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19 MAY 2010















1.         To be responsible for any executive functions which involve a recommendation to Council including budget and policy proposals.


2.                  To be responsible for making key decisions on matters in the forward plan covering more than one Executive portfolio.


3.         To receive and respond to:


(a)     reports to the Executive from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees, the Monitoring Officer and the Chief Finance Officer; and

(b)     recommendations from Council.


4.         To receive reports from external and internal auditors.


5.                  To approve draft Development Plan Documents for consultation purposes.


6.                  To receive reports on risk management.



All Executive Cabinet Members (individually)


1.         To be responsible for policy development for submission to Cabinet within their portfolio area.


2.         To submit to the Cabinet all revenue estimates and capital programmes within the remit of the portfolio with a view to the Cabinet determining the budget for submission to Council.


3.         To exercise and be responsible for all other powers of the Executive for their portfolio area.


4.         To be responsible for all staffing matters within their portfolio area.


5.                  To make recommendations on all land issues within their portfolio area to the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services.


Kent Joint Waste Management Committee


(To include Cabinet Member for Environment, with Leader as Substitute Member)


1.    The purpose of the Joint Waste Management Committee (Objectives) is to:


·      ensure the delivery of the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy and Vision for Kent.


·      provide a platform for cooperative and joint working to improve or deliver services


·      act as a single voice for strategic waste issues for Kent local authorities and to influence Central Government and other bodies as necessary on key strategic waste issues


·      increase awareness of waste as a resource and to interact with other stakeholders to promote waste minimisation and achieve an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable waste strategy


·      work with and support as required statutory agencies, non governmental organisations (NGO’s), small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s), business, scientific and commercial organisations and other bodies who are in pursuit of developing, supporting and influencing the future direction of sustainable waste/resource management.


2.    The key functions of the Joint Waste Management Committee are to:


·      ensure the implementation, monitoring and review of the approved Joint Municipal Waste Strategy for Kent


·      advise on the future development of the Joint Municipal Waste Strategy for Kent


·      produce the Draft Annual Action Plan, including a budget, for approval by the Partner Authorities


·      take decisions relevant to the implementation and future development of the Joint Waste Management Strategy and the Approved Annual Action Plan


·      authorise any relevant expenditure as outlined in the budget of the Approved Annual Action Plan


·      undertake joint funding applications relevant to the implementation and future development of the Joint Waste Management Strategy and the Approved Annual Action Plan


·      act as a forum for consideration of strategic/operational municipal and other waste management issues in Kent


·                       encourage the adoption and sharing of waste management best practices and initiatives


·                       co-ordinate baseline evaluation and monitoring of services


·                       facilitate constructive partnership working


·                       inform and raise awareness of Members, officers, and the community with regards to key waste management and resource issues


·                       consult and engage key interested bodies and stakeholders


·                       influence, advise and lobby government and other agencies, both nationally and internationally, where to do so is consistent with Kent’s Joint Municipal Waste Strategy and the Purpose of the Joint Waste Management Committee (1)


·                       carry out such other activities calculated to facilitate, or which are conducive or incidental to the discharge of the Joint Waste Management Committee’s function in implementing the Approved Annual Operating Plan.



3.                  Composition of the Joint Waste Management Committee


Membership comprises of the portfolio holders or designated members with responsibility for waste within the 12 Districts and the County.  Each member must be a member of their cabinet or Executive and will be entitled to one vote and will act as the Partner Authorities appointed member.


Partner Authorities may each appoint another named person to act as a Deputy for their appointed Kent Joint Waste Management Committee Member.  Where the appointed Committee Member is unable to attend a meeting, their Deputy may attend and speak in their absence and may vote.





Cobtree Manor Estate Charity Committee




  • Leader of the Council, Cabinet Member for Community Services, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Cabinet Member for Regeneration.


Terms of Reference

  • To be responsible for all matters relating to the Registered Charity Number 283617 known as the Cobtree Manor Estate, with the exception of daily management of the Charity and the land known as Cobtree Estate, Sandling, Maidstone, Kent which will be undertaken by the Deputy Chief Executive.


The Queens Own Royal West Kent Regiment Museum Trust Committee




  • Leader of the Council, Cabinet Member for Community Services, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Cabinet Member for Regeneration.



Terms of Reference


  • To be responsible for all matters relating to the Registered Charity Number 1083570 known as The Queens Own Royal West Kent Regiment Museum Trust, with the exception of daily management of the Charity which will be undertaken by the Deputy Chief Executive and the Museums and Heritage Manager.



Leader of the Council


Responsible for the discharge of any executive function not delegated to another individual or body.


Policy Development –

·                   To oversee and co-ordinate the development of all policy framework documents and to ensure that they interrelate and reflect agreed Council priorities.


Budget –

·                   To take responsibility (in collaboration with the rest of the Cabinet) for drawing up initial proposals for the Council's budget ensuring that corporate priorities are matched by appropriate financial resources.


Performance Management -

·                   To establish, implement and monitor the Council's Performance Management System and have overall responsibility for data quality.


Value for Money –

·               To ensure that the Council achieves Value for Money in its services.


Delivery within Portfolios -

·               To ensure that the Cabinet Members are delivering priorities within their own portfolio structures.


Sustainable Community Strategy –

·                   To take responsibility for the Sustainable Community Strategy and to work with the LSP in delivering its objectives.


Special Projects –

                    Taking responsibility for certain corporate special projects as advised by the Cabinet.


External affairs –

·                   To act as an ambassador for the Council and its activities amongst external advisory and interest groups.

·                   To act as an advocate for the Council in pressing for changes in national policy.


Communications –

·                     To be responsible for the Council’s internal and external communications, consultation, marketing and formulation of the Communication Strategy.





Corporate Services

Corporate Services

              To oversee the development, review and application of the Council’s personnel policies including staff structures, training and health and safety policies.

              To oversee the operation of the legal advice service and corporate financial advice service to the Council.

              To be responsible for the operation and administration of the Council Tax and Housing Benefit systems.


Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act

·                To review the use of RIPA powers and to set RIPA Policy


Risk Management -

Ÿ    To be responsible for and report to the Cabinet on all matters relating to risk management.


Property, Procurement and Projects -

              To oversee the operation of the Property, Procurement and Projects section in the provision of its support to all sectors of the Council.

              To be responsible for the development and implementation of the Procurement Policy and Strategy and to act as a service’s members’ champion.


Asset Management

              To be responsible for the disposal, acquisition and management of all the Council's land and property.


Delivery –

              Ensuring that the Council meets its objectives under the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Acts.


Customer contact –

              To improve existing methods of customer contact.


Complaints –

              To be responsible for the development, review and application of the Council’s Complaints Procedure.


E-Government –

              To be responsible for the Development of e-government within the Council.

              To be responsible for the development, review and application of the Council’s IT and Communications Strategy.


Democratic Services –

·               Improving electoral turnout and participation

Land Charges –

              To oversee the operation of the land charges function.


Budget Monitoring –

·                To be responsible for monitoring the Council’s budget during the year.

Business Transformation -

·                To be responsible for all matters relating to business transformation.


Community Services


Young People –

·                     To be the Lead Cabinet Member for young people

·                     Youth Forum


Lifelong Learning –

·                     To be the Lead Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning


Health –

·                     To be responsible on behalf of the Council for all health and community health matters including the development, in conjunction with the Council’s partners of the Community Health Plan.


Crime and Disorder –

              To be responsible for all aspects of community safety in the Borough.


Social Inclusion -

·                   To formulate and review policies to enable the enhancement of a socially inclusive society in Maidstone.

·                   To guide, advise and provide a strategic overview on social inclusion issues


External affairs –

·                   To take responsibility for external relationships with parish councils (including concurrent functions), KCC and other levels of local government.






Leisure and Culture


Culture –

              To be responsible for providing and enabling a range of cultural based activities and for increasing the variety of activities available.


Leisure –

              To be responsible for providing and enabling a range of leisure activities including sporting and recreational based activities and for increasing the variety of activities available (other than those matters relating to the Maidstone Leisure Centre).


Parks –

              To be responsible for the provision and maintenance of parks and open spaces within the Borough.


Allotments –

·               To be responsible for the development and implementation of policy regarding the provision of and improvements to allotments.



·                   To be responsible for the Council’s market.


Maidstone Leisure Centre –

·                     To be responsible for all matters relating to the Maidstone Leisure Centre.


Cemetery and Crematorium –

·               To provide a cemetery and crematorium service for the Borough, including the management of the directly provided Council services.


Tourism -

·                   To be responsible for the development, review and application of the Council's tourism and twinning activities and conference activities.





Highways –

              To be responsible for seeking strategic highways improvements

              To oversee the delivery of local (District) Highways functions

              To be responsible for the Council’s Environmental Improvement Schemes.


Parking –

              To be responsible for the development, operation and enforcement of the pay and display car parks, and on-street waiting and parking restrictions in the Borough.


Public Transport –

              To be responsible for transportation policy including the operation of the Park and Ride service and the development of public transport initiatives.

              To be responsible for the Council’s Concessionary Fares Scheme.


Waste Collection –

              To be responsible for the provision, operation and review of the waste collection service within the Borough. To develop and implement the policy on waste minimisation and recycling.


Cleansing –

              To be responsible for the provision, operation and review of cleansing services for the Borough and Council buildings.


Environmental Health –

              To be responsible for the development and operation of all functions relating to public health


Climate Change -

              To be the Lead Cabinet Member for Climate Change. 


Public Conveniences -

·                   To provide public conveniences within the Borough and to manage the operation of the services.





Local Development Plan –

              To be responsible for planning strategy for the Borough including detailed consideration of planning policy and guidance.

              To be responsible for developing the Local Development Plan alongside the Leader of the Council for submission to Cabinet and the Council for approval.

              To be responsible for the preparation of development briefs and informal guidance notes.


Planning -

              To be responsible for all Executive planning matters, including Building Control.


Economic Development –

              To be responsible for the implementation and review of an annual strategy that will foster the local economy and bring associated benefits to the wider community.

              To be responsible for the development, review and application of the Council’s Economic Development Strategy alongside the Leader of the Council.


Sustainability –

              To guide, advise and provide a strategic overview on sustainability issues as they affect the Council’s internal and external activities.

              To ensure that the Council, the non-executive Committees, Cabinet and Cabinet Members are aware of sustainability issues when formulating policy.

              To make recommendations to Council on sustainability issues arising from Council policies, and promote proposals to be adopted as Council Policy.

              To maintain the environmental quality of the Borough.


Housing –

              To be responsible for the Housing Strategy

              To be responsible for the relationship with local RSL’s.

              To be responsible for the development, operation and review of all the private housing functions of the Council and protection of private sector tenants, including the provision of the homelessness service.


Business Community –

              To achieve close links with the business community to maintain a prosperous and sustainable economy for the Borough and to develop partnerships to achieve this purpose.