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Proposed Outline Work Plan on Air Quality & Low Emission Strategy


1.   Introduction

The proposed plan is not definitive and at the discretion of the working group.  However it is suggested that there would be a series of meetings, organised to cover the following topics.  Officer will work with the Chairman of the Working Group to arrange the meetings and provide feedback to the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee in a timely manner.

2.   The Preliminaries

2.1.              To agree terms of reference for the working group.  Following agreement on who will sit on the working group, the group will need to agree an outline of the future timetable for its work.

2.2.              Organisation of the working group meetings to consider air quality and proposed themes of the Low Emission Strategy including consideration of organising a theme per meetings for the significant themes such as planning, transportation.  Minor themes, such as procurement and carbon management, could be combined for a single meeting.

2.3.              Under each theme there would be a need to establish the current work and achievements to improve air quality and carbon emissions and develop new actions which would be incorporated into the Low Emission Strategy.  The working group may wish to consider the most appropriate officers or experts to invite to meetings for each theme.


3.   Transport theme

3.1.              This will be the most important of the themes.  It is envisaged that discussions around existing work, both at MBC and KCC, and consideration of ideas for new actions.

3.2.              Relevant ongoing work for discussion could include, Local Transport Plan 4 (currently out for consultation), Kent Environment Strategy (KES), Walking and Cycling Strategy, Active Travel Strategy, Zip Car Schemes. 

3.3.              A review MBC’s own vehicle fleet and future needs could be considered under this theme or under procurement theme.

3.4.              Bus emissions standards and working with bus companies to access grant funding for fleet improvements.

3.5.              Consideration of relevant officers and specialists to be invited could include:-the Licensing Partnership Manager, KCC Public Transport Manager, Kent Environment and Sustainability Intelligence and Commissioning Manager (KCC), MBC Head of Waste and Street Scene, Representative from KCC Transport Planning.



4.   Public Health theme

4.1.              This is an important theme as with the transport theme, the working group may wish to consider ongoing relevant projects, with a view to developing new actions to be included in the Low Emission Strategy.

4.2.              There are a number of links between air quality and public health outcomes that currently have KCC strategic plans such as West Kent Obesity Action Plan (includes active travel measures), Kent Healthy Business Awards, the Walking and Cycling Strategy, Kent Active Travel Strategy.  There is also potential funding and links to explore through the Department for Transport Sustainable Travel access fund.

4.3.              Relevant Officers to be invited could include, KCC Director of Public Health, MBC Healthy Lifestyles Commissioning Officer, KCC Public Health Programme Manager, Workplace Health Officer.


5.   Planning theme

5.1.              Possible areas for discussion might be the Low Emissions Strategy in the context of the new Local Plan, and in particular, the new draft Supplementary Planning Document recently prepared by the Environmental Protection Team.

5.2.              Relevant Officers to be invited could include; MBS Head of Development Control, MBS Head of Planning Policy or their representatives.


6.   Carbon Management and Procurement themes

6.1.              Since the completion of the Carbon Management Plan the working group may wish to consider whether or not the Council should continue to pursue carbon management projects and whether a Low Emission Strategy is the most appropriate way to do this.

6.2.              The working group may wish to consider MBC’s current procurement strategy, and whether it can be updated in order to make a bigger contribution towards reducing emissions.

6.3.              Relevant Officers to be invited could include, Head of Procurement and the Head of Facilities Management