Contact your Parish Council

Item 16, Page 40                                                               51 London Road, Maidstone, Kent                 




Reference number: 16/505127


Further objection letters have been received from neighbour residents and Helen Grant MP.  The points of objection are summarised as follows:


·         Overdevelopment of the site.

·         Design is not in keeping with neighbouring Victorian properties.

·         The materials do not include brickwork which is a predominant feature in the area.

·         Two storey houses would be more appropriate on the site.

·         Safety of the vehicle access.

·         Traffic generation / intensification.

·         Location of the refuse storage / access on London Road is dangerous and will cause congestion.

·         Insufficient on-site parking for the number of flats proposed.

·         Parking congestion within the surrounding road network.

·         Instability relating to the foundations and proposed soakaway.

·         Insufficient public / neighbour consultation.

·         Loss of privacy.


The points of objection have been addressed in the committee report.  Clarification on some of the points is also provided below.


A large part of the front elevation includes facing brickwork and the colour and type of brick can be secured by condition.


KCC Drainage provided a consultation response on 4 October 2016 recommending three drainage conditions to ensure drainage is appropriately dealt with at the site.  Conditions 14, 15 and 16 of the committee report are relevant.


The stability and the construction of the foundations and basement are a matter for building regulations.  


KCC Highways have not raised an objection to the vehicle access on highways safety grounds.  Refuse collection would occur from London Road which is consistent with other refuse collections along London Road.  KCC Highways do not object to the refuse collection proposed. Plans have been submitted which demonstrate that a medium sized delivery vehicle can turn within the site.


Para 3.2 of the committee report to be amended: The proposed footprint has been reduced by approx. 120mē compared to the refused scheme.


Para 7.9 of the committee report to be amended: 30% affordable housing is proposed in accordance with the councils emerging policy. 


Additional condition to be included:

Prior to the commencement of any works above damp proof course level details of a maintenance programme for maintaining the external appearance of the new building shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The programme shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the subsequently approved details.

Reason; To maintain and preserve the character and appearance of the buildings in the interests of the visual amenities and character of the area



Recommendation remains unchanged.