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WEST KENT HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD 5 JULY 2016                                            AGENDA ITEM 7

Kent and Medway Sustainability and Transformation Plan – Kent County Council position


The local footprint for the STP has been determined as Kent and Medway with a number of smaller planning units also agreed. These smaller footprints correspond to our local health economy profiles in East, West and North Kent (Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley) plus some of Swale, and Medway and part of Swale. Other footprints for specific purposes have also been established – “The A21/A229 Corridor” to consider the inter-relationships between the acute hospital trusts in Medway, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells, and the Conquest hospital in Hastings; an acute footprint around Darent Valley and South East London hospitals, and one for Learning Disability.

Glenn Douglas (CEO of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Hospital Trust) has been appointed as the Senior Responsible Officer for production of STP. A consultant, Michael Ridgwell, has been engaged to assist in the development and production of the STP. The STP must be submitted to NHS England by the end of June. The plan must demonstrate how “9 Must-do” priorities will be delivered, especially the achievement of financial sustainability within the system, and address the “3 gaps” (the health and wellbeing gap, the care and quality gap, and the funding and efficiency gap)   identified in the Five Year Forward View. High quality STPs will attract significant early release of additional funding.


Governance arrangements for the STP have been developed and include the formation of an STP Steering Group with representatives from NHS Commissioners and Providers, Public Health and Social Care from Kent and Medway and the Chairs of the Kent and Medway Health and Wellbeing Boards. More locally much of the work for the subsidiary footprints will be done by the North Kent Executive Programme Board, the East Kent Strategy Board and their equivalent in West Kent. Acute sustainability issues will also be addressed by the Kent and Medway Urgent Care review.  Once the initial plan has been submitted there may be changes to the governance arrangements for the implementation of the plans if this is deemed to be more appropriate once we enter the delivery phase of the programme.

Overall the STP will need to focus on key strategic questions such as the vision we have agreed for transformation in Kent and Medway; the new models of care we are developing to deliver the vision; how primary/community and social care will be integrated; how acute care in hospital will be delivered and how existing services will be reconfigured; delivery of prevention and promotion of self-care; delivering mental health services and parity of esteem; delivery of a financially sustainable system; and a robust model of governance and leadership going forward.

How Kent and Medway is ensuring key strategic enabler like workforce and information technology support delivery of the STP will form part of the document. The Local Workforce Action Board which will be established to steer this area will build on the work already undertaken by the HWB Workforce Task and Finish Group.

The STP Steering Group will link to the Kent and Medway Health and Wellbeing Boards. Glenn Douglas will present progress on the STP to the Kent Board at its meeting of the 25th May and there will subsequently be regular update reports.

Mark Lemon - Strategic Relationships Advisor 19/05/16