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Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for Outside Bodies - Nominations






27 MAY 2010




Report prepared by Janet Barnes 





1.1              Issue for Decision


1.1.1         To consider nominations to outside bodies.


1.2              Recommendation of the Democratic Services Manager


1.2.1         That the nominations set out in the report be considered by the Group.


1.3              Reasons for Recommendation


1.3.1         The nominations to outside bodies to be made are listed below and copies of the Nomination Forms received are attached at Appendix A.


1.3.2         Kent Downs AONB Joint Advisory Committee (“JAC”)


             Councillor Mrs Parvin has been the representative of the Council for the past municipal year.


             The term of office starts on 21 May 2010 for a period of 1 year.


             A nomination has been received from Councillor Mrs Parvin.


             Recommended: That the Group make an appointment to the vacancy on the Kent Downs AONB Joint Advisory Committee.


1.3.3         Maidstone Area Arts Council


             Councillors Daley, FitzGerald and Moss have been the representatives of the Council for the past municipal year.


             Vacancies: 3 x Committee Members


             The term of office starts on 21 May 2010 for a period of 1 year.


             Nominations have been received from Councillors Daley, Paterson and Mrs Smith.


             Recommended: That the Group make appointments to the vacancies on the Maidstone Area Arts Council.


1.3.4         Tourism South East


             Councillor Moss has been the representative of the Council for the past municipal year and Councillor Paterson has been the substitute member.


             Vacancies: 1 x Committee Member and 1 x Substitute Member


             The term of office starts on 21 May 2010 for a period of 1 year.


             Nominations have been received from Councillors FitzGerald, Paterson and Parvin.


             Recommended: That the Group make Committee and Substitute Member appointments to the vacancies on Tourism South East.


1.3.5         Maidstone YMCA (formerly YMCA Sport Centre Management Committee)


             Councillors Yates and Ms Williams have been the representatives of the Council for the past municipal year.


             Vacancies: 2 x Committee Members


             The term of office starts on 21 May 2010 for a period of 1 year.


             A nomination has been received from Councillor Yates.


             Recommended: That the Group make appointments to the vacancies on Maidstone YMCA.


1.3.6         Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board


             Councillors Nelson-Gracie and Warner have been the representatives of the Council for the past municipal year.


             Vacancies: 2 x Committee Members


             The term of office starts on 30 June 2010 for a period of 2 years.


             Nominations have been received from Councillors Nelson-Gracie and Parvin.


             Recommended: That the Group make appointments to the vacancies on the Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board.


1.3.7         Mid Kent Downs Steering Group


             Councillor Harwood has been the representative of the Council for the past municipal year and Councillor Mrs Parvin has been the substitute.


             Vacancies: 1 x Committee Member and 1 x Substitute Member


             The term of office starts on 21 May 2010 for a period of 1 year.


             Nominations have been received from Councillors Ash and Mrs Parvin.


             Recommended: That the Group make appointments to the vacancies on the Mid Kent Downs Steering Group.


1.3.8         Town Centre Management Advisory Group


             Councillors Mrs Marshall, Moss and Mrs Wilson have been the representatives of the Council for the past municipal year.


             Vacancies: 3 x Committee Members (1 from each Political group)


             The term of office starts on 31 May 2010 for a period of 1 year.


             Nominations have been received from Councillors FitzGerald, Greer and Mrs Wilson.


             Recommended: That the Group make appointments to the vacancies on the Town Centre Management Advisory Group.


1.3.9         Local Government Association Urban Commission


             Councillor Garland has been the voting representative of the Council and Councillor Robertson has been the non-voting representative of the Council for the past municipal year.


             Vacancies: 1 x Voting Member and 1 x Non-Voting Member


             The term of office starts on 31 May 2010 for a period of 1 year.


             Nominations have been received from Councillors Burton and Mrs Wilson.


             Recommended: That the Group make Voting and Non-Voting Member appointments to the vacancies on the Local Government Association Urban Commission.


1.3.10      Local Government Association Rural Commission


             Councillor Mrs Blackmore has been the voting representative of the Council and Councillor FitzGerald has been the non-voting representative of the Council for the past municipal year.


             Vacancies: 1 x Voting Member and 1 x Non-Voting Member


             The term of office starts on 31 May 2010 for a period of 1 year.


             Nominations have been received from Councillors Mrs Blackmore and B Mortimer.


             Recommended: That the Group make Voting and Non-Voting Member appointments to the vacancies on the Local Government Association Urban Commission.


1.3.11      Relief in Need Charities


             Councillor Daley is a Nominative Trustee of the Maidstone Relief in Need Charities although his term of office expires on 27 June 2010 leaving a vacancy.


             This term of office is for a period of 4 years until 26 June 2014. 


             A nomination has been received from Councillor Daley.


             Recommended: That the Group make an appointment to the vacancy on the Relief in Need Charities.


1.3.12      Maidstone Street Pastor’s Management Committee


The Council have received a request from the Chairman of the Maidstone Street Pastor’s Management Committee to nominate a representative from the Council to sit on the Management Committee.


Attached at Appendix B is a copy of the letter received from the Chairman, together with copies of the Job Specification Form, the Constitution of Maidstone Street Pastors and the Street Pastors Licence Agreement.

The Group is asked to consider including the Maidstone Street Pastor’s Management Committee as an Outside Body.


If this is agreed, then the Committee is asked to consider the most appropriate representation for the Management Committee.  The options are:-


·         Cabinet Member for Community Services

·         Ward representation

·         Any Member


The term of office will be for 3 years with effect from 15 May 2010.


Recommended: That the Group consider the inclusion of the Maidstone Pastor’s Management Committee as an Outside Body and, if agreed, to consider the most appropriate representation on that Committee.


1.3.13      KCC Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee


The two District Council appointments to the above Committee for the West Kent area are rotated between Dartford, Gravesham, Maidstone, Sevenoaks, Tonbridge & Malling and Tunbridge Wells.  Two Voting Members are appointed and two Members from the other Districts are appointed as Substitute Members.


Councillor Mrs Blackmore served as the Voting Member last year, contributing extensively to the Committee’s work in particular assisting with the Committee’s report on Women’s and Children’s services.  This year the Council need to appoint a Substitute Member.  An appointment needs to be made as soon as possible, but it has not been possible to go through the normal nomination process.  Councillor Mrs Blackmore has indicated her wish to continue.


As notification of this appointment has only recently been received, it is recommended that the Leader appoints for the year 2010-11 and, if the Group consider this should be open to all Members, then the normal process of nomination to Outside Bodies will be used for the year 2011-12 and onwards.



i)      That the Group consider the appointment of a Substitute Member to the KCC Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the year 2010-11; and

ii)     That future appointments to the KCC Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee should be included in the normal nomination process for Outside Bodies.