Contact your Parish Council

Sent: 29 October 2020 12:42
To: Kerry Watson <>
Cc: Louise Davis <>; Lorraine Neale <>; John Littlemore <>
Subject: Răspuns: Street Trading Application - London Road




As I’ve said an my last email I think all this objections are irrelevant because there’s the same situation like on Sutton Road where I’m trading already and I didn’t cause any inconvenience for anyone which is one of the busiest road in town.


How long does it take for my application to re-examine?


Thank you!


La joi, octombrie 29, 2020, 12:28 p.m., Kerry Watson a scris:

Dear Adrian

Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982

Section 3 and Schedule 4 – Street Trading

Application for Selling: Pizza and Soft Drinks

Location: London Road (Corner with Hildenborough Crescent), Allington

With reference to your application dated 8th October under the above Act, I regret to inform you that Mr John Littlemore, Head of Housing and Community Services cannot determine your application for a street trading consent due to objections having been received, (see attached).

The Council has decided that if an objection is received, the applicant will have the right to a hearing before a group of Members. If you wish to proceed to a hearing please write to me stating any responses to the objections and I will arrange for the matter to be taken to the next Licensing Committee Meeting to discuss your application.

If I do not hear from you within three weeks from the date of this letter I will assume that you do not wish to pursue your application further. I will then arrange for a refund of the Consent fee to be sent to you in due course.

According to the Act, a person who engages in street trading in a Consent Street without being authorised to do so is guilty of an offence and is liable to prosecution. This applies while applications are being considered by the Council. Therefore, if you trade without Consent you are liable to prosecution.

You should be aware that the Council may refuse to grant Consent if, despite being informed that a Street Trading Consent is required, an applicant continues to trade within the Borough.

Kind regards

Kerry Watson


Sent: 26 October 2020 12:33
To: Kerry Watson <>
Cc: Lorraine Neale <>; Louise Davis <>
Subject: Răspuns: Street Trading Application - London Road


I didn’t see any difference on London road compared with Sutton where I’ve got the license, both are busy road and my trading purposes are designed to pedestrians mainly and I never parked my van where I considered I can cause an obstruction, there’s a large footpath area, about the noise I’ve got just an small suitcase super silent generator for electricity which at few meters there’s no noise at all (50 decibels).

I’m just trying to bring something new to allinghton area and extend my potentially customers.

From my opinion all of the objections are irrelevant.


Thank you!



La luni, octombrie 26, 2020, 11:59 a.m., Kerry Watson a scris:

Hi Adrian

Further to your email, I can advise that although there are still a few days remaining of the consultation, we have received objections to your application (see attached) and therefore will be refusing the Consent.

You will of course, be formally notified of this decision once the consultation is complete.

Kind regards

Kerry Watson

Licensing Admin

Licensing Team

Maidstone Borough Council, Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone, Kent ME15 6JQ