Contact your Parish Council


Item 17, Page 92





Address: Rumwood Green Farm, Langley




LANGLEY PARISH COUNCIL, commenting on additional information, states:

“We understand that an alternative site has been considered and for technical reasons the mast needs to be located in Langley.  It still remains uncertain why the mast cannot be located amongst the trees where it would be less visually obtrusive, however, given the diligence taken in pursuing the Parish Council's queries we withdraw our request for this application to be reported to the Planning Committee but still wish to see the application refused in line with our letter dated 5th November 2009.”

ONE LOCAL HOUSEHOLD, commenting on additional information, reiterates their previously expressed objections to the scheme. The mast, etc. would be intrusive in the countryside and harmful to the amenities of the dwelling to the south east of the proposed site. The development would be much more intrusive than the existing slender pole mast. The proposed bottle green colour would exacerbate the visual problems. Alternatives should be explored, for example, a series of smaller masts.

ONE LOCAL RESIDENT WHO IS ALSO THE PARTNER IN A LOCAL BUSINESS (who had not previously commented) objects to the development on the basis that it is a purely commercial venture that would not generate local jobs. Large scale development has already been allowed and this would further harm the countryside.      

OFFICER COMMENT: the issues raised above are dealt with in the report. However, I wish to add a condition to my recommendation to ensure that the existing mast is removed.


‘The existing T Mobile pole mast, located approx. 30m to the south west of the proposed position of the new mast, shall be removed from the land within 3 months of the first use of the development hereby approved;

Reason: In order to avoid an unnecessary proliferation of telecommunications masts in the countryside and in the interests of visual amenity. This in accordance with Policy ENV28 of the Maidstone Borough-Wide Local Plan 2000.’