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15.506552.22 Albert Street_urgent update

Item  22 , Page 116-127



Address: Land Rear of 22 Albert Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 2RN




Amended Plans were received on 20 May 2016 which alter the first floor windows and incorporate a change in material on the central recessed front wall whilst also creating a feature window in this location which rises to meet the eaves line.


Officer Comment

To reflect the changes set out above, Paragraph 2.4 of the main report should be revised as follows:

2.4     Windows are proposed at ground floor to the north (front) and east (side) of the building. At first floor one glimpse window is proposed to the south (rear) serving the bathroom, and one further glimpse window to the west (side) serving the landing. Three windows are proposed to the front (north) at first floor serving bedrooms 1 and 2 and the en-suite to bedroom 1.

The amendments were sought by Officers to add architectural style to the front elevation of the building and to re-locate one of the west (flank) facing windows to the north (front) elevation where there was an area of blank wall.

Conditions were already recommended to ensure the windows on the south and west elevations were obscure glazed and non-opening below 1.7m when measured internally, prior to occupation. Whilst the windows have been amended the conditions remain relevant.




My recommendation remains unchanged.