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Consultation Question:

Question 1.
The aims of the Low Emission Strategy are to (in no particular order):

        To achieve a higher standard of air quality across Maidstone.

        To embed an innovative approach to vehicle emission reduction through integrated policy development and implementation in Maidstone and across the region

        To improve the emissions of the vehicle fleet in Maidstone beyond the ‘business as usual’ projection, through the promotion and uptake of low and ultra low emission vehicles

        To reduce emissions through an integrated approach covering all appropriate municipal policy areas.


Under each aim, specific actions aimed at reducing emissions will be included. Do you agree with the proposed aims?

Consultation Responses:

2 people agree

1 person disagrees


Far too vague. The Strategy must prioritise action to bring air quality into line with EU / WHO limits. A clear timetable and targets are required. Monitoring to ensure immediate action against any exceedance should be central to Strategy.

Environmental Health Response:

The question specifically focuses on the aims of the Low Emission Strategy, and therefore it is not appropriate or necessary to include targets or a timetable at this early stage. Air quality monitoring is undertaken as part of the Council’s Local Air Quality Management responsibilities and does not form part of the Low Emission Strategy.


Consultation Question:

Question 2.
The draft Local Emission Strategy has identified several themes that we believe cover the relevant issues in this area. Do you agree with these themes?

Consultation Responses:

3 people agree with these themes

0 people disagree

Comments: Planting and vegetation are the only practical means of tackling traffic pollution in urban areas. A detailed planting strategy should be specifically headlined. Emergency measures such as car free days and closure of polluted areas to traffic may need a separate heading.

Environmental Health Response:

Planting and vegetation are demonstrably not the only practical means of tackling traffic pollution. Furthermore, the Low Emission Strategy is concerned with reducing vehicle and other emissions. Whilst vegetation may absorb certain types of pollution, it does not reduce emissions and therefore would not be included in a Low Emission Strategy.  Car free days and closure of areas to traffic would not really be practical as the impact on both the Town and surrounding areas would be too severe. Such measures would also be largely outside of the control of the Borough Council.


Consultation Question:

Question 3.
Do you have any other comments about emissions or our proposed aims and themes?

Consultation Responses:


1.    Much better empirical data on the health impacts and numbers of deaths attributable to pollution within the Borough are required. The impacts of climate change, urbanisation, loss of street trees and other vegetation, and population growth all require more attention.

2.    I think Maidstone needs to focus on renewable energy sources that release a minimum amount of emissions. This is really the only way forward. Also, to encourage alternative forms of transport like cycling, it is IMPERATIVE that Maidstone Borough Council create more cycle lanes or safe places for cyclists to go as currently it's extremely dangerous and puts many (myself included) off cycling. It needs to be safer.

Environmental Health Response:

Public Health is one of the themes of the Low Emission Strategy, however, at the specific actions to be undertaken under this theme have not been decided at this early stage.