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Appendix 2
Performance Summary
Green |
Amber |
Red |
N/A[1] |
Total |
KPIs |
9 |
2 |
0 |
3 |
14 |
Direction |
Up |
No Change |
Down |
N/A |
Total |
Last Year |
7 |
1 |
4 |
2 |
14 |
Last Quarter |
7 |
1 |
3 |
3 |
14 |
· 82% (9) of targetable quarterly key performance indicators (KPIs) achieved the quarter 1 target.
· For 58% (7) KPIs performance has improved compared to quarter 1 last year
· 64% of KPIs are showing an improvement in performance compared to quarter 4.
Safe, clean and green
Overall, the performance indicators (PIs)n relating to ‘Safe, clean and green’ have performed well against target for quarter 1, with all six targeted PIs achieving target and three out of the seven PIs where trend information is available are showing an improvement in performance compared to quarter 1 in 2018/19 and one shows sustained performance.
The percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting has exceeded its target by 0.26%. In quarter 1 last year the Waste team noted that there had been an increase in the amount of garden waste collected which was attributed to good weather and contributed to a higher than normal quarter 1 out-turn. This year increased rainfall meant that the amount of garden waste collected was not as great.
Although there has been a slight decrease in the percentage of land and highways with acceptable levels of litter compared to both last year and last quarter performance remains high as does the percentage of land with acceptable levels of detritus. The data for these PIs is gathered as part of and environmental quality assessment with is undertaken in three trenches. Last year work on the assessment started in quarter 2, this year’s assessment has been started in quarter 1 as the assessment methodology requires different areas to be assessed at different times so that seasonal variances and other factors (such as leaf fall and grass cutting) can be assessed.
Overall there were 497 reports of fly-tipping in the borough during quarter 1, this is a 94% increase in reports compared to quarter 1 in 2018/19. More than 95% of reports were cleared or assessed within 2 working days and four out of five fly-tips resulted in enforcement action. The new arrangement for a dedicated waste crime response team within street cleansing to remove all fly tipping is improving the response time. The team work closely with the waste crime team to capture evidence and intel and also undertake regular visits to known hotspots to remove fly tipping quickly.
Homes & Communities
The target for successful outcomes for relief duty has achieved the quarterly target while the target for successful outcome for homelessness prevention duty cases has marginally missed the quarterly target. Both of these PIs are new for 2019/20 so there is no historic data to assess trends against. Legislative changes now mean that applicants owed a prevention or relief duty must be assessed and a personalised housing plan (PHP) produced.
In total 139 households were prevented or relieved from becoming homeless during quarter 1, achieving the quarterly target and improving on both the quarter 1 and quarterly figures for 2018/19. In addition, 137 households were housed through the housing register. This figure is marginally below the target and therefore has been rated amber. Providing accommodation to those on the housing register is reliant on properties becoming available both through housing association partners and new builds; unfortunately since quarter 2 last year there has been fewer available properties.
The performance indicator measuring the spend and allocation for disabled facilities grant is provided by Kent County Council, here performance has improved compared to quarter 1 last year. There is no short-term trend for this indicator as it accumulates towards to annual target.
The number of households in temporary accommodation on the last night of the month (both paid accommodation and unpaid) have decreased compared to quarter 1 in 2018/19 and since the end quarter 4 in 2018/19.
Key to performance ratings
Direction |
Performance has improved |
Performance has been sustained |
Performance has declined |
N/A |
No previous data to compare |
RAG Rating |
Target not achieved |
Target slightly missed (within 10%) |
Target met |
Data Only |
Safe, clean and green |
Performance Indicator |
Q1 2019/20 |
Value |
Target |
Status |
Long Trend |
Short Trend |
Percentage of unauthorised encampments on Council owned land removed within 5 working days |
100% |
90% |
Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting (NI 192) |
52.26% |
52.00% |
The percentage of land and highways with acceptable levels of litter |
98.02% |
98.00% |
The percentage of land and highways with acceptable levels of detritus |
97.92% |
95.00% |
Percentage of fly tips resulting in enforcement action |
80.0% |
80.0% |
Percentage of fly-tips cleared or assessed within 2 working days |
95.01% |
94.00% |
Average weight of fly-tipped collected materials (kg) |
58.49kg |
N/A |
Maintenance per Hectare Spent on Parks and Open Spaces |
Annual PI |
Number of green flag parks |
Annual PI |
Section 106 spending (against estimate) |
Annual PI |
Percentage of people using parks & amenity green space at least once a week |
Biennial PI |
Homes & Communities
Performance Indicator |
Q1 2019/20 |
Value |
Target |
Status |
Long Trend |
Short Trend |
Number of houses of multiple occupation brought to compliance by private rented sector licensing |
Bi-annual PI |
Percentage of successful relief duty outcomes |
47.2% |
35.0% |
N/A |
N/A |
Percentage of successful prevention duty outcomes |
59.5% |
60.0% |
N/A |
N/A |
Number of households prevented or relieved from becoming homeless |
139 |
83 |
Number of households living in temporary accommodation last night of the month (NI 156 & SDL 009-00) |
98 |
Number of households living in nightly paid temporary accommodation last night of the month |
44 |
Number of households housed through housing register |
137 |
150 |
Percentage spend and allocation of Disabled Facilities Grant Budget (YTD) |
22.8% |
20.0% |
N/A |
Number of completed housing assistances |
Annual PI |