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Maidstone Borough Infrastructure Delivery Plan
What is the Infrastructure Delivery Plan?
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) identifies the borough’s infrastructure requirements considered necessary to support the development proposed in the Maidstone Borough Local Plan (MBLP) and outlines how and when these will be delivered. The IDP therefore plays a key role in demonstrating that planned growth can be accommodated in a sustainable manner, through the timely and coordinated delivery of critical and strategic infrastructure. It is a vital tool in helping to deliver the priorities identified in the Council’s Strategic Plan 2019-2045. Whilst it contributes to the delivery of all four priorities, it is particularly relevant to ‘embracing growth and enabling infrastructure’.
The IDP will also be used by the Council’s CIL Steering Group in prioritising
and determining bids for Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) income.
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires local planning authorities, through their strategic planning policies, to make sufficient provision for infrastructure including: transport, telecommunications, security, waste management, water supply, wastewater, flood risk, minerals and energy (including heat); community facilities such as health, education and cultural infrastructure; and green infrastructure.
In identifying infrastructure requirements, the Council works alongside infrastructure providers to assess the quality and capacity of all infrastructure, and its ability to meet forecast demands. The Council will also take account of the need for strategic infrastructure, including any nationally significant infrastructure, within the area.
Infrastructure requirements in the IDP reflect the growth and site allocations in the MBLP, adopted in 2017. Over time, strategic infrastructure contained in any ‘made’ Neighbourhood Plans may also be added to the IDP. The Council is now in the early stages of undertaking a Local Plan Review, with an anticipated adoption date of 2022. As the Local Plan Review progresses towards the final stages, the IDP will begin to incorporate infrastructure requirements based on the future Local Plan.
How has the Infrastructure Delivery Plan been produced?
The original IDP was produced in consultation with internal stakeholders including officers in Economic Development & Regeneration, Environmental Health, Parks and Leisure. Consultation also took place with Kent County Council regarding provision of education, highways, waste, adult and youth services, libraries and community learning; as well as other external stakeholders including utility providers, Valley Invicta Academy Trust, Network Rail, Arriva, Highways England, Sport England, the NHS, the CGG, Environment Agency, South East Coast Ambulance Service, Kent Police and Kent Fire & Rescue.
In updating the IDP for 2019/20, all infrastructure providers with projects listed in the IDP were contacted in order to provide progress updates on their schemes and to submit new schemes for consideration of inclusion into this updated IDP. Other key infrastructure providers known to be operating in the borough but without schemes in the 2016 IDP were also contacted and given the opportunity to submit new schemes for consideration of inclusion into this updated IDP.
What does the Infrastructure Delivery Plan contain?
The IDP groups infrastructure schemes by broad location and into eight broad infrastructure types as follows:
Schedule A: Highways and transportation
Schedule B: Education
Schedule C: Health
Schedule D: Social and community infrastructure
Schedule E: Public services
Schedule F: Utilities
Schedule G: Green and blue infrastructure
Schedule H: Flood prevention and mitigation
For each infrastructure type and broad location, the IDP sets out the borough’s requirements, where and when it is required, why it is needed and an update on the delivery of the infrastructure to date. It also sets out what key progress is expected over the next year. Each infrastructure type is accompanied by an Infrastructure Delivery Schedule table which provides further detail on who will be delivering the required infrastructure, funding sources and estimated total costs, as well as prioritising the projects and identifying the risk associated with the delivery of each project.
Where new schemes are included within the 2019 IDP, they are at the end of the relevant table and are shaded grey.
How are infrastructure projects prioritised?
The projects contained in the IDP are prioritised as follows:
Critical: infrastructure that must be provided to enable physical development to occur. Failure to provide these pieces of infrastructure could result in significant delays in the delivery of development.
Essential: infrastructure in this category is unlikely to prevent physical development in the short term, however failure to invest in it could result in delays in development in the medium to long term.
Desirable: infrastructure that is required to deliver the overall spatial strategy objectives but is unlikely to prevent development in the short or medium term. Whilst not designated as critical or essential, the importance of this infrastructure to the delivery of sustainable development should not be underestimated.
How are infrastructure delivery risks categorised?
Each project listed in the IDP is also categorised in terms of its risk of delivery. For clarity, this is not a classification of risk to the overall delivery of the Local Plan, only a risk associated with the delivery of each specific infrastructure project or scheme. Each risk category is as follows:
High: Fundamental constraints attached to the delivery of the scheme e.g. no clear funding, no site identified, land assembly issues.
Moderate: Some constraints or uncertainty attached to the delivery of the scheme.
Low: Strong certainty of scheme delivery e.g. costs identified, funding in place, political and community support.
Implementation and Review of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) is reviewed and updated on at least an annual basis to support the sustainable delivery of Maidstone Borough Local Plan (MBLP).
The comprehensive infrastructure package set out in the 2016 IDP was based on a detailed evidence base that accompanied the MBLP. Whilst additional schemes may come forward for inclusion into future revisions of the IDP, perhaps because of changing organisational structures or priorities, or as a result of unanticipated demographic changes; these are not expected to be essential or critical infrastructure items.
identified in the IDP will be kept under review as new planning permissions are
granted; as developer contributions are secured and subsequently paid towards
infrastructure delivery; and as strategic CIL funds are allocated to
infrastructure schemes. The monitoring of schemes will also indicate where
progression is not in line with anticipated delivery timescales and should help
identify if non-delivery of infrastructure threatens to become a constraint to
Maidstone Town Centre
· Maidstone Bus Station improvements
· Bus lane provision
· Cycle parking improvements
· Public realm improvements and enhancements
· Improved pedestrian linkages, accessibility and legibility
· Provision of new and improvement of existing towpath
· New footbridge provision
· Maidstone East Rail Station improvements and provision of commuter car parking
Predominantly short to medium term
The ITS seeks to ensure that pedestrian access becomes the primary mode of movement within the town centre, recognising that improvements to the pedestrian environment and public realm can help achieve this. Evidence prepared to support MBLP policies on the town centre, including the Maidstone Town Centre Assessment (2013) and the Town Centre Study (2010) identify the positive impact these essential improvements for the town centre more generally.
Transport modal shift reduces traffic congestion within the town centre, and has cross-cutting health benefits in terms of improved air quality and increased physical activity.
Key supporting evidence
1) Local Plan policy DM24 Sustainable Transport
2) Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-2031
3) KCC Local Transport Plan
4) Maidstone Town Centre Assessment 2013
5) Town Centre Study 2010
6) Maidstone Economic Development Strategy 2015-2031
Next steps for 2019/20
Imminent completion of the public realm improvements to Gabriel’s Hill and Week Street (HTTC5 & HTTC8).
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
Public transport improvements Works to improve the functionality of the public transport network |
Improvements to the Maidstone Bus Station |
Policy DM24
ITS 2011-31
Town Centre Study 2010 |
Maidstone town Centre SP4 |
Arriva |
£2m |
MBC – Capital programme
Feasibility design work currently underway |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
Pedestrian environment Measures to improve accessibility and appearance |
Package of measures to improve the pedestrian environment and public realm along Week Street |
ITS 2011-31
Maidstone Economic Development Strategy 2015 - 2031
Maidstone Town Centre Assessment 2013
Town Centre Study 2010 |
Maidstone Town Centre SP4 |
Combined cost of HTTC5 & HTTC8 estimated at £3.1m |
MBC Capital Programme |
Underway and will be completed by May 2019 |
Short term |
Essential |
Low |
Pedestrian environment Measures to improve accessibility and appearance |
Package of measures to improve pedestrian linkages from the Town Centre to the riverside, including the pedestrianisation of Earl Street, from Pudding Lane to Week Street |
Policy DM24
ITS 2011-31
Maidstone Economic Development Strategy 2015 – 2031
Maidstone Town Centre Assessment 2013
Town Centre Study 2010 |
Maidstone Town Centre SP4 |
£972k |
Outline scheme and costings developed |
Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
Pedestrian environment and cycle provision Measures to improve accessibility and permeability |
Provision of a shared use pedestrian/ cycle footbridge linking St Peter’s Street and Earl Street |
Policy DM24
ITS 2011-31
Town Centre Study 2010
Maidstone Town Centre Assessment 2013 |
Maidstone Town Centre SP4 |
Unknown |
Study completed but further work required |
Long term |
Desirable |
High |
Pedestrian environment and public realm Measures to improve accessibility, safety and appearance |
Footpath improvements and improved public realm on Gabriel’s Hill |
Maidstone Economic Development Strategy 2015 - 2031
ITS 2011-31 |
Maidstone Town Centre SP4 |
Combined cost of HTTC5 & HTTC8 estimated at £3.1m |
MBC Capital Programme |
Underway and will be completed by May 2019. |
Short term |
Essential |
Low |
Pedestrian environment Measures to improve access and safety for pedestrians |
New section of riverside towpath and improvements to existing riverside towpath from Scotney Garden to Whatman Park. |
Policy DM24
ITS 2011-31
Town Centre Study 2010
Planning permissions: MA/13/0297 MA/02/0820 |
Maidstone Town Centre SP4 |
Unknown |
S106 |
Committed through planning permissions MA/02/0820 and MA/13/0297
Work to facilitate this tow path has been completed. |
Short term |
Essential |
Low |
HTTC11 |
Public transport and pedestrian environment Measures to improve accessibility and appearance |
Improvements to Maidstone East Rail Station forecourt and ticket office, together with improvements to the public realm at the northern end of Week Street. |
SELEP Business Case - Maidstone East Maidstone
Town Centre Assessment 2013
Town Centre Study 2010
SHEDLAA 2014 |
Maidstone Town Centre SP4 |
South Eastern Rail
Network Rail
£2.0m |
SELEP and Network Rail |
Funding secured and scheme expected to be completed by 2020 |
Short term |
Essential |
Low |
HTTC12 |
Pedestrian environment and public realm Measures to improve accessibility and appearance |
Improvements at Sessions House Square and Week Street to provide an enhanced public open space and public realm |
Maidstone Town Centre Assessment 2013
Town Centre Study 2010
SHEDLAA 2014 |
Maidstone Town Centre SP4
RMX1 (2) Maidstone East and Maidstone Sorting Office |
Unknown |
Future S106 |
Outline design developed |
Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
Public transport Measures to improve accessibility, safety and appearance |
Provision of a multi-storey commuter car park to serve Maidstone East Rail Station |
Policy DM24
RMX1(2) Maidstone East and Maidstone Sorting Office |
RMX1(2) Maidstone East and Maidstone Sorting Office |
South Eastern Rail
Network Rail
£9.0m |
Network Rail has confirmed that a minimum of 550 spaces will be required |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
Pedestrian environment and public realm Measures to improve accessibility, safety and appearance |
Package of measures to improve linkages, accessibility and the quality of the public realm on Rose Yard, Pudding Lane and Market Buildings. |
Maidstone Economic Development Strategy 2015 - 2031
ITS 2011-31
Town Centre Study 2010 |
Maidstone Town Centre SP4 |
£1.52m |
Initial costings estimate developed |
Medium term |
Desirable |
High |
HTTC14 |
Pedestrian environment Measures to improve town centre legibility |
Package of measures to introduce themed trails and quarters in the town centre to improve legibility |
Destination Management Plan 2015
Town Centre Study 2010 |
Maidstone Town Centre SP4 |
Unknown |
Partially complete. Further interpretation and wayfinding signage needed. |
Short/ Medium term |
Desirable |
Moderate |
HTTC15 |
Pedestrian environment and cycle provision |
Footpath and public realm improvements on King Street between the junction of Wyke Manor Road and site RMX1 (3) |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Town Centre Study 2010 |
Maidstone Town Centre SP4
RMX1 (3) King Street |
Unknown |
Future S106 |
Further work required to establish outline scheme |
Short term |
Essential |
Low |
HTTC16 |
Pedestrian environment Measures to improve accessibility and safety |
Provision of pedestrian crossing facilities on Upper Stone Street and Mote Road (slip road) |
KCC correspondence, 2019 |
Maidstone Town Centre SP4 |
Unknown |
Further design work needed to identify suitable scheme |
Short/ Medium term |
Desirable |
High |
Maidstone Urban Area – M20 Junction 7 Strategic Development Area
· Roundabout capacity improvements and signalisation
· New signal pedestrian crossing provision
· M2 Junction 5 capacity improvements
· Dualling of carriageway between Bearsted and New Cut roundabouts
· Bus priority measures and increased frequency of routes
Short to medium term
To support significant mixed use development adjacent to the M20 J7 (MBLP Policy RMX1 (1)), the ITS identifies the need for signalisation of the motorway junction and the widening of the coast bound off-slip. Capacity enhancements at the New Cut and Bearsted Roundabouts, and the dualling of the Bearsted Road between these roundabouts, are also essential to the delivery of this important development site. Of these schemes, all but the dualling have already been secured through the planning process, as key requirements of the section 106 planning obligation attached to the grant of outline planning permission (MA/13/1163) for the development of a medical campus on the substantive part of site RMX1 (1).
The dualling scheme is yet to be secured as planning permission for the redevelopment of the retail element of the site has not been granted. The transport evidence submitted in support of the refused planning application (MA/13/1931) supports the need for the scheme, and it is anticipated that the improvement will be secured as part of that development when it comes forward.
The improvement of bus services to connect RMX1 (1) with Maidstone Town Centre is another key objective of the ITS. Contributions towards the scheme have also been secured through planning permission MA/13/1163, and MBC will work closely with KCC and Arriva to ensure a suitable scheme is developed and delivered in a timely manner to support growth in this area of Maidstone.
Key supporting evidence
1) Local Plan policy DM24 Sustainable Transport
2) Local Plan policy RMX1(1) Newnham Park, Maidstone
3) Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-2031
Next steps for 2019/20
Commencement of scheme HTJ71.
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
HTJ71 |
Highway improvements Works to provide additional capacity |
Capacity improvements and signalisation of Bearstead roundabout and capacity improvements at New Cut roundabout. Provision of a new signal pedestrian crossing and the provision of a combined foot/cycle way between these two roundabouts. |
Policy DM24
ITS 2011-31
Planning permissions: 16/507292/OUT MA/13/1163 |
RMX1 (1) Newnham Park, Maidstone |
£11.399m |
DfT |
Construction due to commence Summer 2019 |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
HTJ72 |
Highway improvements Works to improve the functionality of the strategic road network |
Traffic signalisation of the M20 J7 roundabout, widening of the coast bound off-slip and creation of a new signal controlled pedestrian route through the junction. |
Policy DM24
Planning permissions: 16/507292/OUT MA/13/1163 |
RMX1 (1) Newnham Park, Maidstone
H1 (7) Land north of Bicknor Wood
H1 (8) West of Church Road
H1 (10) South of Sutton Road
Highways England
£4.667m |
S106 |
Committed scheme under MA/13/1163.
Detailed design completed.
Short / Medium term
Critical |
Low |
HTJ73 |
Highway improvements Works to improve the functionality of the strategic road network |
Capacity improvements at M2 J5 (located in Swale Borough) |
Policy DM24
Planning permissions: 16/507292/OUT MA/13/1163 |
RMX1 (1) Newnham Park, Maidstone
Highways England
S106 |
Scheduled start of works 2020 |
Short term
Critical |
Low |
HTJ74 |
Highway improvements Works to provide additional capacity |
Upgrading of Bearsted Road to a dual carriageway between Bearsted roundabout and New Cut roundabout. |
Policy DM24
ITS 2011-31
Planning application: MA/13/1931 |
RMX1 (1) Newnham Park |
£2.7-£3.3m |
S106 |
Included as part of HTJ71 |
Medium term |
Critical |
Low |
HTJ75 |
Public transport and highways improvements Works to improve the functionality of the public transport network |
Increased frequency of 333 / 334 route to provide a bus service with 15 minute intervals between site RMX1 (1) and the town centre. |
Policy DM24
ITS 2011-31
Planning application: MA/13/1931 |
RMX1 (1) Newnham Park |
Arriva |
£2.7m |
Bus extension scheme options considered under planning applications at site RMX1 (1). |
Short / Medium term
Essential |
Moderate |
Maidstone Urban Area – South East Maidstone Strategic Development Area
· A274 Sutton Road capacity improvements and bus prioritisation measures
· A229/A274 Wheatsheaf junction improvements
· Bus service frequency improvements along the A274
· New footway, cycle route and toucan crossing provision
Short to medium term
Through the planning consents at sites H1(5) and H1(6) significant financial contributions have been secured towards the delivery of bus priority measures along the A274 corridor. The IDP also identifies the need for investment to support the increased frequency of bus services along the A274 corridor, and these measures together reflect the ITS objective of improving the quality and accessibility of public transport networks, in particular along key radial routes into the town.
Since the 2016 IDP, a new roundabout providing access to site H1(5) (scheme HTSE3) and a new road between Gore Court Road and Sutton Road, through site H1(6) (scheme HTSE5) have been completed.
As part of the Maidstone Integrated Transport Package (MITP), Local Growth Fund money has been reallocated towards the junction scheme at A274/Willington Street, as well as S106 monies being secured from surrounding developments. The provisional scheme design, as reported to the Maidstone Joint Transport Board in January 2018, was not endorsed. Therefore an amended scheme which still delivers the necessary benefits is required.
For the longer term the MBLP and ITS confirm the intention to investigate and assess the justification for a Leeds-Langley Relief Road, as part of the Local Plan Review. KCC have advised that strategic traffic modelling indicates that a link between the A20 and A274 could have a significant beneficial impact upon traffic levels in the south and south east sectors of the urban area. A significant amount of work is required however to develop the detailed case, including full traffic and environmental impact studies, strategic alternatives, a preferred route and funding methods, and progress will be taken into account as the IDP is reviewed in the future.
Key supporting evidence
1) Local Plan policy DM24 Sustainable Transport
2) Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-2031
3) SHEDLAA 2014
4) Walking and Cycling Strategy 2011-2031
Next steps for 2019/20
Pending the outcome of the business case review, progress schemes HTSE6 and HTSE7 beyond detailed design stage.
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
Highway improvements Works to provide additional capacity |
Capacity improvements on the A274 Sutton Road between the junctions of Wallis Avenue and Loose Road, incorporating bus prioritisation measures from the Willington Street junction to the Wheatsheaf junction, together with bus infrastructure improvements. |
Policy DM24
ITS 2011-31
Mott McDonald A274 Corridor Study April 2016
Planning permissions: MA/13/1149 MA/13/0951 MA/13/1523 MA/12/0986 MA/12/0987
H1 (5) Langley Park
H1 (6) North of Sutton Road
H1 (7) Land north of Bicknor Wood
H1 (8) West of Church Road
H1 (9) Bicknor Farm
H1 (10) South of Sutton Road
H1 (27) Kent Police HQ
H1 (28) Kent Police Training School |
£3.2-£3.8m |
Existing S106
Outline design work completed |
Short term |
Essential |
High |
Highway improvements Works to provide additional capacity |
Improvements to capacity at the junctions of Willington Road and Wallis Avenue with Sutton Road |
Policy DM24
ITS 2011-31
Planning permissions: MA/13/1149 MA/13/0951 MA/13/1523
H1 (5) Langley Park
H1 (6) North of Sutton Road
H1 (7) Land north of Bicknor Wood
H1 (8) West of Church Road
H1 (9) Bicknor Farm
H1 (10) South of Sutton Road
H1 (27) Kent Police HQ
H1 (28) Kent Police Training School |
£1.8m |
Existing S106
Local Growth Fund (LGF) |
No currently approved design |
Short term |
Critical |
Moderate |
Highway improvements Works to provide additional capacity |
Widening of Gore Court Road between the new road and White Horse Lane |
Policy DM24
SHEDLAA 2014 |
H1 (7) Land north of Bicknor Wood
H1 (8) West of Church Road |
Unknown |
S106 |
Outline design included as part of the Land north of Bicknor Wood H1 (7) planning permission |
Short term |
Critical |
Moderate |
Highway improvements Works to provide additional capacity |
Improvements to capacity at the A229/A274 Wheatsheaf junction and improvements to the approaches to the Bridge Gyratory signal junctions from the Wheatsheaf junction |
Policy DM24
ITS 2011-31
Planning permissions: MA/12/0986 MA/12/0987 MA/14/503167 |
H1 (7) Land north of Bicknor Wood
H1 (8) West of Church Road
H1 (9) Bicknor Farm
H1 (10) South of Sutton Road
H1 (27) Kent Police HQ
H1 (28) Kent Police Training School
H1 (29) New Line Learning |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Local Growth Fund (LGF)
Business case submitted.
Detailed designs expected by mid-2019. |
Short term |
Critical |
Moderate |
Public transport Measures to improve opportunities for access to the public transport network and improve network functionality |
Extension and/or improvements to the frequency of bus services along the A274 Sutton Road to connect the allocated sites with the Town Centre |
Policy DM24
ITS 2011-31
Arriva Consultation 2015 |
H1 (5) Langley Park
H1 (6) North of Sutton Road
H1 (7) Land north of Bicknor Wood
H1 (8) West of Church Road
H1 (9) Bicknor Farm
H1 (10) South of Sutton Road
H1 (27) Kent Police HQ
H1 (28) Kent Police Training School |
c£2.7m |
Discussions ongoing with Arriva to determine the most appropriate scheme |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
Pedestrian environment Works to improve safety and accessibility |
Provision of a new footway on the northern side of Sutton Road. |
Policy DM24
Planning permission: |
H1 (10) South of Sutton Road, Maidstone |
£550k |
S106 |
Outline design developed |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
HTSE11 |
Cycle provision Works to improve safety and accessibility |
Provision of a cycle route through sites H1 (5) and H1 (10) from the A274 in the vicinity of Langley Church to Brishling Lane. |
Policy DM24
ITS 2011-31
Walking and Cycling Strategy 2011-2031
Planning permission: 15/509015/OUT |
H1 (5) Langley Park, Maidstone
H1 (10) South of Sutton Road, Maidstone |
Developer |
Unknown |
S278 |
Outline design developed |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
HTSE12 |
Cycle provision Works to improve safety and accessibility |
Connections to the existing cycle network from Park Wood to the town centre |
Policy DM24
ITS 2011-31
Walking and Cycling Strategy 2011-2031
Planning permission: 13/1149/OUT 15/509015/OUT 16/503775/FULL
H1 (5) Langley Park, Maidstone
H1 (9) Bicknor Farm, Maidstone
H1 (10) South of Sutton Road, Maidstone |
Unknown |
S278 |
Outline design developed |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
Maidstone Urban Area – North West Maidstone Strategic Development Area
· Coldharbour roundabout capacity improvements
· Fountain Lane and A26/Tonbridge Road junction capacity improvements
· Hermitage Lane and A20/London Road junction capacity improvements
· North west Maidstone circular bus route provision
· New pedestrian crossing and cycle lane provision on Hermitage Lane
Short to medium term
In the north west of Maidstone, the ITS identifies a series of schemes required to support the delivery of development across the strategic development area. Key schemes include capacity improvements at key junctions including the Coldharbour roundabout and the junction of the A26 and Fountain Lane, and the provision of a circular bus loop to connect the strategic development area to the town centre. Together with complementary sustainable transport schemes, including a new cycle lane along Hermitage Lane, this package of measures has been shown to provide adequate mitigation through the determination of planning applications of 3 of the 4 development sites which comprise the strategic development area. Significant contributions have already been secured towards delivery of the schemes, and it is anticipated that the infrastructure can be delivered in a coordinated manner to support growth.
The output for scheme HTNW3 has been revised since the 2016 IDP publication to reflect the latest scheme design – the repositioning and enlargement of the Coldharbour roundabout result in the removal of the existing traffic signals. Similarly, the additional lane proposed under scheme HTNW4 in 2016 is no longer required and has been removed from the scheme output. Funding sources for HTNW3 have been updated to include Local Growth Fund, as this scheme is part of the Maidstone Integrated Transport Package.
At this time, it is uncertain whether the proposed capacity improvements at the junction of Hermitage Lane and London Road (HTNW5) are required, due to the proposed provision of a new link road as part of a development in the neighbouring borough of Tonbridge and Malling. It is prudent, therefore, to keep the scheme within the IDP and review it again next year.
Key supporting evidence
1) Local Plan policy DM24 Sustainable Transport
2) Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-2031
3) Walking and Cycling Strategy 2011-2031
Next steps for 2019/20
Detailed design for scheme HTNW3 are expected to be complete by May 2019, with commencement of work on site by autumn 2019 and completion in 2020.
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
Highway improvements Works to improve the functionality of the Strategic Road Network |
Interim improvements to M20 J5 roundabout including white lining scheme (located in Tonbridge & Malling) |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-31
Walking and Cycling Strategy 2011-2031
Planning permissions: MA/13/1749 MA/13/1702 MA/14/501209 |
H1 (1) Bridge Nurseries, Maidstone
H1 (2) East of Hermitage Lane, Maidstone
H1 (3) West of Hermitage Lane, Maidstone
H1 (4) Oakapple Lane, Maidstone |
Highways England
£43k |
Existing S106 |
Scheme committed through MA/13/1749 |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
Highway improvements Works to provide additional capacity |
Enlargement of existing roundabout and removal of traffic signals |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-31
Planning permissions: MA/13/1749 MA/13/1702 MA/14/501209
Planning applications: MA/14/503735 MA/14/503786 |
H1 (1) Bridge Nurseries, Maidstone
H1 (2) East of Hermitage Lane, Maidstone
H1 (3) West of Hermitage Lane, Maidstone
H1 (4) Oakapple Lane, Maidstone |
£3.5m |
Existing S106
Local Growth Fund |
Outline design completed |
Short term |
Critical |
Moderate |
Highway improvements Works to provide additional capacity |
Capacity improvements at the junction of Fountain Lane and the A26/Tonbridge Road |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-31
Planning permissions: MA/13/1702
Planning applications: MA/14/503735 MA/14/503786 MA/13/2079
H1 (1) Bridge Nurseries, Maidstone
H1 (2) East of Hermitage Lane, Maidstone
H1 (3) West of Hermitage Lane, Maidstone
H1 (4) Oakapple Lane, Maidstone |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Revisiting scheme options |
Short term |
Critical |
Moderate |
Highway improvements Works to provide additional capacity |
Capacity improvements at the junction of Hermitage Lane and London Road, and widening of the A20 between the Hermitage Lane and Mills Road junctions (located in Tonbridge and Malling Borough) |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Maidstone Joint Transport Board Report – October 2015 |
Development in north western Maidstone will place additional pressure on this junction |
£499k plus statutory undertakings and potential land acquisition |
Outline design developed.
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
Highway improvements Works to provide additional capacity |
Capacity improvements at the 20/20 roundabout |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Development in north western Maidstone will place additional pressure on this junction |
Unknown |
Further work required to develop scheme |
Medium term |
Desirable |
High |
Public transport Works to provide additional capacity |
Provision of a circular bus route to serve the north west Maidstone strategic development area. |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-31
Planning permissions: MA/13/1702
Arriva consultation 2015 |
H1 (2) East of Hermitage Lane, Maidstone |
Arriva |
£455k |
S106 |
Scheme committed through MA/13/1749 |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
Pedestrian environment Works to improve safety and accessibility |
Provision of pedestrian crossing facilities on Hermitage Lane to the north of site H1 (2) |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Planning permission: MA/13/1749 |
H1 (2) East of Hermitage Lane |
£16.5k |
S106 |
Scheme committed through MA/13/1749 |
Short term |
Essential |
Low |
HTNW10 |
Cycle provision
Provision of a new cycle lane along B2246 Hermitage Lane |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Walking and Cycling Strategy 2011-2031
Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-31
Planning permission: MA/13/1749 |
H1 (2) East of Hermitage Lane |
£22k |
S106 |
Scheme committed through MA/13/1749 |
Short term |
Essential |
Low |
Maidstone Urban Area – Other
· A20/ Willington Street junction capacity improvements
· Pedestrian and public transport improvements on the northern side of the A20 Ashford Road
· Part signalisation of the A229 Royal Engineers roundabout
· Cycle parking improvements and additional car parking provision at Bearsted railway station
Short term, with one long term
Elsewhere within the Maidstone Urban Area, transport schemes are more limited in nature, and are often site-specific rather than strategic. A key scheme at the junction of the A20 and Willington Street is identified in the ITS, supported also by evidence considered through the planning application (MA/15/503288), and it is anticipated that the improvement can be delivered in conjunction with the development of site EMP1(5).
There is an established need for improvements at Boughton Lane, and at its junction with the A229 (including with Cripple Street) to accommodate growth in this part of Maidstone and this is recognised within the IDP and MBLP. Technical work has recently been completed to identify an appropriate scheme and this is included in the IDP to demonstrate that the proposed allocations can be delivered within the MBLP plan period.
Work has been undertaken to assess the need for transport infrastructure improvements to support delivery of the broad location at Invicta Barracks. The study concludes that part signalisation of the A229 Royal Engineers Roundabout could not only mitigate the impacts of the development but also improve conditions for background growth. This scheme is therefore reflected in the IDP although it is acknowledged that further work will be required to support delivery of the broad location in the longer term.
Key supporting evidence
1) Local Plan policy DM24 Sustainable Transport
2) Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-2031
3) Walking and Cycling Strategy 2011-2031
Next steps for 2019/20
Continue to work with KCC on delivery of the schemes within the Maidstone Integrated Transport Package (MITP).
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
Highway improvements Works to provide additional capacity |
Highway improvements at Boughton Lane and at the junction of Boughton Lane and the A229 Loose Road. |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Mott McDonald A229 / Boughton Lane – Junction Review April 2016
Planning applications: MA/13/2197 MA/14/503167
Planning permission: MA/14/503167 |
H1 (29) New Line Learning, Loose
H1 (53) Land at Boughton Lane, Loose
H1 (54) Land at Boughton Mount |
C£1m |
Existing S106
Included in MITP. Design work ongoing. |
Short term |
Critical |
Moderate |
Highway improvements Works to provide additional capacity |
Improvements to capacity at the A20/Willington Street junction |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-31
Planning application MA/15/503288 |
EMP1 (5) Woodcut Farm, Bearsted |
C£1.5m |
Included in MITP. Design work ongoing. |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
Pedestrian and public transport improvements
Package of measures to provide bus stops, pedestrian refuges and improvements to the footway on the northern side of the A20 Ashford Road |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Planning application MA/15/503288 |
EMP1 (5) Woodcut Farm, Bearsted |
Unknown |
S278 |
Outline design developed |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
Highway improvements Works to improve accessibility and provide additional capacity |
Highway and footway improvements to North Street, Barming |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Planning application: MA/14/506419 |
H1 (23) North Street, Barming |
Unknown |
S278 |
Committed scheme under planning application MA/14/506419 |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
Public transport Works to provide additional capacity |
Provision of additional car parking spaces Bearsted Railway Station. |
Sustainable Transport DM24 Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-31
H1 (30) Bearsted Station Goods Yard, Bearsted |
Developer South Eastern Trains |
Unknown |
Developer |
Scheme for min. 10 spaces required under Policy H1 (30) |
Short term |
Essential |
Low |
Public transport Works to provide additional capacity |
Part signalisation of the A229 Royal Engineers roundabout, Maidstone |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Mott McDonald Invicta, Maidstone: Junction Review May 2016 |
H2 (2) Invicta Barracks Broad Location |
Unknown |
S106 |
Concept scheme developed |
Long term |
Critical |
Low |
Highways and transportation Works to reduce traffic congestion and improve pedestrian safety |
Widening of Burial Ground Lane to enable right turn facility to be provided from B2010 into Tovil Household Waste and Recycling Centre and the provision of footway and parking restrictions |
KCC advise that growth in population is increasing demand for this facility, the only such one in the borough. |
Borough-wide developments |
Unknown |
Concept scheme |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
High |
Maidstone Rural Areas – Coxheath
· Linton crossroads junction improvements
· B2163/Heath Road and Stockett Lane junction improvements
· Footway extensions
· New footways, pedestrian crossings and bus stop improvements on Heath Road
· Bus frequency increases
Short to medium term
A number of development sites in Coxheath have already received planning consent, and significant developer contributions have been secured towards delivery of the key highways scheme: improvements to the junction of the Linton Crossroads. An outline design has been developed and the scheme can be delivered in the short/medium term. In addition to a range of site specific measures, the scheme to increase the frequency of bus services through Coxheath will support the delivery of objectives in the ITS, however it is recognised that delivery of the bus scheme may not take place until the medium term, with no section 106 planning obligations secured to date towards its delivery.
Key supporting evidence
1) Local Plan policy DM24 Sustainable Transport
2) Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-2031
3) SHEDLAA 2014
Next steps for 2019/20
Progress the Linton Crossroads junction improvements.
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
HTC1 |
Highway improvements Works to provide additional capacity and improve safety |
Linton Crossroads junction improvements |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-31
Mott McDonald Technical Note: Linton Crossroads Junction Capacity Assessment Results May 2016
Mott McDonald Linton Crossroads Study June 2015
H1 (57) Heathfield, Heath Road, Coxheath
H1 (68) Forstal Lane, Coxheath
H1 (53) Junction of Church Street and Heath Road, Boughton Monchelsea
H1 (59) North of Heath Road, Coxheath
H1 (60) Clockhouse Farm, Coxheath
Other development sites in Coxheath and Loose/Boughton Monchelsea are likely to have an impact on the junction. |
£927,500 |
Outline design completed |
Short / Medium term |
Critical |
Moderate |
HTC2 |
Highway improvements Works to provide additional capacity and improve safety |
Improvements at the junction of B2163 Heath Road and Stockett Lane |
Sustainable Transport DM24
SHEDLAA 2014 |
H1 (56) Linden Farm, Coxheath
H1 (58) Forstal Lane, Coxheath |
Unknown |
SHEDLAA identifies potential need for the scheme |
Short / Medium term |
Desirable |
High |
HTC3 |
Public transport Measures to improve opportunities for sustainable transport and improve network functionality |
Increased frequency of the No. 89 route |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-31
Arriva consultation 2015 |
Improvements will benefit new and existing users in and around the Coxheath area. |
Arriva |
C£900k |
Discussions ongoing with Arriva |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HTC4 |
Highway improvements Works to improve accessibility and provide additional capacity |
Provision of a formal footway link between site H1 (58) and Mill Lane. |
Sustainable Transport DM24
H1 (58) Forstal Lane, Coxheath |
Unknown |
SHEDLAA identifies the need for the footway |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
HTC5 |
Pedestrian environment and public transport Measures to improve safety and accessibility |
Package of measures including bus stop improvements on Heath Road, new footways and pedestrian crossings |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Planning permission MA/14/0566 |
H1 (60) Clockhouse Farm, Coxheath |
Unknown |
S278 |
Scheme committed through MA/14/0566 |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
HTC6 |
Pedestrian environment Measures to improve safety and accessibility |
Extension of the footway on the western side of Stockett Lane to the access of site H1 (56) |
Sustainable Transport DM24 SHEDLAA 2014
H1 (56) Linden Farm, Coxheath |
Unknown |
S278 |
Need for the scheme identified in the SHEDLAA |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
HTC7 |
Public transport Works to provide additional capacity |
Extension of the footway on the northern side of Heath Road to site H1 (59) |
Sustainable Transport DM24
SHEDLAA 2014 |
H1 (59) North of Heath Road, Coxheath |
Unknown |
S278 |
Need for the scheme identified in the SHEDLAA |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
Maidstone Rural Areas – Harrietsham
· A20 Ashford Road highways improvements
Short term
The key highways scheme for Harrietsham is the improvement to the section of the A20 Ashford Road running through the village, to reduce the speed of through traffic and improve pedestrian crossings. All three development sites in Harrietsham received planning consent, and contributions were secured towards the scheme. The works are now under construction and are due for completion in the short term.
Key supporting evidence
1) Local Plan policy DM24 Sustainable Transport
2) Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-2031
Next steps for 2019/20
Complete highways improvements to improve safety along the A20 Ashford Road.
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
Highway improvements Works to improve safety |
A20 Ashford Road highways improvements to include carriageway narrowing, reduction of the speed limit and pedestrian crossing facilities |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-31
Planning permission: MA/14/0828 MA/13/1823 MA/14/0095
JMP A20 Stage 2 Report April 2014 |
H1 (32) South of Ashford Road, Harrietsham
H1 (33) Mayfield Nursery, Harrietsham
H1 (34) Church Road, Harrietsham |
£1.1m |
Under construction |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
Maidstone Rural Areas – Headcorn
· Signalisation of Kings Road/ Mill bank junction
· New footway provision along the A274
· Cycle parking improvements at Headcorn railway station
Short term
In Headcorn the majority of development sites have already received planning consent. Technical evidence prepared to support planning applications for the housing sites has identified the need for the signalisation of the Kings Road/Mill Bank junction, and improvements at the junction of Oak Lane and Wheeler Street. These key schemes are already secured through the planning consents and therefore there is some confidence that the improvements can be delivered in a timely manner to support growth.
Key supporting evidence
1) Local Plan policy DM24 Sustainable Transport
2) Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-2031
3) SHEDLAA 2014
Next steps for 2019/20
Work with KCC to ensure schemes delivered in a timely manner.
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
Highway improvements Works to improve safety |
Signalisation of the Kings Road / Mill Bank junction, Headcorn |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-31
Planning permissions: 15/503325/HYBRID 14/505162/FULL
H1 (36) Ulcombe Road and Millbank, Headcorn
H1 (40) North of Lenham Road, Headcorn |
Unknown |
Scheme committed under planning permission 15/503325/HYBRID |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
Highway improvements Works to improve safety |
Extension of the 30 mph limit and upgrading of road markings on Ulcombe Road, Headcorn |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Planning permission: 15/503325/HYBRID |
H1 (36) Ulcombe Road and Millbank, Headcorn |
Unknown |
S278 |
Scheme committed under planning permission 15/503325/HYBRID |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
Pedestrian environment Measures to improve accessibility and safety |
Provision of a footway along the A274 from the access to site EMP1 (1) to connect with the existing footway to the south, and provide pedestrian access to existing bus stops |
Sustainable Transport DM24
SHEDLAA 2014 |
EMP1 (1) West of Barradale Farm, Headcorn |
Unknown |
S106 |
Need for the scheme identified in the SHEDLAA |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
Maidstone Rural Areas – Lenham
· Package of junction improvements
Long term
Traffic modelling for Lenham confirms that the proposed housing allocations can be accommodated without the need for significant improvements to highway capacity. Additional modelling undertaken to assess the implications of the Lenham Broad Location however indicates that capacity improvements will be required at key junctions to ensure that the significant scale of growth proposed can be accommodated in highway terms.
The need for transport infrastructure improvements is reflected in the IDP although it is acknowledged that as the Lenham Neighbourhood Plan progresses and further transport modelling work is produced, more precise transport infrastructure schemes may be suitable for inclusion within future iterations of the IDP.
Key supporting evidence
1) Local Plan policy DM24 Sustainable Transport
2) Mott Macdonald Lenham – Transport Mitigation Study, April 2016
3) Mott Macdonald Lenham – Technical note: junction capacity assessment and addendum, 2015
Next steps for 2019/20
Continue to support Lenham Parish Council in progressing the Lenham Neighbourhood Plan.
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
HTL2 |
Highway improvements Works to provide additional capacity and improve accessibility |
Package of junction improvements in Lenham to accommodate the broad location |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Mott McDonald Lenham – Transport Mitigation Study April 2016
Mott McDonald Lenham Technical Note: Junction capacity assessment results July 2015 & Addendum August 2015 |
H2 (3) Lenham Broad Location |
Developers |
Unknown |
CIL S106 S38 S278 |
Study identifies need for junction improvements and identifies concept solutions |
Long term |
Critical |
Low |
Maidstone Rural Areas – Marden
· Improvements to pedestrian safety
· Bus infrastructure improvements
· Improvements to Marden Rail Station
Short term
All four of the housing allocations in Marden have already received planning consent. Developer contributions have been secured towards improvements at Marden Rail Station, with works to provide improvements to sustainable transport infrastructure including improved crossings and bus stop infrastructure having been secured through section 278 agreements. Delivery of these improvements is therefore anticipated within the short term.
Key supporting evidence
1) Local Plan policy DM24 Sustainable Transport
2) Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-2031
Next steps for 2019/20
Completion of schemes HTM2 and HTM3.
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
HTM1 |
Public transport Measures to improve functionality |
Package of improvements to Marden Rail Station including provision of a new shelter, additional seats, CCTV and lighting as part of one scheme, and provision of a cycle park as part of another scheme |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-31
Planning permissions: MA/13/1291 MA/13/1585 MA/13/0693
Planning application: MA/13/1928 |
H1 (43) Howland Road, Marden
H1 (44) Stanley Farm, Marden
H1 (45) The Parsonage, Marden
H1 (46) Marden Cricket and Hockey Club |
South Eastern Rail |
Unknown |
Outline design work completed |
Short term |
Essential |
Low |
HTM2 |
Pedestrian environment and public transport Measures to improve functionality, safety and accessibility |
Package of measures including the upgrading of the zebra crossing on Goudhurst Road to a pelican crossing, the provision of a pedestrian crossing on Church Green, traffic calming measures and improvements to bus infrastructure |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Planning permissions: MA/13/1585 MA/13/0693
Planning application: MA/13/1928 |
H1 (44) Stanley Farm, Marden
H1 (45) The Parsonage, Marden
H1 (46) Marden Cricket and Hockey Club |
Unknown |
S278 |
Scheme part completed |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
HTM3 |
Pedestrian environment Measures to improve accessibility and safety |
Footpath widening and traffic calming on Howland Road, Marden |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Planning permission: MA/13/1291 |
Unknown |
S278 |
Scheme part completed |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
Maidstone Rural Areas – Staplehurst
· A229, Headcorn Road, Station Road and Marden Road junction capacity improvements
· Pedestrian and cycle crossing provision
· Bus infrastructure improvements and service frequency increase
· Staplehurst Rail Station facilities improvements
Short term
Given the scale and location of growth identified in Staplehurst, there is a need to improve the key junction of the A229, Headcorn Road, Station Road and Marden Road. Land assembly issues have presented challenges to the design of the scheme, however an outline design has been developed to maximise the capacity of the junction within these constraints. Complementary measures to improve passenger facilities at the Staplehurst Rail Station, and to increase the frequency of bus services along the A229 corridor, are identified in order to promote take up of sustainable transport modes and reduce pressure on the highway network, reflecting objectives in the ITS. Permission has been granted for development at sites H1 (49) and H1 (50) and it is anticipated these improvements can be delivered in the short term to support growth.
Key supporting evidence
1) Local Plan policy DM24 Sustainable Transport
2) Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-2031
Next steps for 2019/20
Continue to work with KCC to secure the timely delivery of the short term, critical infrastructure schemes HTS1, HTS2 and HTS3.
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
HTS1 |
Highway improvements Works to provide additional capacity |
Capacity improvements at the junction of A229, Headcorn Road, Station Road and Marden Road, Staplehurst |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-31
Planning permissions: 14/502010/OUT 14/505432/FULL
Mott Macdonald KCC Staplehurst Study 2015 |
H1 (48) Hen and Duckhurst Farm, Staplehurst
H1 (49) Fishers Farm, Staplehurst |
£172 plus statutory undertakings |
Outline design stage |
Short term |
Critical |
High |
HTS2 |
Pedestrian environment, public transport, highway safety and cycle provision Measures to improve safety and accessibility |
Package of measures in north eastern Staplehurst including the provision of a pedestrian and cycle crossing on Headcorn Road, bus infrastructure improvements, extension of the 30 mph speed limit on Headcorn Road |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Planning permission: 14/505432/FULL |
H1 (49) Fishers Farm, Staplehurst |
Unknown |
S278 |
Scheme to be committed through planning permission 14/505432/FULL |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
HTS3 |
Pedestrian environment, public transport and highway safety Measures to improve functionality, safety and accessibility |
Package of measures in north western Staplehurst including the provision of pedestrian and cycle links to the railway station, provision of a pedestrian and cycle crossing on Marden Road. bus infrastructure improvements, traffic calming and the extension of the 30 mph limit on Marden Road |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Planning permission: 14/502010/OUT |
H1 (48) Hen and Duckhurst Farm, Staplehurst |
Unknown |
S278 |
Scheme to be committed through planning application 14/502010/OUT |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
HTS4 |
Public transport Measures to improve functionality and provide additional capacity |
Improvements to public and passenger facilities at Staplehurst Rail Station |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-31
Planning permission: 14/502010/OUT 14/505432/FULL |
H1 (48) Hen and Duckhurst Farm, Staplehurst
H1 (49) Fishers Farm, Staplehurst
H1 (50) North of Henhurst Farm, Staplehurst |
Network Rail
South Eastern Rail |
£1.1m |
Outline design developed |
Short term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HTS5 |
Public transport Measures to improve functionality and provide additional capacity |
Increased frequency of the No. 5 route to provide a half hourly service |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-31
Arriva Consultation 2015
Planning permissions: 14/502010/OUT 14/505432/FULL |
Improvements will benefit new and existing users in and around the Staplehurst area |
Arriva |
£439k |
S106 |
Discussions ongoing with Arriva |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
Maidstone Rural Areas – Yalding
· Footway extension along vicarage Road
· Safety improvements to Hampstead Lane level crossing
· Highways improvements at the junction of Hampstead Lane and Maidstone Road
Short to medium term
Development sites in Yalding are yet to come forward, however schemes to provide a right turn lane at the junction of Hampstead Lane and Maidstone Road, and safety improvements at the level crossing are identified to support the delivery of the large mixed use development at site RMX1 (4). Given the position of the site, relative to the village centre, proposed Policy RMX1 (4) recognises the need to maximise opportunities for use of sustainable transport modes, and it may be the case that evidence prepared to support a planning application for development of the site could identify additional measures to achieve this objective.
Key supporting evidence
1) Local Plan policy DM24 Sustainable Transport
2) Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-2031
3) SHEDLAA 2014
Next steps for 2019/20
Continue to await schemes to come forwards in order for the associated provision of infrastructure to be progressed further.
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
HTY1 |
Pedestrian environment Measures to improve safety and accessibility |
Extension of the footway along Vicarage Road to site H1 (65) |
Sustainable Transport DM24
H1 (65) Vicarage Road, Yalding |
Unknown |
Further work required to develop outline scheme. |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
HTY2 |
Highway improvements Works to improve safety |
Safety improvements to level crossing at Hampstead Lane, Yalding |
Sustainable Transport DM24
RMX1 (4) Former Syngenta Works, Yalding |
Network Rail
South Eastern Rail |
Unknown |
S106 |
Further work required to develop outline scheme. |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HTY3 |
Highways improvements Measures to improve accessibility and safety |
Provision of a right turn lane on Hampstead Lane at its junction with Maidstone Road |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-31
RMX1 (4) Former Syngenta Works, Yalding |
Unknown |
S106 |
Further work required to develop outline scheme. |
Short / Medium term |
Critical |
Low |
Maidstone Borough Wide
· Measures to improve sustainable transport infrastructure across the borough
Improving sustainable transport infrastructure is a key priority in order to deliver the strategic objectives of the MBLP, the Integrated Transport Strategy and the associated Walking and Cycling strategy.
Key supporting evidence
1) Local Plan policy DM24 Sustainable Transport
Next steps for 2019/20
Continue to work collaboratively with KCC and other key stakeholders to improve sustainable infrastructure across the borough, prioritising schemes to best deliver the objectives of the Local Plan, the ITS and the Walking and Cycling strategy.
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
HTB1 |
Pedestrian environment, cycle provision and public transport |
Measures to improve sustainable transport infrastructure across the borough to deliver strategic objectives of the Local Plan, the Integrated Transport Strategy and the Walking and Cycling Strategy. Further work is required to determine and/or prioritise individual schemes |
Sustainable Transport DM24
Improvements will benefit new and existing users and encourage further use of sustainable transport options |
Parish Councils
South Eastern Rail
Voluntary and community bodies |
Unknown |
Various schemes at different stages of development |
Varies |
Essential / Desirable |
Moderate |
Maidstone Urban Area
· Existing schools expansion
· Provision of new schools
Predominantly short to medium term. One long term scheme identified.
The birth rate in Maidstone has increased each year from 2013 before dropping slightly in 2017. However, this is still 3-4 points above the County average. The number of recorded births in the Borough has followed a similar pattern and was down by 25 in 2017 compared to the previous year.
KCC’s 2019 Schools Commissioning Plan suggests that if new housing is delivered in line with MBLP expectations, and no action were taken to provide more school places:
- For primary education, there would be a 4.8% surplus of Year R places in 2019-20, reducing to a deficit of -1.9% by 2022-23. For years R to 6 the surplus would be 1.8% in 2019-20, reducing to a deficit of -2.6% in 2022-23.
- For secondary education, there would be a -6.8% deficit of Year 7 places in 2019-20, increasing to -24.4% by 2024-25. For Years 7-11 the surplus would be 3.0% for 2019-20 reducing to a deficit of -24.1% in 2024-25.
It is therefore essential that both primary and secondary schools are expanded or new schools are provided in order to ensure sufficient school places for the forecast child population.
Key supporting evidence
1) KCC Schools Commissioning Plan 2019 – 2023
Next steps for 2019/20
Completion of scheme EDM1.
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
EDM1 |
Secondary education Measures to provide additional capacity |
Provision of a 6FE secondary school – Maidstone School of Science and Technology |
KCC School Commissioning Plan 2018 – 2022
Planning permission: 17/501471 |
Housing development across the borough will generate the need for additional secondary school places |
DfE |
Unknown |
DfE |
Planning permission granted 2018 – opening September 2020 |
Short term |
Essential |
Low |
EDM2 |
Secondary education Measures to provide additional capacity |
2FE expansion of The Maplesden Noakes School, Maidstone |
KCC School Commissioning Plan 2019 – 2023
Planning permissions: MA/14/501209 MA/13/1749 MA/14/504795
Housing development across the borough will generate the need for additional secondary school places |
£6.2m |
Existing S106
Basic Need (government grant to KCC) |
Need for the scheme established through the planning permissions – opening September 2021 |
Short term |
Essential |
Low |
EDM4 |
Primary education Measures to provide additional capacity |
Provision of a new 2FE primary school on site H1 (2) Land East of Hermitage Lane, Maidstone |
KCC School Commissioning Plan 2019 – 2023
Planning permission: MA/14/501209 MA/13/1749 MA/14/503735 |
Housing development in north western Maidstone, in particular, will generate the need for additional primary school places in this area |
£6.8m |
Existing S106
Identified in the Commissioning Plan for delivery between 2021 and 2022 |
Short term |
Critical |
Moderate |
EDM6 |
Primary education Measures to provide additional capacity |
Provision of a new 1FE primary school on site H1 (10) South of Sutton Road, Maidstone |
KCC School Commissioning Plan 2016 – 2020
Planning permission: 15/509015/OUT
KCC R19 Representation on MBLP |
Development at site H1 (10) will generate the need for a new primary school.
Future S106 |
Need for additional primary school capacity identified in the Commissioning Plan 2016 – 2020 |
Medium term |
Critical |
Moderate |
EDM7 |
Primary education Measures to provide additional capacity |
Up to 1FE expansion of Greenfields Community Primary School, Maidstone |
KCC School Commissioning Plan 2016 – 2020
KCC R19 Representation on MBLP |
Development at site H1 (8) will generate the need for additional primary school places |
£2.5m |
Future S106 |
Need for additional primary school capacity identified in the Commissioning Plan 2016 – 2020 |
Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
EDM9 |
Primary education Measures to provide additional capacity |
Provision of a new 2FE primary school within Broad Location H2 (2) Invicta Barracks, Maidstone |
KCC School Commissioning Plan 2016 – 2020
KCC R19 Representation on MBLP |
Development at site H2 (2) will generate the need for a new primary school |
£6m |
Future S106 |
Need for additional primary school capacity identified in the Commissioning Plan 2016 – 2020 |
Long term |
Critical |
Moderate |
EDM10 |
Primary education Measures to provide additional capacity |
Provision of a new 2FE primary school, Maidstone North Primary Free School |
KCC School Commissioning Plan 2019-2023 |
Housing development across the borough will generate the need for additional school places |
Leigh Academies Trust and Education and Funding Agency |
Unknown |
Government Free School Programme |
Planning application submitted. Expected opening 2021 |
Short term |
Essential |
Moderate |
Maidstone Rural Areas
· Existing schools expansion
· Provision of new schools
Short to medium term
The birth rate in Maidstone has increased each year from 2013 before dropping slightly in 2017. However, this is still 3-4 points above the County average. The number of recorded births in the Borough has followed a similar pattern and was down by 25 in 2017 compared to the previous year.
KCC’s 2019 Schools Commissioning Plan suggests that if new housing is delivered in line with MBLP expectations, and no action were taken to provide more school places:
- For primary education, there would be a 4.8% surplus of Year R places in 2019-20, reducing to a deficit of -1.9% by 2022-23. For years R to 6 the surplus would be 1.8% in 2019-20, reducing to a deficit of -2.6% in 2022-23.
- For secondary education, there would be a -6.8% deficit of Year 7 places in 2019-20, increasing to -24.4% by 2024-25. For Years 7-11 the surplus would be 3.0% for 2019-20 reducing to a deficit of -24.1% in 2024-25.
It is therefore essential that both primary and secondary schools are expanded or new schools are provided in order to ensure sufficient school places for the forecast child population.
What is the key supporting evidence?
1) KCC Schools Commissioning Plan 2019 – 2023
What are the next steps for 2019/20?
Completion of scheme EDR2.
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
EDR1 |
Secondary education Measures to provide additional capacity |
1FE expansion of Cornwallis Academy, Loose, Maidstone |
KCC School Commissioning Plan 2018 – 2022
Planning permissions: MA/14/502010 MA/14/0566 MA/13/1149 MA/13/0951 MA/13/1523 |
Housing development across the borough will generate the need for additional secondary school places |
£3m |
Existing S106
Identified in the Commissioning Plan for delivery by 2021-2022 |
Short term |
Essential |
Moderate |
EDR2 |
Primary education Measures to provide additional capacity |
1FE expansion of Harrietsham Primary School |
KCC School Commissioning Plan 2016 – 2020
Planning permissions: MA/14/0828 MA/13/1823 MA/14/0095 MA/14/0475
Housing development in Harrietsham and Lenham, in particular, will generate the need for additional primary school places in this area |
£3.6m |
Existing S106
Additional 30 Year R pupils accepted from September 2019. Full building to provide ongoing capacity – September 2020 |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
EDR3 |
Primary education Measures to provide additional capacity |
0.6FE expansion of Marden Primary School |
KCC School Commissioning Plan 2016 – 2020
Planning permissions: MA/13/1291 MA/13/1585 MA/13/0693 MA/13/1928 |
Housing development in Marden, in particular, will generate the need for additional primary school places in this area |
£2.6m |
Existing S106
Identified in the Commissioning Plan for delivery by 2021 |
Short term |
Essential |
Moderate |
EDR5 |
Primary education Measures to provide additional capacity |
0.5FE expansion of Staplehurst Primary School |
KCC School Commissioning Plan 2016 – 2020
Housing development in Staplehurst, in particular, will generate the need for additional primary school places in this area |
£885k |
Need for additional primary school capacity identified in the Commissioning Plan 2016 – 2020 |
Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
EDR6 |
Primary education Measures to provide additional capacity |
1FE expansion of Lenham Primary School for Broad Location H2 (3) Lenham |
KCC School Commissioning Plan 2016 – 2020
KCC R19 Representation on MBLP
KCC update note 2019 |
Development at site H2 (3) will generate the need additional primary school places in this area |
£3.6m |
Future S106 OR CIL (tbc by SPI committee) |
Need for additional primary school capacity identified in the Commissioning Plan 2016 – 2020 |
Medium term |
Critical |
Moderate |
Maidstone Urban Area
· Improve quality and/or increase capacity at existing GP surgeries
· Requirement for new building to deliver general practice services (in addition to existing premises)
· Identify options for development of a Local Care Hub in the Maidstone area
· Identify options for a Local Care mini-hub in the Aylesford area
Short to medium term
There are a number of agencies and organisations responsible for the delivery of health infrastructure in the borough, and the commissioning of health services is split across three main organisations: NHS England, the Clinical Commissioning Group (West Kent CCG), and Public Health (Kent County Council). Some of the most direct impacts on health infrastructure are likely to be felt in local GP surgeries and urgent and emergency care services; although increased demand on all healthcare services exists and adequate capacity through infrastructure is needed to support service delivery.
Since the May 2016 iteration of the IDP, the West Kent CCG has taken on delegated commissioning responsibility for primary medical services and also has responsibility for strategic estates planning. In November 2018, the CCG produced their GP Estates Strategy which clearly sets out a set of priorities relating to GP infrastructure linked directly to population growth as set out in the adopted MBLP. This has therefore been used as the basis for identifying the 2019 IDP projects relating to GP infrastructure. It should however be noted that general practice premises plans are kept under regular review by the CCG and priorities are subject to change, in order to ensure appropriate general medical service capacity is available.
Discussions have also been held with the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust to establish their position with regards to existing capacity and plans for future development of the hospital site at Hermitage Lane, Maidstone. Extensive works to refurbish existing wards will significantly improve the hospital environment and ensure compliance with updated guidance. The Trust is also considering options to improve both road and air access and provide additional car parking. Having been designated as one of the Kent wide Hyper Acute Stroke Units (HASU), the Trust is planning on developing a new AMU facility at the Maidstone site, although the scheme is at too early a stage to be included in this iteration of the IDP.
What is the key supporting evidence?
1) West Kent CCG GP Estates Strategy (2018)
2) West Kent CCG Local Care Plan (2017)
3) Strategic Case - Local Care Hubs in West Kent (2018)
What are the next steps for 2019/20?
To improve quality and provide additional capacity at GP surgeries across the borough, in accordance with the priorities identified in the GP Estates Strategy
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
Brewer Street Surgery, Maidstone
Works including refurbishment and reconfiguration of existing premises assessed as part of ongoing review. |
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
Planning permissions: MA/13/1749 16/507471 |
Development within central and northern Maidstone generates the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPU2 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
Bower Mount Medical Centre, Maidstone
Works including refurbishment and reconfiguration assessed as part of ongoing review to support maximum utilisation of existing premises.
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
Planning permission: 12/0825 14/503755 |
Development within central Maidstone generates the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPU3 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
Vine Medical Centre, Maidstone
Works including refurbishment and reconfiguration assessed as part of ongoing review to support maximum utilisation of existing premises
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
Planning permission: 11/078 and 120774 DOV |
Development within central Maidstone generates the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPU4 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
College Practice, Maidstone including Barming Medical Centre and Allington Clinic (branch sites)
College Road and Allington premises are not considered suitable for the longer term. Premises development plan required to provide sustainable and resilient capacity. |
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
Planning permissions: MA/13/1702 MA/13/2079 |
Development within central Maidstone generates the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPU5 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
Blackthorn Medical Centre, Maidstone
Works including refurbishment and reconfiguration assessed as part of ongoing review to support maximum utilisation of existing premises
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
Planning permissions: MA/13/1749 MA/13/1702 |
Development within north western Maidstone generates the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPU6 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
Aylesford Medical Centre (located in Tonbridge & Malling)
Premises Development Plan required to understand option for Local Care mini-hub in Aylesford area. |
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
Planning permissions: MA/14/501209 MA/13/1749 MA/13/1702 |
Development within north western Maidstone generates the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. No Development Plan at this stage |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPU8 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
Mote Medical Practice – main site St Saviours Road and branch at Loose Road
Works including refurbishment and reconfiguration assessed as part of ongoing review to support maximum utilisation of existing premises
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
Planning permission: MA/13/1523 |
Development within north western Maidstone generates the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPU9 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
Orchard Medical Centre, Langley
Works including refurbishment and reconfiguration assessed as part of ongoing review to support maximum utilisation of existing premises
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
Planning permissions: MA/13/1523 MA/13/0951 MA/13/1149 MA/14/0475 |
Development within the Langley area generates the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPU10 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
Wallis Avenue Surgery
Works including refurbishment and reconfiguration assessed as part of ongoing review to support maximum utilisation of existing premises |
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
Planning permissions: MA/13/1523 MA/13/0951 MA/13/1149
Development within the Langley area generates the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPU12 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
The Medical Centre – Northumberland Court and Grove Green (branch)
Premises plan (new site) for branch surgery requirement for branch surgery.
(Northumberland Court) - Works including refurbishment and reconfiguration as part of ongoing review to support maximum utilisation of existing premises |
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018 |
Development within eastern Maidstone generates the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. No Development Plan at this stage for branch surgery.
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPU13 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
Bearsted Medical Practice
Works including refurbishment and reconfiguration to support maximum utilisation of existing premises
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
Planning permissions: MA/14/504795 MA/14/0475 |
Development within eastern Maidstone will generate the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPU14 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
Sutton Valence Group Practice – main site South Lane and branch site at North Street
New Premises Development plan (replacing two existing premises) proposed to respond to growth in Langley/Sutton Road/ Sutton Valence area. |
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
Planning permission: MA/14/504556 |
Development in and around Langley, Sutton Road and Sutton Valence will generate the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. Stage 1 business case supported by CCG to progress to Stage 2 (OBC). |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPU17 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
Albion Medical Centre
Works including refurbishment and reconfiguration assessed as part of ongoing review to support maximum utilisation of existing premises |
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018 |
Development within central Maidstone generates the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPU18 |
Local Care/ out of hospital services Measures to improve quality and provide out of hospital capacity |
Consideration of options for development of a Local Care Hub in the Maidstone area |
CCG Strategic Case for Local Care Hubs (2018) |
Borough-wide developments |
Unknown |
Strategic Case supported by CCG.
Potential site identification in 2019 |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
High |
HPU19 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
New building to deliver GP services in Maidstone central area (over and above existing premises). This may be delivered through the commissioning of a new provider or an extension of an existing provider of GP services. |
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018 |
Development within central Maidstone generates the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Requirement identified in GP Estates Strategy. No development plan at this stage. |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
Maidstone Rural Area
· Improve quality and/or increase capacity at existing GP surgeries
· New GP premises provision in Coxheath, replacing two existing premises
Short to medium term
There are a number of agencies and organisations responsible for the delivery of health infrastructure in the borough, and the commissioning of health services is split across three main organisations: NHS England, the Clinical Commissioning Group (West Kent CCG), and Public Health (Kent County Council). Some of the most direct impacts on health infrastructure are likely to be felt in local GP surgeries and urgent and emergency care services; although increased demand on all healthcare services exists and adequate capacity through infrastructure is needed to support service delivery.
Since the May 2016 iteration of the IDP, the West Kent CCG has taken on delegated commissioning responsibility for primary medical services and also has responsibility for strategic estates planning. In November 2018, the CCG produced their GP Estates Strategy which clearly sets out a set of priorities relating to GP infrastructure linked directly to population growth as set out in the adopted MBLP. This has therefore been used as the basis for identifying the 2019 IDP projects relating to GP infrastructure. It should however be noted that general practice premises plans are kept under regular review by the CCG and priorities are subject to change, in order to ensure appropriate general medical service capacity is available.
A key change since the 2016 IDP is the new premises proposal from Greensands Health Centre to serve Coxheath and the surrounding area. The proposal is for a new surgery to replace two existing premises: Stockett Lane Surgery and the branch surgery on Heath Road. Greensands Health Centre are developing the detailed business case and plans that will continue to be assessed through the through the CCG governance framework.
What is the key supporting evidence?
1) West Kent CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
2) West Kent CCG Local Care Plan (2017)
3) Strategic Case - Local Care Hubs in West Kent (2018)
What are the next steps for 2019/20?
To improve quality and provide additional capacity at GP surgeries across the borough, in accordance with the priorities identified in the GP Estates Strategy.
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
HPR1 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
Marden Medical Centre
Measures to provide additional capacity in line with future Premises Development Plan (potential extension of existing premises). |
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
Planning permissions: MA/13/1585 MA/13/1928 MA/13/1291 MA/13/0693 |
Development in and around Marden will generate the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. Plans being developed. |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPR2 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
Len Valley Practice – Glebe Medical Centre branch
Measures to provide additional capacity in line with future Premises Development Plan (potential extension of existing premises) |
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
Planning permissions: MA/14/0828 MA/13/1823 MA/14/0095 MA/14/0475 |
Development in and around Harrietsham will generate the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. No Development Plan at this stage. |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPR3 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
The Len Valley Practice
Measures to provide additional capacity in line with future Premises Development Plan. |
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
Planning permission: MA/14/0095
Development in and around Lenham will generate the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. No Development Plan at this stage. |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPR4 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
Headcorn Surgery
Works including reconfiguration of existing space to ensure optimal use. |
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
Planning permissions: MA/12/1949 MA/13/1943 |
Development in and around Headcorn will generate the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPR5 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and/or provide additional capacity |
Staplehurst Health Centre
Works including refurbishment and reconfiguration as part of ongoing assessments to support maximum utilisation of existing premises. |
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
Planning permissions: 12/2106 MA/13/0693 MA/14/502010 |
Development in and around Staplehurst will generate the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
HPR9 |
GP Surgeries Measures to improve quality and provide out of hospital capacity |
Greensands Health Centre
New premises provision in Coxheath proposed to replace existing two premises, as per Premises Development Plan |
CCG GP Estates Strategy 2018
Planning permissions: MA/13/2008 MA/14/0836 MA/13/1979 MA/14/0566 |
Development in and around Coxheath will generate the need for additional GP capacity in the area |
Unknown |
Existing S106
Priority in CCG GP Estates Strategy. Premises Development Plan progressing through to Stage 2 CCG governance. |
Short term
Essential |
Moderate |
Borough wide
· Small scale improvements to existing infrastructure and/or provision of additional equipment
· New community use buildings
New development will place increased pressure on community infrastructure including community learning, social care services and library provision. Kent County Council is responsible for many of these services and ongoing dialogue remains key to understanding how proposed development may affect delivery of these services, with a view to establishing a coordinated and strategic response. It is acknowledged that service delivery models are evolving and will continue to do so over the lifetime of the MBLP, making it a challenge to plan for service delivery over the medium to long term.
Notwithstanding this, KCC does not currently anticipate the need for large new pieces of tangible infrastructure, such as new buildings. Instead, a more flexible approach is required in order to provide additional capacity and/or improvements to existing facilities, where the need is generated by new development.
For adult social care, community learning and youth services, the County Council outlines an intention to seek small scale improvements, for instance through improved accessibility or additional equipment, as a means to cope with additional demand.
Twelve libraries across the borough are identified as suitable for capacity improvements, together with the mobile service; however no specific schemes have been put forward by KCC at this time. A similarly flexible approach is therefore proposed to provide additional capacity in response to increased demand, which may include physical works to buildings, or through provision of additional equipment or book stock.
Developer contributions towards community infrastructure have already been secured through applications granted planning consent prior to the introduction of CIL in October 2018, where such requests were compliant with the S106 tests. It is therefore expected that the small-scale schemes can be delivered as developer contributions are paid, and in a timely manner to support growth.
What is the key supporting evidence?
1) Discussions with Kent County Council
2) Libraries, Registration and Archives Strategy 2019-2022
What are the next steps for 2019/20?
Continue to work with KCC to ensure the timely delivery of social and community infrastructure as schemes are developed to support growth and development across the borough.
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
SC1 |
Community facilities Measures to provide additional facilities |
Provision of a new community facility within site H1(2) East of Hermitage Lane |
Planning permission: 13/1749
H1(2) East of Hermitage Lane |
Developer |
Unknown |
Future S106 |
Scheme committed through planning permission 13/1749 |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
SC2 |
Community facilities Measures to provide additional facilities |
Provision of a new community facility within site H1(5) Langley Park |
Planning permission: 13/1149 |
H1(5) Langley Park |
Developer |
Unknown |
Future S106 |
Scheme committed through planning permission 13/1149 |
Short term |
Critical |
Low |
SC3 |
Adult social care Measures to improve accessibility and provide additional capacity |
Small scale improvements to existing infrastructure may be required to support the delivery of new development and specific schemes will be developed through the lifetime of the MBLP |
KCC has confirmed that planned growth will place increased pressure on delivery of this service.
Development across the borough may place increased pressure on delivery of this service |
Unknown |
Existing S106 contributions
Schemes to be developed through the lifetime of the MBLP |
Varies |
Essential |
Moderate |
SC4 |
Community learning Measures to improve accessibility and provide additional capacity |
Small scale improvements to existing infrastructure may be required to support the delivery of new development and specific schemes will be developed through the lifetime of the MBLP |
KCC has confirmed that planned growth will place increased pressure on delivery of this service.
Development across the borough may place increased pressure on delivery of this service |
Unknown |
Existing S106 contributions
Schemes to be developed through the lifetime of the MBLP |
Varies |
Essential |
Moderate |
SC5 |
Youth services Measures to improve accessibility and provide additional capacity |
Small scale improvements to existing infrastructure and/or additional equipment may be required to support the delivery of new development and specific schemes will be developed through the lifetime of the MBLP |
KCC has confirmed that planned growth will place increased pressure on delivery of this service.
Development across the borough may place increased pressure on delivery of this service |
Unknown |
Existing S106 contributions
Schemes to be developed through the lifetime of the MBLP |
Varies |
Essential |
Moderate |
SC6 |
Library provision Measures to provide additional capacity |
Small scale improvements to existing infrastructure and/or additional equipment may be required to support the delivery of new development and specific schemes will be developed through the lifetime of the MBLP |
KCC has confirmed that planned growth will place increased pressure on delivery of this service.
Libraries, Registration and Archives Strategy 2019-2022 |
Development across the borough may place increased pressure on delivery of this service |
Unknown |
Existing S106 contributions
Schemes to be developed through the lifetime of the MBLP |
Varies |
Essential |
Moderate |
Borough wide
· Provision of new Community First Responder (CFR) schemes
Short to medium term
Kent Police have a significant infrastructure presence within Maidstone, including its Headquarters on Sutton Road. However, no requirements for future police infrastructure are currently identified in this IDP although this will be kept under review and may be updated in future iterations to take account of emerging infrastructure requirements.
Similarly, the Kent Fire and Rescue Service confirmed that the development proposed in the MBLP did not generate the need for any additional infrastructure. This too will be kept under review.
The South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb) identified that a number of proposed development sites would not be covered by their Community First Responder (CFR) scheme. As a result, several schemes are identified, predominantly in the Rural Service Centres and it is anticipated that these schemes can be delivered in the short to medium term, pending the successful allocation of CIL funds. These schemes are rolled forward unchanged into this iteration of the IDP.
In addition, a change in SECAmb’s service delivery model has bought about a potential need for a new Make Ready Centre (MRC), to be located in north Maidstone to serve the mid-Kent Weald catchment. A MRC is a dedicated centre enabling the cleaning, restocking and checking of equipment on ambulances prior and subsequent to every shift. At this early stage, the scheme is not developed enough for inclusion into the IDP, however it will be kept under review and included in future iterations of the IDP should the scheme progress to a suitable level.
As both waste planning authority and waste disposal authority, Kent County Council plays a key role in assessing the need for new and improved waste management facilities and delivering waste management infrastructure. In 2017 KCC undertook a reassessment of future waste capacity requirements in Kent which indicated that a Waste Sites Plan was no longer required, thereby negating the need to identify sites for waste infrastructure.
What is the key supporting evidence?
1) Mapping and analysis undertaken by SECAmb, October 2015
What are the next steps for 2019/20?
Ensure SECAmb are informed of how to bid for strategic CIL funds to support the timely delivery of the CFR schemes in line with development.
Item Reference |
Service and Issue |
Output |
Justification/ supporting evidence |
Development in the Local Plan which is dependent upon the output |
Lead and delivery partners |
Estimated cost (if known) |
Funding sources |
Scheme status |
Delivery timescale |
Risk to delivery |
PS1 |
Ambulance service Measures to increase coverage |
Creation of a new Community Frist Responder (CFR) Scheme required in the Bearsted area |
Mapping and analysis undertaken by SECAmb – Oct, 2015
The scheme will benefit new and existing residents in the area |
SECAmb |
37k |
Scheme ready to implement pending funding |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
PS2 |
Ambulance service Measures to increase coverage |
Creation of a new Community Frist Responder (CFR) Scheme required in the Harrietsham area |
Mapping and analysis undertaken by SECAmb – Oct, 2015
The scheme will benefit new and existing residents in the area |
SECAmb |
£14k |
Scheme ready to implement pending funding |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
PS3 |
Ambulance service Measures to increase coverage |
Creation of a new Community Frist Responder (CFR) Scheme required in the Lenham area |
Mapping and analysis undertaken by SECAmb – Oct, 2015
The scheme will benefit new and existing residents in the area |
SECAmb |
£7k |
Scheme ready to implement pending funding |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
PS4 |
Ambulance service Measures to increase coverage |
Creation of a new Community Frist Responder (CFR) Scheme required in the Marden area |
Mapping and analysis undertaken by SECAmb – Oct, 2015 |
The scheme will benefit new and existing residents in the area |
SECAmb |
£17.5k |
Scheme ready to implement pending funding |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
PS5 |
Ambulance service Measures to increase coverage |
Creation of a new Community Frist Responder (CFR) Scheme required in the Staplehurst area |
Mapping and analysis undertaken by SECAmb – Oct, 2015
The scheme will benefit new and existing residents in the area |
SECAmb |
328k |
Scheme ready to implement pending funding |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
PS6 |
Ambulance service Measures to increase coverage |
Creation of a new Community Frist Responder (CFR) Scheme required in the Headcorn area |
Mapping and analysis undertaken by SECAmb – Oct, 2015
The scheme will benefit new and existing residents in the area |
SECAmb |
£17.5k |
Scheme ready to implement pending funding |
Short / Medium term |
Essential |
Moderate |
PS7 |
Ambulance service Measures to increase coverage |
Creation of a new Community Frist Responder (CFR) Scheme required in the Yalding area |
Mapping and analysis undertaken by SECAmb – Oct, 2015
The scheme will benefit new and existing residents in the area |
SECAmb |