Contact your Parish Council

Item 17. Pages 25-34                                                             Bethany, Boxley Road, Waldersade

Reference number: 16/502179


One further representation has been received, being from Boxley Parish Council, on 22.02.17.

“Boxley Parish Council objected to item 17 on the agenda 16/502179 Bethany but the Planning Officer’s report recommends that permission is granted.

“Whilst members object to the frontage their main concern was the rear extension which has now been withdrawn and the unauthorised development of a garage which is now subject to a retrospective planning application.

“BPC having now considered the planning officer’s comments would now like to amend its response to concerns about the impact on the street scene.

“The parish council apologies for any inconvenience caused.”

The impact of the proposal on the streetscene has been fully addressed within the main report.