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Air Quality Working Group

Terms of Reference


Following the Low Emissions Strategy Workshop on 18 July 2016, members expressed an in interest in exploring the themes raised in more detail and how they could be applied to Maidstone through the adoption of a strategy that considered realistic and achievable actions to improve air quality. 

The themes to be covered by the Working Group are cross cutting.  Primary responsibility has been allocated by Council to the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee with membership from the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee.


What the Working Group will do

·        Explore relevant themes to improve air quality: Public Health, Transport, Procurement, Carbon Management and Planning.

·        Inform the action plan for the proposed Low Emissions Strategy and influence the actions associated with the statutory Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP). 


The emerging Low Emissions Strategy will also form the statutory AQAP.  The work should provide clear guidance to officers on the priorities for Maidstone and a clear direction of travel for the work.


How the Working group will do this


The Working Group will meet with key officers and/or experts to consider key themes to:


·         Establish the current work and achievements to improve air quality and carbon emissions.

·         Develop new actions which will be incorporated into the Low Emission Strategy.


Time frame


In line with the proposed adoption of the Low Emission Strategy at the end of the 2016/17 Municipal Year.