Contact your Parish Council

Item 1, Page 25

Item 13, Page 10




Land North Of Old Ashford Road, Lenham, Kent

Lenham Neighbourhood Plan (NHP)


The Lenham NHP was published on 24th September for public consultation and is a material consideration as outlined in the committee report. It has a policy which relates to this site and whilst the NHP has taken a further step forward it is not considered to attract sufficient weight to affect the recommendation.


KCC Education Letter


A letter has been received from the KCC Education department raising concerns that should Committee resolve to grant permission they do not consider the decision will be issued before 1st October (when CIL starts) and so section 106 monies to primary education would not be secured, and CIL would be paid. KCC consider that CIL may not cover the education costs or be secured.


Officer Comment


Whilst quoting this application, the letter essentially raises wider issues relating to CIL and its governance, and should not have any bearing on the decision made by Members on this application.


Notwithstanding this, if Members decided to approve permission then the decision will be issued on 28th September as the s106 is signed and ready to be completed by legal services.






My recommendations are unchanged