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2 MARCH 2016


17 FEBRUARY 2016


STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-2020 (2016-17 REFRESH)


1.   Issue for Decision


1.1   The Council is asked to approve the refreshed Strategic Plan and Action Plan.


1.2   The Council’s Strategic Plan sets out the Council’s priorities for the next four years. This is supported by and aligned to the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


1.3   The Action Plan sets out projects to achieve our priorities with actions and milestones to be delivered in 2016-17.  Each Service Committee has considered the actions relevant to its terms of reference prior to submission of the whole Plan.


2.   Recommendation Made


2.1    That the Strategic Plan 2015-2020, 2016-17 Refresh and Action Plan, be approved.


3.   Reason for Recommendation


3.1        The Council’s Strategic Plan was agreed in March 2015 and set two priorities:


1.   Keeping Maidstone Borough an attractive place for all

2.   Securing a successful economy for Maidstone Borough


3.2        Underpinning the two priorities are eight action areas:


·        Providing a clean and safe environment

·        Encouraging good health and wellbeing

·        Respecting the character of our Borough

·        Ensuring there are good leisure and cultural attractions

·        Enhancing the appeal of the town centre for everyone

·        Securing improvement to the transport infrastructure of our Borough

·        Promoting a range of employment opportunities and skills required across the Borough

·        Planning for sufficient homes to meet our Borough’s needs


3.3   In September 2015 the Policy and Resources Committee agreed that the existing Strategic Plan would be refreshed to ensure that the actions align with changes to the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


3.3     The Council’s Wider Leadership Team met with Service Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen in December to consider which actions should be in the Plan. The Service Committees have all considered the actions that fall within their terms of reference prior to the full Action Plan being reported to Policy and Resources Committee.


3.4     It should be noted that whilst the Council’s resources have been diminished as a result of the provisional local government finance settlement the ambition and aspiration to deliver our priorities remains. The Medium Term Financial Strategy remains aligned to, and underpins, the delivery of the priorities.


3.5     The performance in relation to the Strategic Plan to date was reported to the Policy and Resources Committee in the quarter three performance report. The list of Key Performance Indicators that measure progress with the Plan is under review and updated indicators and targets will be reported to the Policy and Resources Committee before the end of this municipal year.


4.   Alternatives Considered and Why Not Recommended


4.1   The Policy and Resources Committee could have decided not to review the Strategic Plan Refresh and Action Plan for 2016-17.  If we do not update the Strategic Plan this will lead to out of date information being publicly available and make it difficult for officers to maintain the ‘golden thread’.  The Council also needs to be able to demonstrate how it is reacting to changes in the local and national context.


4.2   The Committee has already taken the decision to refresh the Plan and not to create a new Strategic Plan.




5.1   The Strategic Plan 2015-2020 (2016-17 Refresh) is attached as Appendix A.