Contact your Parish Council

Item 21, Pages: 140-147                     14 Kings Road and 4 and 37 Forge Meadows

Reference: 17/503909/FULL

Since the completion of the report one further representation has been received from the applicant.


“Briefing Note to Planning Committee Members

For MBC Planning Committee Meeting 30th November 2017

In reference to

17/503909/FULL - Demolition of existing garage block and construction of two new homes and double garage. Alteration of north kerb line to Forge Meadows and the creation of new driveways to nos. 4 and 37 Forge Meadows.


Given the current time pressures for the planning committee, the nature of the above planning application and the recommendation of the Case Officer we have considered that the Committee would benefit from us not speaking in support of the application.


Country House Homes Ltd supports the Planning Officer’s recommendation to the Committee and trusts that the details included within the Officer’s report will fully inform members of the proposal and its adherence to both Local and National Planning Policies.”



Recommendation remains unchanged