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Item 1, Page 25

Item 13, Page 14




Land North Of Old Ashford Road, Lenham, Kent

Change to Recommendation 2


Contrary to paragraph 7.02 of the main report, the provision of off-site monies towards open space would be funded through a section 106 agreement as this is specific mitigation required to make the development acceptable in planning terms, and it is a policy requirement under DM19 to provide a financial contribution in lieu of open space, where it cannot be provided in full, on or off site. The remaining infrastructure would be funded by CIL in this case.


Therefore, in the event that the legal agreement is not completed and decision notice issued by 1st October, the second recommendation should be as follows:




In the event that the decision notice is not issued prior to 1st October 2018, subject to the prior completion of a legal agreement to provide for the Heads of Terms set out below and subject to the conditions as set out below, the Head of Planning and Development BE DELEGATED POWERS TO GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION, and to be able to settle or amend any necessary Heads of Terms and planning conditions in line with the matters set out in the recommendation and as resolved by the Planning Committee.


Heads of Terms:


1.   40% affordable housing (60/40 split in favour of affordable rent/shared ownership)


2.   £164,100 to deliver improvements to the children’s play facilities, sports pitch & infrastructure at Ham Lane & William Pitt Field.  





The CPRE Kent has made the following (summarised) points:


·      Housing numbers not in line with the Local Plan.

·      Vista is not good enough and lacks open drainage channels/swales.

·      Insufficient landscaping.

·      Lack of a noise survey.

·      Condition must cover flood risk and run off.

·      Open space is not in line with policy DM19.

·      Lack of playground.

·      Cycle paths should be provided.


Officer Comment


These issues have been considered in the main report and/or do not change the recommendation.






A petition has been received with 132 signatures asking the committee to take into account resident’s concerns that the access should be from the A20 and not from the Old Ashford Road.


Officer Comment


This has already been raised and considered at paragraph 6.16 of the main report.






Recommendation 2 is amended as set out above.