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Maidstone Borough Council

Record of Officer Decision


Reason for Record

Specific Delegation and spend over £250,000



Alison Broom, Chief Executive

Date Decision Taken

4 February 2020

Is the decision Exempt? If yes please provide the reason for exemption


Record of decision

That the Covid-19 Additional Restriction Grant for Businesses (Discretionary Grant) – January 2021 be approved


Reasons for decision

The decision to implement an Additional Restrictions Grant Scheme (discretionary scheme) in line with the guidance issued by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy was made on the 19th November 2020.


The aim of the first and second round of funding which covered the period 5th November to 30th December was to  provide financial support to the elements of the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure sector that were  required to close or those businesses that rely on the operation of that sector as part of their supply chain;  the second round of funding expanded the scheme to support businesses that are closed because they are unable to open in a Covid secure way and small and micro businesses that had a significant reduction in income but fall outside of the scope of other forms of financial support. 


The attached document sets out the Council’s policy for the delivery of round 3 of the Additional Restrictions Grant Scheme, which looks to build on the existing criteria by introducing:


·         A six week award period to reflect the current lockdown period and bring payments in line with other grant schemes


·         A one-off payment to mirror the Closed Businesses Lockdown Payment for businesses in the retail, hospitability and leisure sector that occupying commercial workspace and are required to close


·         An additional one-off payment of £10,000 to businesses in the retail, hospitality, and leisure sector with a rateable value of £51,000 or over. 


The objective is to provide flexibility in the response and recovery from the impacts of the pandemic.


Delegation is made to the Head of Economic Development and Regeneration, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Business Improvement to consider and make individual awards up to a value of £100,000 for:


·         Awards to Businesses in difficulty that are of importance to the borough given their impact on the quantum and or quality of employment, or services to residents or the visitor economy.


·         Business support including activity to aid the reopening and recovery of the High Street.


The Powers to implement such a scheme are contained in Section 1 of the Localism Act 2011.


Details of alternative options, if any, considered and rejected

Whilst introduction of the Scheme is at the discretion of the council and the council could decide not to implement a scheme, this would be to the detriment to local businesses, the wider economy and residents of the borough.


Details of the Committee from which the specific delegation is derived from (if any), along with the date of meeting and the specific resolution

Part 2.3.1 para 12 of the Constitution enables the Chief Executive to take any action necessary in connection with any civil emergency or disaster including response, recovery and business continuity as may be required from time to time.


The decision has been taken in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Chair of Economy, Regeneration and Leisure Committee.