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28 FEBRUARY 2018
Issue for Decision
On 10 January 2018 the
Democracy Committee reconsidered four Outside Bodies which culminated in providing
a final list to be recommended to Council following a series of meetings to
discuss the outside bodies review.
Recommendation Made
That the
following Outside Bodies be retained and appointed by the relevant Service
Committee as listed:
Action with Communities in Rural Kent – CHE Committee
Age UK – CHE Committee
Bentlif Wing Trust – HCL Committee
Brenchley Charity Trust – HCL Committee
Citizens Advice Bureau – CHE Committee
Collis Millennium Green Trust – HCL Committee
Cutbush and Corrall – CHE Committee
KCC Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee – CHE Committee (Chairman automatically appointed)
Kent and Medway Civilian-Military Partnership Board – P&R Committee (Chairman automatically appointed)
Kent Community Railway Partnership –
SPS&T Committee
Kent Downs AONB Joint Advisory Committee – SPS&T Committee
Local Government Association General Assembly – P&R Committee to appoint
non-Voting Member (Leader automatically appointed as voting Member)
Maidstone Area Arts Partnership – HCL Committee
Maidstone Beauvais Twinning Association – HCL Committee
Maidstone Cycling Forum – SPS&T Committee
Maidstone Mediation – CHE Committee
Maidstone Quality Bus Partnership –
SPS&T Committee
Maidstone Sea Cadets – HCL Committee
Medway Valley Line Steering Group –
SPS&T Committee
One Maidstone – P&R Committee
Relate West and Mid Kent – CHE Committee
Rochester Bridge Trust – SPS&T Committee
South East Employers – Employment Committee
South East Rail Passenger Group – SPS&T Committee
Upper Medway Internal Drainage Group – P&R Committee
Vinters Valley Park Trust – CHE Committee
2. That the following Outside
Bodies be retained and appointed by the
Democracy Committee:
Allington Millennium Green Trust – Allington Ward Member
Headcorn Aerodrome Consultative Committee – Headcorn Ward Member
Howard de Walden Centre – East and North Ward Members
Hayle Park Nature Reserve – South Ward Member
Maidstone Street Pastors – High Street Ward Member
Relief in Need Charity
and Medway Crime Panel – Leader automatic appointment
Kent and Medway Economic Partnership – Leader automatic appointment
Kent Health and Wellbeing Board – Leader automatic appointment
3. That the following Outside Bodies be deleted:
KCC Youth and Community Charity
KCC Youth and Community Management Committee
Kent County Playing Fields Association
Maidstone Mind
Maidstone YMCA
Mid Kent Downs Steering Group
4. That each outside body
representative reports to the appointing Committee at least on an annual basis
providing an update.
5. That the Monitoring Officer
be delegated to make the necessary changes to the Constitution.
Reasons for Recommendation
Democracy Committee had formed a Working Group to carry out an in-depth review
of all the outside bodies and in doing so made their recommendations to the
Committee at its meeting on 6 September 2017.
The Committee considered each of the outside bodies against the following
- Is
this an appointment to a strategic body and/or is there a statutory
- Does
the Council provide funding to this body – is it of a significant level,
is a member appointment essential to oversee the funding?
- Is there a legal requirement for a council appointment if a charitable trust?
The Democracy Committee considered the Outside Bodies for retention and deletion at its meetings of 6 September 2017, 15 November 2017 and 10 January 2018.
Appendix A contains the original recommendations from the Outside Bodies Working Group to provide members with information on the Outside Bodies recommended for deletion and retention. It is important to note that these recommendations were not all accepted by the Committee and the recommendations outlined above are those that were recommended to Council.
Alternatives Considered and Why Not Recommended
The Council could choose to amend the Outside Bodies for retention or deletion. However the Democracy Committee has considered this topic on several occasions and their recommendation has been made following detailed deliberations by members of the Committee.
Background Documents
Appendix A - Outside Bodies - Proposals of Outside Bodies Working Group 24 July 2017