Contact your Parish Council

Item 17, Pg. 92


Ref: 16/508659



Land south of Redwall Lane



Update to the report in relation to the following sections;


Local representations P96


  • The council have received 4 further representations since the report which raise the following matters;


-       There is insufficient time to respond to the committee report

-       The decision should be adjourned until the inspectors report is issued in respect of the Local Plan

-       Previous objector wants assurances that councillors have reviewed information on website and objections stand

-       One respondent strongly objects on highway and congestion grounds and supplies photograph on Hunton Lane of two HGV struggling to pass

-       One respondent raises objections on the grounds of countryside impact, highways and congestion and that it is the wrong location for this scale of development.


·         Linton Parish Council submitted a detailed report and an appraisal of the report including objections on principle, landscape, highways amongst other matters and it is understood this has been circulated to members.


Officer Comment


These points have already been raised and considered in the main report



8.0 Recommendation p116


Delete first and second bullet points and replace with;


·         Measures to accelerate the implementation of a scheme to improve the capacity of Linton Crossroads including the transfer of land in the south western ‘quadrant’ of Linton Crossroads to the County Council as Local Highways Authority in order to secure land for a left turn lane and, secondly, a financial contribution to secure relocation and construction of a bus stop on the western arm of the Heath Road (delegation to be given to the Head of Planning and Development  to secure the detail and level of the contributions)