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Appendix B

APPENDIX B - Dog Waste Bin DRAFT Communications Plan




1 - To educate dog owners that bagged dog waste can be put into any litter bins across the borough

2 - To educate residents on why the council is removing the bins and allay any fears of an increase in dog fouling


Key Messages

Bag that poo, any rubbish bin will do

Dog poo is litter too


Objectives & Actions






To make sure that all dog owners are aware that bagged dog waste can be put into any litter bin

-Stickers and posters on bins and nearby street furniture.

-Short video to be featured on MBC social media channels including RK9

-40,000 Digital adverts to be featured on Kentonline website

-Sponsored editorial



-Dog owner merchandise for key events (poo bag & ball launcher) branded to include key messages

-Article for July/August Borough Update



Views of video, shares of video


Analytics to be provided by Kent Messenger


Hosted for 28 days and include 60,000 online advertisements, 10,000 digital alerts and social media campaign





60,000 homes receive Downs Mail


To promote the phased removal of dog waste bins across the borough

Press release to local media

Note coverage


To explain the reason for the removal of the dog waste bins

Key message on FAQs for online channels and in press release/internal communications

Note any coverage


Audience, Tactics and Timetable


Audience: Dog owners, councillors; MBC staff (both as general information, and for those who are dog owners), local press.





Audience targeted




Stickers & Posters on dog waste bins and litter bins, street furniture such as lamp posts

From 01/08/16

Dog owners

Comms team design, Enforcement to put up



Short animated video to be used on MBC social media channels, key events for RK9

From 08/08/16

Dog owners, residents

Comms team commission KM, Comms team responsible for social media & website upload



Digital advert with key messages to be featured on Kentonline

From 08/08/16

Dog owners, residents

Comms team commission KM



Sponsored editorial

From 08/08/16

Dog owners, residents

Comms team to assist with content, KM to produce



Dog owner merchandise

From 08/08/16

Dog owners

Comms to order merchandise



Borough Update article

To be printed end of July 2016


Comms to draft with enforcement team



Social media

From 08/08/16 immediately prior to the press release


Comms team



Press release

From 01/08/16 coincide with posters going up

Dog owners, residents

Comms team



FAQs for MBC website and social media

From 01/08/16 coincide with posters going up

Dog owners, residents

Comms team



Draft press release for media


Maidstone Borough Council is launching a campaign to educate dog owners about how to clean up after their pet as changes to bins are made across the borough.


Residents can now dispose of their dog poo in any litter bins in the borough, including those in parks but the message is – just make sure it’s bagged before it goes in!


The removal of dog poo bins will be phased across the next year with those that need maintenance or repair being replaced with litter bins if appropriate.


XXX from Maidstone Borough Council said: “We want to make it as easy as possible for dog owners to dispose of their pets poo. Any responsible dog owner will always ensure this is bagged up and put into the nearest bin. This won’t change but they can now put it into any litter bin as well. If there are dog owners who don’t clean up after their pet and are caught, they will be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice or could face going to court.”



Draft text for litter and dog bins


For the post where a dog bin has been removed:

For the litter bins


Unfortunately this dog bin has reached the end of its life and has been removed.

Bagged dog waste can be placed in the nearby litter bin and any of the 2500 litter bins across the borough.  It can even go in your refuse bin at home. 

Your cooperation will make our cleansing service more efficient.

Bag that poo, any rubbish bin will do


Bagged dog waste can be placed in any of the 2500 litter bins across the borough and can even be placed in your refuse bin at home. 

Please ensure the bag is tied tight and place it in the bin as normal. 

Collecting dog waste this way makes our cleansing service more efficient.  Your cooperation is appreciated.

Bag that poo, any rubbish bin will do

Potential graphics and key messages to be used for campaign