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West Kent Health Inequalities Action Plan Progress Report – December 2016 Agenda Item 7

2013/16 - April 2013 – March 2016




Tonbridge & Malling


Objective 1:

Give every child the best start in life

Local Priority:

Promote health in pregnancy and the new born and support parents so that they can raise emotionally and mentally healthy children.  Promote healthy weight for children & young people.



·         Increase breastfeeding prevalence 6-8 weeks & promotion of ‘smoke free’ homes.

·         Deliver Learn Eat & Play - LEAP family weight management programme in target schools

·         Improve housing conditions where the child’s home is not meeting the minimum standard.

·         Support mothers experiencing domestic abuse through a commissioned service (DAVSS)

·         Support families with issues of mental health.



·         Promotion of ‘Smoke Free’ homes in partnership with KFRS.

·         Worked with partners and breast Buddy Volunteer to raise awareness in the importance of breast feeding. 

·         Community/schools events regularly attended in priority area/schools/children’s centres.

·         Development of Learn, Eat & Play - LEAP family weight programme and increase in 1:1 delivered in schools for more complex families from more deprived areas.  Referrals through Early Help/School nurses with increase in families referred under Social Services

·         Attendance at quarterly child healthy weight meetings to work with School nurses and child health teams & partners to support healthy weight in children (6 target schools) and children identified through the National Child Measurement Programmes

·         Housing team working with health team to support families living in poor housing conditions.

·         TMBC Health Team & Community Safety Partnership has commissioned DAVSS (Domestic Abuse Volunteer Support Service) and Choices to provide support for victims of domestic abuse. DAVSS provide support for our standard/medium risk victims and Choices provide support for high risk victims.

·         Deliver Mental Health programmes in schools and a mental health programme in the community for parents.


Community events

10 community events per annum attended supporting good health and wellbeing for families (including smokefree homes, family nutrition and breastfeeding awareness)


Family Weight Management

Over 3 years

20 LEAP programmes delivered

150 families over 3 years.

196 Children engaged 3 years

6 school events attended per annum including community chef and nutrition and physical activity sessions



·         6 LEAP programmes delivered

·         Seven 1:1 sessions were completed

·         35 families with 45 children engaged

·         29 families with 38 children completed

·         35 families engaged from target schools

·         17 children engaged with the programme above the 95th Centiles.

·         17 children reduced or maintained their BMI score

·         16 completers (over 91st Centile) reported an improvement in their diet

·         16 completers (above 91st Centile) reported an improvement in their physical activity levels.

·         20 children improved their waist measurement




New ‘Health’ & ‘Housing’ newsletter created to promote healthy living to families

New Health Improvement GP referral form created to include housing and finance


Domestic Abuse

Two training events held

118 victims Supported through DAVSS (April 2015 to date)

116Referrals to Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) (April 2015 to date)


Mental Health

SchoolsSAFE (Suicide Awareness for Everyone) Delivered in 6 schools(2013/15) and Mental Health In School project delivered in 4 schools (2014/15)

Parents -

4 Jasmine Programmes delivered per annum (11 over 3 years) – low level mental health issues



·         854 places booked on Summer Playscheme with 270 Leisure Pass bookings. 590 places booked on Holiday activities with 113 Leisure pass bookings. 143 spaces taken for Y2Crew activities 54 Leisure pass rates

·         Approximately 700 Excel members (11-18 year olds) and approximately 350 Kickstart members (0-10 years old)

·         Young leaders in cricket courses undertaken covering Tonbridge and Malling areas with presentation at Lords Cricket ground, attracted 10 young cricketers aged 14 to 16 years, skills gained in leadership, first aid, officiating, groundsmanship.

Objective 2: Enable all children, young people and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives

Local Priority:

Reduce risk taking behaviours in young people and support people to live safe, independent and fulfilled lives.




Young People (YP)

·         Tackle harmful effects of alcohol

·         Denormalise attitudes to alcohol and halt uptake of smoking in YP

·         Empower YP to have a voice on health related issues

·         Support children with special educational needs and/or physical disabilities to lead a healthier life


Older People

·         Support older people to lead healthy lives.

·         Support the joined up delivery of effective falls prevention work

·         Improve housing conditions where the home is not meeting the minimum standard for housing.

·         Support the Tonbridge and Malling Seniors Forum in their role in highlighting issues of health to older people in Tonbridge & Malling


·         The CSP commissions the Kenward Trust to provide outreach work for young people who may be at risk of drug and/or alcohol misuse

·         Identified areas where children/young people (YP) drink & introduce initiatives to reduce risk (Kenward Trust)

·         Smoking advice given to YP through schools/colleges initiatives.

·         Snodland Community Alcohol Programme (CAP) has been running since 2012 and brought together a wide range of local agencies to tackle the issues of both youth and adult alcohol consumption and related anti-social behaviour.

·         Leaflets around proxy purchasing (adults buying alcohol for underage young people) distributed to warn them that they risk a fine if they do this.

·         An article around the CAP appeared in the Holmesdale School newsletter & Kenward Trust have been engaging with young people in the area, attending the Snodland Carnival and the Christmas in Snodland event.

·         Delivered a range of diversionary activities through the Y2 Crew scheme to support vulnerable young people make healthy choices.

·         Tonbridge and Malling Youth Forum supporting young people to get involved with and have a say on the services provided and required within their communities.

·         Discovery day event to support children with special educational needs and/or physical disabilities to lead healthy lives

·         Tonbridge and Malling Youth Forum had 5 meetings in 2016.

·         70 children aged 8 to 14 years with wide range of learning difficulties attended Discovery Day (dedicated event with organised sport/ craft and activity session)



Older People

·         Housing - overcrowding identified and advice/solutions to remove  hazards as assessed

·         TMBC housing team to work with housing provider on Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) work to fund adaptations for their tenants and in partnership with CCG/KCC to ensure funding is spent appropriately and in a joined up way.

·         All properties going through the rent deposit scheme Inspected

·         Health & Housing Newsletter created and sent out quarterly & attendance at strategic health meetings.

·         Households assisted with Falls prevention assistance

·         Work with Seniors Forum to raise health issues for older people


Young People


Over 6 areas per annum identified where YP drink & Kenward Trust set up initiatives to support YP


April to September 2016

-        Malling School – talk to Year 10 (60 pupils)

-       Group of 11 who came to Kenward. 

-       Outreach work in East and West Malling – interacting with a group of 15 young people off and on in the two areas

-       Tonbridge Lock – engaged with over 60 young people and adults spoken to about safety and other substance related issues.

-       Snodland -  a small group of 9 males aged 15 to 19.

-       Snodland youth club run by the church they delivered some education to a group mainly younger members of the community aged 11 to 13.

-       Tonbridge Race Park and high street the number averaged in groups of 5 to 40+ mainly at the school footfall time. 

-       Tonbridge grammar school -  Year 10 alcohol talk to 70 young people     Attended ‘Safety in Action’ event and engaged with 630 primary school pupils.


9 secondary school events attended promoting stop smoking and healthy living over 3 years.


Empower YP

5 Youth Forum meetings held per annum

There were 143 spaces taken for Y2Crew activities over the summer holidays as well as drop in sessions.

70 children aged 8 to 14 years with wide range of learning difficulties attended Discovery Day (dedicated event with organised sport/ craft and activity session)


Older People


Seniors Forum

Attendance at two of Tracey Crouch MP Older Peoples Health Fair

Attendance at 3 Senior Forum events and 4 healthy lifestyle/nutrition presentations given to forum.

Supporting older people onto weight management programmes through more accessible venues and offering appropriate physical activity sessions such as ‘chair based exercise’ shorter ‘health walks’


Objective 3: Create fair employment & good work for all

Local Priority:

Support Businesses to have healthy workplaces and increase employment for disadvantaged people and education for young people.


·         Work with businesses through the KHBA & reduce smoking around routine manual workers

·         Increase employment opportunities

·         Promote apprenticeships for YP


·         Businesses signed up to KHBA and working towards awards

·         Implement employment policies and adopt Local Development Framework

·         Through the West Kent Partnership and Careers and Enterprise Company it is agreed TMBC will contribute to an enterprise network advisor next financial year covering West Kent schools (tbc in January 2017).




Since April 1015,  21 TMBC have worked with 21 Businesses with 17 signed up to working towards the award


Employment opportunities

New Employment Land Review

Promotion of Better Business For All BBFA, Estates Excellence and KHBA to businesses

West Kent Jobs and Training Fairs in partnership with JobCentre Plus (1 delivered per annum)

Annual West Kent SkillsFest event in partnership with Education Business Partnership Kent.


Young People

3 apprentices appointed per annum (9)


Objective 4: Ensure healthy standards of living for all

Local Priority:

Support financial capacity and inclusion and support families in poverty


·         Enable people to access affordable credit

·         Check affordability of all tenancies helped through Rent Deposit Scheme

·         Improve Housing Conditions where not meeting minimum standard

·         Promote Energy efficiency to increase warmth & reduce fuel poverty

·         Promote Leisure Pass Scheme


·         Increased awareness of credit Unit

·         Citizens advice funded to provide advice on debt/benefit advice

·         All new tenancies supported via rent deposit Scheme to ensure rent is affordable

·         All referrals for housing conditions visited within 10 days

·         Energy Company Obligation – Affordable Warmth Programme and Rural Homes initiative



·         Leisure Pass promoted through all communication channels

Objective 5: Create & develop healthy sustainable places & communities

Local Priority:

Reduce Homelessness and fuel poverty and develop healthy /Safe Communities



·         Support people in the borough to prevent homelessness

·         Provide free access to outdoor Leisure facilities & develop greenspaces

·         Improve air quality & noise pollution

·         Reduce impact of poor housing

·         Promote Community Safety Unit/Kent police initiatives

·         Advice and financial assistance to fund affordable warmth



·         enhance housing options service, work with private sector housing

·         Warm Home Assistance

·         West Kent Joint Homelessness strategy


Outdoor Leisure

Maintain & improve quantity, quality, & accessibility to greenspace




·         Open Space Strategy developed

·         100% councils outdoor playgrounds and open spaces including Hayesden and Leybourne Lakes Country Parks provided free

·         Over 10 events held at our country parks

·         Play area enhancement at Haysden Country Park

·         Educational interpretation enhancement at Leybourne Lakes Country Park

·         Play sculptures at LLCP

·         Park runs at LLCP and at TRS

·         Junior park run being investigated

Objective 6: Strengthen the role and impact of ill health prevention

Local Priority:

Reduce the gap in health inequalities across the social gradient, including access to screening, mental health services & partnership / community work



·         Ensure health improvement services are targeted appropriately

·         NHS Health Checks in workplaces& community settings

·         Deliver Tier 2 Adult weight management programme in community settings & Health walks

·         Deliver Brief advice on alcohol 

·         Deliver ‘Jasmine’ in communities, training for frontline staff and promotion 6 ways to wellbeing.

·         Continue with ‘virtual healthy living model’ and partnership work through strategic meetings

·         Appropriate training/competence/quality of staff.


Weight Management Programme delivered in priority areas and demographic/equality data collected,

·         Trench Baptist Church,

·         East Malling Centre,

·         Snodland Community Centre

·         Wateringbury GP practice,

·         Borough Green GP Practice,

·         MIND Tonbridge Centre (mental health group & Nepalese group),

·         Larkfield and Angel Leisure Centre.


NHS Health Checks delivered in libraries, workplaces and community events emphasis on routine manual workers and key priority areas; Snodland, East Malling, Trench.  All eligible weight management clients offered check.



Health Checks

579 Health Checks (3 years)

187 (3 years) Wellbeing Checks (health check without cholesterol testing)

Over 30 Businesses engaged with Healthy Business Award and offered health checks


Adult Weight management

Over 3 years;

70 Group programmes

23 1:1s

700 engagers



27 Counterweight programmes run

Eight 1:1 sessions were completed

278 people engaged

217 people completed the programme

101 engagers (completers) achieved 3% weight loss at 12 weeks

200 completers lost some weight during the programme

43 completers achieved 5%+ weight loss at 12 weeks

Average weight loss for the programme was 3.3% over 12 weeks.

150 engagers reported a higher wellbeing score

132 engagers reported an improvement in their diet

161 engagers reported an improvement in their physical activity levels.


Alcohol Brief advice1300 over 3 years (Target of 250 per annum) – through weight management, community events, Health checks.


Brief Advice on Smoking 1300 people asked whether they smoke, 60 of identified smokers referred.


Health Walks

5 new health walks set up in areas of deprivation and 2 GP practices.

Walk length changed to shorter walks aimed at getting inactive people active.

Total of 680 walkers registered on database


Mental Health

3 Jasmine programmes delivered annually (9 over 3 years) a total of 125 signed up 80 engaged. Complemented with nutrition & weight advice & health walks. 

2 World Mental Health Day events organised with MIND Charity.


Partnership work

Developed Health Action Team meeting to include reps from CCG

36  community partnership events attended over 3 years.



1 UK Public Health Registered staff, 3 Public Health Champions, 4 MECC trained online, Mental health awareness, Suicide prevention training, Brief advice on alcohol & smoking, Safeguarding, Dementia Friendly Training.