Contact your Parish Council

Item 15,  Pages 68-84


Ref: 16/506505/FULL




Mote Park Recreation Ground

Mote Park



ME15 8NQ





Amended plans


Amended plans have been received which remove reference to skate park and play area, together with enclosing fencing.  These annotations were removed to ensure that only matters currently under consideration are shown on the plans.


The amended plans also show the height of the proposed climbing wall reduced from 10m to 9m.


Condition 2 is proposed to be amended to refer to the amended plans as set out below.


Additional representation


Comments have been received from Cllr Harwood, these in summary raise the following points :


-Concerns regarding the formalising of Car Park A (the current overflow car park), this is due to the formalising, surfacing and extent of the car park, suggesting a reduction in the extent of the car park area.

Officer’s comments

The applicant has been asked for further justification for Car Park A and in this respect sets out the following :

‘The area to be formalised reflects the current usage during peak periods and will provide protection to the root zones of the principle trees within this area. The grassland areas and other mitigation to improve biodiversity gain are set out in the mitigation strategy.’

The parking in this area is currently unregulated and there are areas which show signs of severe encroachment into the root protection area (RPA) of the surrounding trees and signs of surface erosion..  The proposed works to formalise this parking area will ensure that parking would not encroach into the RPA  (with a proposed low level barrier proposed to secure the protection, details of which required by condition 6).

The proposed surfacing, which would be limited to the access routes, would be permeable and would seek to safeguard the area.  The proposals would be likely to be a visual improvement compared to the current arrangement which has areas of bare earth for desire lines and access routes, an impermeable surfaced pathway and unregulated parking provision.

The overflow car park is currently used in peak times and is charged for in the same way as the main car park, the likelihood is that the area’s use would not be dissimilar from current usage but there would be better management of the area. 

-Would like to see the incorporation of the retention of cordwood from felled trees into the ecology condition or a new condition.

Officer’s comments

The use of cordwood has been incorporated into Condition 17 as set out below.  The applicant is happy with this approach and has advised that this could be sited away from popular areas, due to previous problems with cordwood being thrown into the stream/lake.

-Concerns regarding the proposed grassland cutting regime set out in the Ecology Mitigation proposal.  He has suggested that the grass should be cut annually, solely in November, rather than the twice yearly cutting set out in the mitigation proposal. 

Officer’s comments

Condition 16 could be amended as set out below to ensure that the mitigation details do not include the twice annual cutting of the grassland.  However feedback is awaited from the applicant regarding the justification for the twice annual cutting and a further update will follow in the unseen updates whether it is considered that the condition should be amended as set out below.

(16) No development shall take place (including any ground works, site or vegetation clearance) until a method statement for ecological mitigation (including provision for bats, reptiles, nesting birds, hedgehogs, and common toads) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The content of the method statement shall include the:

a) Purpose and objectives for the proposed works:

b) Detailed design(s) and/or working method(s) necessary to achieve stated objectives;

c) Extent and location of proposed works, including the identification of a suitable receptor site, shown on appropriate scale maps and plans;

d) Timetable for implementation, demonstrating that works are aligned with the proposed phasing of construction;

e) Persons responsible for implementing the works, including times during construction when specialist ecologists need to be present on site to undertake / oversee works;

f) Use of protective fences, exclusion barriers and warning signs

g) Initial aftercare and long-term maintenance (where relevant);


Notwithstanding the details outlined in the submitted Mote Park Ecology mitigation proposal this mitigation strategy shall not include twice annually mowing of the grassland, which should be cut once annually in November.  The details shall also not include the cutting back of nettles.


Reason : To protect and enhance the ecology and biodiversity on the site in the


 -No justification and reasoning for the cutting back of the nettles set out in the mitigation proposals document.

Officer’s comments

Condition 16 as set out above could be amended to take into consideration not cutting back the nettles and the applicant is happy to accept this, subject to confirmation from their ecological advisor.  A further update will follow in the unseen urgent updates.

-Cllr Harwood would like to see some cultural mitigation, possibly through some public art celebrating those who have played in the part of the parks history. 


Officer’s comments

The use of public art has been suggested to be incorporated into the proposed fencing (as set out in the informative (3) as set out in the committee report), however this could be expanded upon and introduced into a separate condition requiring public art.

Verbal comments from the Conservation Officer since the publication of the Committee report have raised the fencing around the proposed Adventure Zone in itself as his main concern. He would appreciate the use public art incorporated into the fencing.

It is considered that requesting public art as part of the proposal would meet the condition tests and would support the aims of the proposed development and the sustainability aims.  As such a suggested condition is set out below.  This does not limit the art to be part of the fencing, but an amended informative sets out that this option should be explored.

Recommendation remains unchanged subject to the following amendments/additional conditions:


(2) The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: 553-01 Rev A (Site Location Plan); 553-MP-101 Rev J (General Arrangement); 553-MP-102 Rev M (General Site Arrangement); 553-H-353 (Proposed Kiosk/Storage); 553-H-301 Rev F (Car Park A Layout); 553-H-302 Rev F (Car Park B Layout); 553-H-351 Rev H (Section Elevations A-A, B-B); 553-H-354 Rev A  (Section Elevation C-C, D-D); 553-H-355 Rev A (Section Elevation E-E, F-F); 3701_DR-002 rev B (1 of 7) (Tree Protection Plan 1/7) 3701_DR-002 rev B (2 of 7) (Tree Protection Plan 2/7); 3701_DR-002 rev B (2 of 7) (Tree Protection Plan 2/7); 3701_DR-002 rev B; (3 of 7) (Tree Protection Plan 3/7); 3701_DR-002 rev B (4 of 7) (Tree Protection Plan 4/7); 3701_DR-002 rev B (5 of 7) (Tree Protection Plan 5/7); 3701_DR-002 rev B (5 of 7) (Tree Protection Plan 5/7); 3701_DR_001 Rev B (Tree Survey Drawing Sheet 1 of 7); 3701_DR-003 (Tree Survey Drawing Sheet 2 of 7); 3701_DR-004 (Tree Survey Drawing Sheet 3 of 7); 3701_DR-005 (Tree Survey Drawing Sheet 4 of 7); 3701_DR-006 (Tree Survey Drawing Sheet 5 of 7);

3701_DR-007 (Tree Survey Drawing Sheet 6 of 7); 3701_DR-008 (Tree Survey Drawing Sheet 7 of 7)


Reason: To clarify which plans have been approved.

(4)        The climbing wall hereby permitted shall not exceed the footprint as shown on

drawing number Drawing No. 553-MP-101 Rev J and the height shall not exceed a maximum height of 9m


Reason : In the interest of visual amenity and in accordance with the details submitted


 (17)     Prior to commencement of development hereby approved, details of how the development will enhance the quality and quantity of biodiversity has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Development shall be carried out in accordance with those approved details and thereafter retained.  These details shall include the retention of cordwood from the felled trees which should be bound into piles and located within a quiet, partially shaded position within the park.


Reason : To protect and enhance the ecology and biodiversity on the site in the future.


(19)      Prior to the commencement of development a Public Art Delivery Plan including, but not limited to, selection of the artist(s), the final proposal, the detailed design of the proposals at 1:5 in plan, section, elevation, and samples of the materials to be used shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for written approval. The public art shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to the first use of the facility and maintained for the lifetime of the development or as otherwise approved by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the park


Amended informative


(3)  In relation to Condition 6 and 19 which requires details of fencing and public art it is suggested that the applicant explores methods of introducing public art into the fencing around the Adventure Zone to improve the visual appearance of the fencing, aid in its assimilation within the wider park and to create a sense of place. The fencing around the perimeter of Car Park A should be knee rail timber fencing or similar.