/protection plans. Existing prominent trees should be retained as part of the development scheme where they have an appropriate safe useful life expectancy. Otherwise they should be removed and their loss mitigated with appropriate semi-mature feature trees”

2)      Delete criterion 3



Tovil Working Men’s Club, Tovil Hill, Tovil

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



Bearsted Station Goods Yard, Bearsted

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendments:


1)      Amend criterion 7 with the addition of the following to the end of the sentence: “….and Bearsted Conservation Area”.


Land at Boughton Lane, Loose and Boughton Monchelsea

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



Land at Boughton Mount, Boughton Lane, Boughton Monchelsea

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



Land south of The Parsonage, Goudhurst Road, Marden

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



Land to the north of Henhurst Farm, Staplehurst

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



Land at junction of Church Street and Heath Raod, Boughton Monchelsea

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan


Lyewood Farm, Green Lane, Boughton Monchelsea

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan


Land adjacent to The Windmill PH, Eyhorne Street, Hollingbourne

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan


Brandy’s Bay, South Lane, Sutton Valence

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendments:

1)      Amend criterion 3 to read: “The layout shall provide for a centrally positioned access road off South Lane with landscaping to the site boundaries and an avenue of trees along the new access road.”

2)      Amend criterion 4 to read: “The scheme shall provide for a footpath link from the site’s entrance on South Lane to PROW KH505 at an appropriate access point on the southern site boundary to improve pedestrian connectivity with the existing settlement, the adjacent bus stops in Headcorn Road, and to the countryside to the east beyond.”



Wren’s Cross, Upper Stone Street, Maidstone

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



Land north of Heath Road, (Older’s Field), Coxheath

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan


Hubbards Lane, Boughton Monchelsea

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendment:

1)      Delete criterion 1 and 3

2)      Replace with a new criterion to read: “Development proposals should seek to retain as much of the existing hedgerows on the western boundary as possible, to help retain the existing natural character of the site.”



Bentletts Yard, Laddingford

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendments:

1)      Amend criterion 7 to read: “Retention, enhancement and reinforcement of existing trees and hedgerows…………………”

Housing site allocations proposed for deletion


Haynes, Ashford Road, Maidstone

No change. Deletion to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



Tongs Meadow, West Street, Harrietsham

No change. Deletion to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan


Ham Lane, Lenham

No change. Deletion to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan


Heath Road, Boughton Monchelsea

No change. Deletion to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan

Housing site allocation proposed for amendment


South of Sutton Road, Maidstone

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendments:

1)      Delete Criterion 18 and amend Criterion 6 to read: ”A new PROW with a cycle route will be provided running east-west from Sutton Road to Brishing Road connecting with the planned route through the adjacent site at Langley Park Farm”.

2)      Amend criterion 15 to read: “The provision of appropriate contributions as proven necessary towards the long-term maintenance and improvement of the flood mitigation reservoir at Brishing Lane will be sought for the improvement of flood mitigation impacting this site.”


3)      Additional criterion to read: “The development will provide for a primary school within the developable area of the site, the details of which shall be agreed with the local education authority. ”


Proposed new employment site allocation


Woodcut Farm, Ashford Road, Bearsted

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendments:

1)      Amend criterion 4 to read: “An area of 9ha to the north and north west of Woodcut Farm is secured as an undeveloped landscape area in the form of open woodland including the addition of a landscape buffer of at least 30m along the eastern boundary. Future management of this area will be secured by means of legal agreement and maintained in perpetuity. “

2)      Amend paragraph 6.10 to add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph: “This area should be managed and structured as open woodland with associated biodiversity benefits and the potential to establish woodland pasture in the future

3)      Additional paragraph after the first paragraph in the policy to read: “In the event of a demand arising, an element of hi-tec and/or research and development (B1(b)) would be appropriate as part of the overall mix of B class uses on the site.


4)      Amend the last sentence of criterion 7 to read: “This will include environmental enhancements of the wider landscape beyond the allocation boundaries through financial contributions using the mechanism of a s106 agreement.” 


5)      Amend paragraph 6.9 to read: “… including those subject to Tree Preservation Orders no. 19 of 2007 and no. 17 of 2007…”

Gypsy and Traveller site allocations


Kilnwood Farm, Old Ham Lane, Lenham

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



The Kays, Heath Road, Boughton Monchelsea

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendment:

1)      Amend the site address to refer to Linton, not Boughton Monchelsea


Greenacres (Plot 5), Church Hill, Boughton Monchelsea

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



Chart View, Chart Hill Road

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



Neverend Lodge, Pye Corner, Ulcombe

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendment:

1)      Addition of criterion: “A biodiversity enhancement strategy for the site is approved.


The Paddocks, George Street, Staplehurst

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



Bluebell Farm, George Street, Staplehurst

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



Land rear of Granada, Lenham Road, Headcorn

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



Land at Blossom Lodge, Stockett Lane, Coxheath

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendments:

1)      Amend criterion 2 to read: “Access to the site is via the exiting existing  access of Stockett Lane”

2)      Amend criterion 4 to read: “A landscaping scheme for the site is approved which provides for the retention and future maintenance of the hedgerows and tree planting along the site’s northern, southern, western and eastern boundaries and the native hedgerow bordering the public footpath which crosses the site. “


Proposed new open space allocations



Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendments:

1)      Amend Para 8.1 to read: “To support the appropriate delivery of development identified the key strategic locations identified for growth in the local plan, the council has identified suitable sites to secure the provision of strategic natural and semi-natural open space to meet and/or contribute towards the open space requirements in accordance with the standards set out in Policy DM11.”

2)      Amend OS1 to read: “Strategic open space allocations” and “The following sites, as shown on the policies map, are identified for the provision of publically accessible strategic natural and/or semi-natural open space to complement the growth identified in the key settlements local plan.”

3)      Amend OS1 heading to read: “Approx. ha and typology of strategic open space”

OS1 (1)

East of Hermitage Lane, Maidstone

Policy to be deleted with an amendment to Policy H1 (2) “Open Space”: Provision of 12.95ha of open space within the site comprising 6.62ha woodland/landscape buffers, 5.41ha amenity greenspace, 0.77ha of allotments (community orchard), 0.15ha of provision for children and young people and contributions towards outdoor sports facilities at Giddyhorn Lane. Development should maximise the use of the southern part of the site including Bluebell Wood and the “hospital field” for the provision of open space, making best use of existing features within the site.


Corresponding amendment to Policy H1 (2) “Community Infrastructure”: The use of the north western part of the site (land to the north of the restricted byway and south of the borough boundary) for the siting of community infrastructure is strongly encouraged.


Corresponding amendments to the numbering of subsequent OS1 policies:


OS1 (2) (1)

Oakapple Lane, Barming

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendment: “1.5ha of natural /semi natural open space.”


Corresponding amendment to Policy H1 (4) “Open Space”: Provision of open space in accordance with Policy OS1 (1) together with any additional on-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11.


OS1 (3) (2)

Langley Park, Sutton Road, Boughton Monchelsea

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendment: “5.00 7.65ha of informal open space (nature conservation area).”


Corresponding amendment to Policy H1 (5) “Open Space”: Provision of open space in accordance with Policy OS1 (2) together with provision of 1.93ha of amenity green space, 0.30ha of allotments, 0.21ha of provision for children and young people and contributions towards outdoor sports facilities within two miles of the site.


OS1 (4)

Bicknor Farm, Sutton Road, Otham

Policy to be deleted with an amendment to Policy H1 (9) “Open Space”: Provision of a minimum of 2.3ha of open space provision within the site together with contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11. Open space should be sited to maximise accessibility to new and existing residents.


Corresponding amendments to the numbering of subsequent OS1 policies:


OS1 (5) (3)

South of Sutton Road, Langley

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendment: 14.00ha of natural/semi-natural open space.


Corresponding amendment to Policy H1 (10) “Open Space”: Provision of open space in accordance with Policy OS1 (3) together with any additional on-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11.


OS1 (6) (4)

South of Ashford Road

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendment: 1.37ha of natural/semi-natural open space and 0.5ha of allotments.


Corresponding amendment to Policy H1 (26) “Open Space”: Provision of open space in accordance with Policy OS1 (4) together with contributions towards outdoor sports facilities and provision for children and young people at Glebe Fields.


OS1 (7) (5)

Church Road, Harrietsham

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendment: “1.22 0.91ha of natural/semi natural open space.


Corresponding amendment to Policy H1 (28) “Open Space”: Provision of open space in accordance with Policy OS1 (5) together with contributions towards outdoor sports facilities and equipped areas at Booth Field and Glebe Field. Additional on-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11.


OS1 (8) (6)

Tongs Meadow, West Street, Harrietsham

Policy to be deleted and replaced by: Kent Police HQ, Maidstone: 1.6ha of outdoor sports provision (3 – 5 sports pitches)


Corresponding amendment to Policy H1 (21) “Open Space”: Provision of open space in accordance with Policy OS1 (6) together with contributions towards improvements to Mangravet Recreation Ground, Queen Elizabeth Square play area, sports facilities at Parkwood Recreation Ground or Mote Park Adventure Zone. 


OS1 (9) (7)

The Parsonage, Goudhurst Road, Marden

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendment: “3.20 2.16ha of natural/semi natural open space.


Corresponding amendment to Policy H1 (34) “Open Space”: Provision of open space in accordance with Policy OS1 (7) together with a minimum of 0.85ha of allotments/amenity green space/provision for children and young people and contributions towards Marden Playfield Fields.


OS1 (10) (8)

Hen & Duckhurst Farm, Staplehurst

Policy to be deleted with an amendment to Policy H1 (36) “Open Space”: Provision of a minimum of 4.66ha of formal/semi-natural/allotment open space provision within the site together with contributions towards Lime Trees Playing Fields.


OS1 (8) to be replaced by: Heathfield, Coxheath: 0.5ha of amenity green space


Corresponding amendment to Policy H1 (44) “Open Space”: Provision of open space in accordance with Policy OS1 (9) together with contributions towards improvements to facilities at Stockett Lane.


OS1 (11) (9)

Fishers Farm, Fishers Road, Staplehurst

Policy to be deleted with an amendment to Policy H1 (37) “Open Space”: Provision of a minimum of 4.47ha of natural/semi natural open space provision within the site together with contributions towards off-site provision/improvements required in accordance with Policy DM11. Should the site be sub-divided through the development management process proportionate provision/contributions will be required. Open space should be sited to maximise accessibility to new and existing residents.


OS1 (9) to be replaced by: Cross Keys, Bearstead: 2.4ha of natural/semi natural open space


Corresponding amendment to Policy H1 (61) “Open Space”: Provision of open space in accordance with Policy OS1 (10).


OS1 (12) (10)

North of Henhurst Farm, Staplehurst

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendment: “5.78ha 1.22 of natural/semi natural open space.


Corresponding amendment to Policy H1 (68) “Open Space”: Provision of open space in accordance with Policy OS1 (10) together with additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11. Open space should be sited to maximise accessibility to new and existing residents.



OS1 (13) (11)

Ulcombe Road and Mill Bank, Headcorn

Policy to be deleted with an amendment to Policy H1 (39) “Open Space”: Provision of a minimum of 1.50ha of natural/semi-natural open space within the site together with contributions towards Hoggs Bridge Green Play Area. Open space should be sited to maximise accessibility to new and existing residents.


OS1 (11) to be replaced by: Land at Lenham Road, Headcorn: Provision of 0.1ha of amenity green space


Corresponding amendment to Policy H1 (65) “Open Space”: Provision of open space in accordance with Policy OS1 (11) together with contributions towards open space and equipped play area and outdoor sports facilities at Hoggs Bridge.


OS1 (14) (12)

South of Grigg Lane, Headcorn

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendment: “2.40ha 1.18 of natural/semi natural open space.


Corresponding amendment to Policy H1 (41) “Open Space”: Provision of open space in accordance with Policy OS1 (12) together with additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11.



OS1 (15) (13)

North of Heath Road, (Older’s Field)

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendment: “2.34ha 1.12 of natural /semi natural open space.”


Corresponding amendment to Policy H1 (75) “Open Space”: Provision of open space in accordance with Policy OS1 (13) together with additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11. Open space should be sited to maximise accessibility to new and existing residents and should provide for connectivity to existing open spaces.


OS1 (16) (14)

Former Syngenta Works, Hampstead Lane, Yalding

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendment: “26.20ha 4.4ha of natural /semi natural open space.”


Corresponding amendment to Policy RMX1 (5) “Open Space”: Provision of open space in accordance with Policy OS1 (14) together with additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11. Open space should be sited to maximise accessibility to new and existing residents.


OS1 (17) (15)

Boughton Lane, Loose and Boughton Monchelsea

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendment: “7.10ha 1.49ha of natural /semi natural open space.”


Corresponding amendment to Policy H1 (62) “Open Space”: Provision of open space in accordance with Policy OS1 (15) together with additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11. Open space should be sited to maximise accessibility to new and existing residents.


OS1 (18) (16)

Boughton Mount, Boughton Monchelsea

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendment: “2.80ha 0.15ha of natural /semi natural open space.”


Corresponding amendment to Policy H1 (63) “Open Space”: Provision of open space in accordance with Policy OS1 (16) together with additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11. Open space should be sited to maximise accessibility to new and existing residents.


OS1 (19) (17)

Lyewood Farm, Boughton Monchelsea

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendment: “2.00ha 0.15ha of natural /semi natural open space.”


Corresponding amendment to Policy H1 (71) “Open Space”: Provision of open space in accordance with Policy OS1 (17) together with additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11. Open space should be sited to maximise accessibility to new and existing residents.


In addition to the changes recommended above to Policy OS1 and H1, the following amendments are recommended for other H1 policies where it is possible to identify a minimum or approximate quantum of open space provision and/or contributions:

H1 (1)

Bridge Nursery, Maidstone

Amendment to Policy H1 (1) “Open Space”: Provision a minimum of 1.5ha of natural/semi natural open space together with contributions towards existing areas of open space, equipped play, outdoor sports facilities and allotments at Adisham Drive, Allington Open Space and Giddyhorn Lane.


H1 (3)

West of Hermitage Lane, Maidstone

Amendment to Policy H1 (3) “Open Space”: Provision of a minimum 25 plot allotment within the site together with contributions towards Oakwood Cemetery and sports facilities and equipped play areas at Barming Heath and Gatland Lane, and contributions towards open space within 1km of the site or to be offset against enhancement of Oakapple Lane. Additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11.


H1 (6)

North of Sutton Road, Otham

Amendment to Policy H1 (6) “Open Space”: Provision of an equipped play area within the site together with contributions towards improvements at Senacre Recreational Ground or Parkwood Recreational Ground or any other open space area within two mile radius of the development.


H1 (7)

North of Bicknor Wood, Otham

Amendment to Policy H1 (6) “Open Space”: Provision of around 3.99ha of open space within the site together with additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11.


H1 (8)

West of Church Road, Otham

Amendment to Policy H1 (6) “Open Space”: Provision of around 2.88ha of open space within the site together with additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11.


H1 (11)

Springfield, Maidstone

Amendment to Policy H1 (11) “Open Space”: Provision of around 4.8ha of open space within the site together with additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11.


H1 (17)

Barty Farm, Thurnham

Amendment to Policy H1 (17) “Open Space”: Provision of a minimum of 0.4ha of open space  within the site together with additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11.


H1 (19)

North Street, Barming



Amendment to Policy H1 (19) “Open Space”: Provision of around 0.77ha of open space within the site together with additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11.


H1 (20)

Postley Road, Tovil

Amendment to Policy H1 (20) “Open Space”: Provision of a play/amenity area within the site together with contributions towards improvements at the publically accessible areas of the Loose Valley Local Wildlife Site and additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11.


H1 (22)

Kent Police Training School, Maidstone

Amendment to Policy H1 (22) “Open Space”: Contributions towards improvements to Mangravet Recreation Ground, Queen Elizabeth Square play area, sports facilities at Parkwood Recreation Ground or Mote Park Adventure Zone and additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11.


H1 (24)

West of Eclipse, Maidstone

Amendment to Policy H1 (24) “Open Space”: Provision of around 0.15ha of open space within the site together with additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11.


H1 (32)

Howland Road, Marden

Amendment to Policy H1 (32) “Open Space”: Provision of around 0.83ha of open space within the site together with additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11.


H1 (33)

Stanley Farm, Marden

Amendment to Policy H1 (33) “Open Space”: Provision of around 1.6ha of open space within the site together with additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11.


H1 (35)

Marden Cricket and Hockey Club, Marden

Amendment to Policy H1 (35) “Open Space”: Provision of 0.497ha of amenity green space within the site together with contributions towards outdoor sports facilities, children’s and young people's equipped play areas and allotment and community gardens at Marden Playing Fields, Cockpits and Napoleon Drive.


H1 (38)

Old School Nursery, Headcorn

Amendment to Policy H1 (38) “Open Space”: Contributions towards provision for children and young people and outdoor sports facilities within a one mile radius of the development.


H1 (40)

Grigg Lane and Lenham Road, Headcorn

Amendment to Policy H1 (40) “Open Space”: Provision of a minimum of 0.09ha of natural/semi natural open space within the site together with contributions towards improvements to existing facilities within the vicinity of the site, including Hoggs Bridge Play Area and Playing Fields, Hoggs Bridge Green Allotments, Headcorn Recreation Ground and Grigg Lane Sports Ground.


H1 (43)

Linden Farm, Coxheath

Amendment to Policy H1 (43) “Open Space”: Provision of 0.6ha of outdoor sports facilities within the site


H1 (45)

Forstal Lane, Coxheath

Amendment to Policy H1 (45) “Open Space”: Provision of a minimum of 1.4ha of open space within the site together with additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11.


H1 (50)

West of Eyehorne Street, Hollingbourne

Amendment to Policy H1 (50) “Open Space”: Contributions towards improvements to existing play equipment and outdoor sports facilities at Hollingbourne Recreational Ground and Cardwell Play Area.


H1 (55)

The Russell Hotel, Boxley

Amendment to Policy H1 (55) “Open Space”: Contributions towards improvements to existing facilities within one mile of the development.


H1 (66)

Land south of The Parsonage, Marden

Amendment to Policy H1 (66) “Open Space”: Provision of a minimum of 0.57ha of open space within the site together with additional on/off-site provision and/or contributions towards off-site provision/improvements as required in accordance with Policy DM11.


H1 (73)

Brandy’s Bay, Sutton Valence

Amendment to Policy H1 (73) “Open Space”: Contributions towards enhanced play and open space facilities.

For a number of sites there remains some uncertainty whether open space can be delivered within the site. The following amendments are recommended for relevant H1 policies:

H1 (13);


Medway Street, Maidstone

Amendment to Policy H1 (13) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (14)

American Golf, Maidstone


Amendment to Policy H1 (14) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (15)

6 Tonbridge Road, Maidstone

Amendment to Policy H1 (15) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (16)

Laguna, Maidstone

Amendment to Policy H1 (14) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (18)

Whitmore Street, Maidstone

Amendment to Policy H1 (18) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (23)

New Line Learning, Loose

Amendment to Policy H1 (23) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (26)

Mayfield Nursery, Harrietsham

Amendment to Policy H1 (26) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (29)

Tanyard Farm, Lenham

Amendment to Policy H1 (26) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (30)

Glebe Gardens, Lenham

Amendment to Policy H1 (30) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (42)

Knaves Acre, Headcorn

Amendment to Policy H1 (42) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (46)

Vicarage Road, Yalding

Amendment to Policy H1 (46) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (47)

Hubbards Lane and Haste Hill Road, Boughton Monchelsea

Amendment to Policy H1 (47) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (49)

East of Eyehorne Street, Hollingbourne

Amendment to Policy H1 (49) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11

H1 (51)

Bridge Industrial Centre, Wharf Road, Tovil

Amendment to Policy H1 (51) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (52)

The Dunning Hall, Maidstone

Amendment to Policy H1 (52) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (53)

8-21 Foster Street, Maidstone

Amendment to Policy H1 (53) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (54)

Slencrest House, Tonbridge Road, Maidstone

Amendment to Policy H1 (54) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (56)

180-188 Union Street, Maidstone

Amendment to Policy H1 (56) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (58)

Tovil Working Men's Club, Tovil Hill, Maidstone

Amendment to Policy H1 (58) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (59)

Bearsted Station Goods Yard, Bearsted

Amendment to Policy H1 (59) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (70)

Land at Church Street/Heath Road, Boughton Monchelsea

Amendment to Policy H1 (70) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (72)

Land adjacent to The Windmill PH, Hollingbourne

Amendment to Policy H1 (72) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (74)

Wren’s Cross, Maidstone

Amendment to Policy H1 (74) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (76)

Hubbards Lane, Boughton Monchelsea

Amendment to Policy H1 (76) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

H1 (77)

Bentletts Yard, Laddingford

Amendment to Policy H1 (76) “Open Space”: Provision of open space as required in accordance with DM11.

Open space and recreation


Open space and recreation

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendments:

1)      Amend DM11 (3) to read: “Where it can be demonstrated that existing open space provision can either wholly or partially mitigate the impacts of development in accordance with the above standards, the Council may seek a reduced level of provision or financial contribution. Developers should take full account of open space requirements at an early stage of the development management process and are encouraged to engage with the council’s Parks and Open Space team to determine the most appropriate quantum, type and location of open space provision.

2)      Introduce a new policy criterion (4) (with subsequent amendments to the numbering of the existing criteria 4 – 7) to read: The council will operate the policy flexibly to secure the provision of the typologies of open space which are most needed in the relevant area, taking account of the above standards and the suitability of the site to accommodate the identified needs.

3)      Amend Para 9.4 to read: “…In such cases the council will seek to secure high quality, significant structural landscaping to compensate for the non-provision of open space and ensure a high quality environment is secured for future residents. Financial contributions will be used towards the provision, improvement, maintenance and/or refurbishment of open space within the appropriate accessibility standard(s). Priorities for the improvement to existing spaces will be set out in the Action Plan to the Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy.

4)      Amend Para 9.5 to read: “The council will produce an Open Space Supplementary Planning Document to provide further detail to support the policy, including qualitative open space standards the technical detail on how the quantitative standards will be applied taking account of existing provision within the relevant accessibility standards. The SPD will include qualitative open space standards and will outline the priorities for improvements to existing provision.

5)      Amend Policy DM11 (1) (i) to reflect the definitions of open space typologies set out in the Quantitative Open Space Study 2014: Amenity Green Space (e.g. informal recreation spaces, recreation grounds, village greens, urban parks, formal gardens and playing fields); Provision for children and young people (e.g. Equipped play areas, ball courts, outdoor basketball hoop areas, skateboard parks, teenage shelters and “hangouts”); Publically accessible outdoor sports (e.g. outdoor sports pitches, tennis, bowls, athletics and other sports); Allotments and community gardens (e.g. Land used for the growing of own produce, including urban farms. Does not include private gardens); Natural/semi-natural areas of open space (e.g. woodlands, urban forestry, scrub, grasslands, wetlands, open and running water, banks to rivers, land and ponds; wastelands; closed cemeteries and graveyards.)


Nursing and care homes


Nursing and care homes

Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan with the following amendment:

1)      Amend Para 10.3 to read: “Nursing and care homes fall within the C2 use class (residential institutions).  The identified need for additional nursing and care home places will be addressed through the granting of planning consents. Planning applications for nursing and care homes in the identified settlements will be assessed using the following policy.  Such homes are places of work as well as residences and proposals for new build and redevelopment should be located within the borough’s identified main settlements which have the best levels of accessibility by public transport.   Proposals for the  conversion of rural buildings to nursing and care homes will be assessed using Policy DM32 whilst an extension to an existing care home located in the rural area will be considered under Policy DM37.  Commensurate on-site parking will be required for both staff and visitors.”


Park and Ride site allocations proposed for deletion

PKR1 (1)

Linton Crossroads

No change. Deletion to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan



Old Sittingbourne Road

No change. Deletion to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan


Park and Ride


Park and Ride

No change. Policy to be carried forward to Regulation 19 Local Plan