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Cabinet Member Report for Maidstone Town Centre Policy Directions for the Core Strategy enc. 6




Maidstone Town Centre : Policy Directions for Environmental Quality & Transport



Policy Directions for Environmental quality


          Policy direction 1: In accommodating new development, ensure the conservation and enhancement of the town centre’s historic fabric and public realm



          Policy direction 2: future development on land adjoining the River Medway and River Len should make a positive contribution to their setting, accessibility, biodiversity and amenity value.



          Policy direction 3: change in the town centre should maximise the opportunities to enhance existing green spaces, and access to them, and to further ‘green’ the town centre and its streets including by the creation of new spaces, to form a network and through adaptations for climate change.



Policy Direction for Transport


Policy direction 4: In accommodating new development, increase accessibility to and within the town centre by sustainable modes of transport.