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Cabinet Member Report for Maidstone Town Centre Policy Directions for the Core Strategy enc. 3



LDDAG suggested changes to the Town centre boundary


LDDAG suggestion




W1 – London Road/Tonbridge Rd

W2 – area to the south of Tonbridge Rd.

The LDDAG report gave the following assessment of this area:

“The Tonbridge Road/London Road ‘triangle’ currently has a mix of uses with specialist retail, offices and housing. However the topography of the area and its more limited physical and visual relationship with the river and the uses beyond, on balance, suggest that this is not a location for the intensification of the main town centre uses.  Indeed there may be an opportunity to create a ‘new neighbourhood’ here focusing on the provision of more family housing within reasonable reach of the heart of the town.”


The proposed future emphasis on residential development makes this area more appropriately located outside the Town Centre boundary. This change could be appropriately referenced in the Core Strategy Maidstone Urban Area section and/or this area could be considered as a gateway area for inclusion in the AAP.


That the proposed town centre boundary is not amended to include area W1 or W2.

S1 – area between Brunswick St and Foster St

S2 – area between George St and Brunswick St

S3 – area south of George St

The LDDAG report gave the following assessment of this area:


“The Upper Stone Street marks a change in character and intensity of use and forms a main route away from the centre and as such has been excluded from the boundary. However this may be a location for focused regeneration and environmental enhancement activity in the future.“


There is a significant change in scale and character with development comprising primarily two storey smaller residential uses and single storey commercial sheds. This area could perform a supporting role for the town centre as a regenerated neighbourhood area.  This change could be appropriately referenced in the Maidstone Urban Area policy, ensuring consistency and compatibility with emerging proposals for the parts of Upper Stone St within the proposed town centre boundary. This area could be considered as a gateway area for inclusion in the AAP.


That the proposed town centre boundary is not amended to include areas S1, S2 and S3.

S4 – College Av, College Rd, Hayle Rd


College Avenue, Hayle Road and the eastern side of College Road are predominately residential areas. A number of the properties on the western side of College Road are used as offices by professional services including doctors, accountants and legal offices.  However the premises are generally detached Victorian and Edwardian villas set in larger plots which has a more suburban rather than town centre character.  For these reasons it is recommended that this extensive area be excluded from the town centre boundary.


That the proposed town centre boundary is not amended to include area S4.

E1 – area north of King St and south of Union St

The eastern end of Union St, Wyatt St, and Tufton St are primarily residential areas.  This is not a primary town centre use so the exclusion of this area from the town centre boundary is appropriate. There is some office accommodation on the southern side of Marsham Street interspersed with residential properties. As these properties  fall within Holy Trinity Conservation Area , the intention is to protect or enhance the existing character and only minor change is expected in this area in the longer term. For these reasons, it is recommended that this area be excluded from the town centre boundary.


That the proposed town centre boundary is not amended to include area E1.

E2 – Albion Place


This location is an established office area which is an identified town centre use. The linear block of buildings on both sides of the street are of an urban form and scale appropriate to the town centre.   Whilst  options for substantive change in Albion Place are likely to be limited because of diverse land ownerships, on balance, the area’s current use, form and scale make it suited to the town centre and it is proposed that the boundary be amended to include this area.


That the town centre boundary be amended to include Albion Place shown as area E2 on the plan in Appendix 3.  

That the ‘urban enterprise’ quarter be extended to include this part of the town centre.

E3 – Haynes Site, Ashford Rd

The LDDAG report included the following assessment of this area;

“The area to the east of Albion Place has also been excluded as the density of development lessens as does the visual and physical connectivity with the core of the town centre albeit that there may be development opportunities in this locality over the timeframe of the Core Strategy.”


The site is nonetheless a prominent site at one of the key entrance points into the town centre.  The site is bordered by office uses to the west and south. With improvements to the connections to the core of the town, including to the bus station, its redevelopment for town centre uses could bring substantial townscape improvements to a key part of the town.


On balance, and in particular because of the opportunity the site could afford over the timeframe of the Core Strategy,  it is proposed that this site should be included in the town centre boundary.  The offices in the centre of the A28/A249 roundabout are also a town centre use and it is recommended that they also be included as part of this amendment.


That the town centre boundary be amended to include the Haynes site shown as area E3 on the plan in Appendix 3.

That the ‘urban enterprise’ quarter be extended to include this part of the town centre.

E4 – Sittingbourne Rd car park

This site is not in a defined ‘town centre’ use and is not physically and visually well connected to  the  core of the town centre.


That the proposed town centre boundary is not amended to include area E4.

E5 – area bounded by County Rd and Wheeler St

The eastern end of Brewer St, along with Woollett St, Camden St and the premises fronting Wheeler St are predominantly residential areas.  The domestic scale of development also marks a break in character from the town centre. For these reasons,  the exclusion of this area from the town centre boundary is appropriate.


That the proposed town centre boundary is not amended to include area E5.

E6 – area bounded by Holland Rd and Sittingbourne Rd.

This area is primarily residential of domestic scale and, as for other such areas, its exclusion form the town centre boundary is considered appropriate. 


That the proposed town centre boundary is not amended to include area E6.





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