Contact your Parish Council
Sent: 08 December 2020 15:41
To: Licensing (MBC) <>
Cc: Lorraine Neale <>; Louise Davis
<>; Kerry Watson
<>; 'KCC Highways'
<>; Planning Technical Team (MBC)
<>; EH Admin
<>; Community Protection (MBC)
<>;; Annabelle Blackmore (Cllr)
<>; David Burton (Cllr) <>;
Marden Parish Council (MBC) <>
Subject: Street trading application to sell hot and cold foods and soft
drinks from a trailer in Orchard View Garage car park, Hampstead Lane, Yalding
Importance: High
Street trading application to sell hot and cold foods and soft drinks from a trailer in Orchard View Garage car park, Hampstead Lane, Yalding
Yalding Parish Councillor strongly object. The site is completely unsuitable and unsustainable for this proposal.
o There is no off-road parking for larger vehicles.
o There is no on-road parking as the frontage abuts double yellow lines and opposite the site is densely parked by residents, customers of The Boathouse, visitors and is in constant use.
o There is concern that any illegal parking on the double yellow lines will cause congestion at the traffic lights.
o The Environment Agency require unobscured access to their depot, additional double yellow lines were installed to achieve this.
o The use of this site will greatly reduce the overflow parking to the existing business and push existing vehicles onto the very over congested highway.
o It is in close proximity to the traffic lights and vehicles waiting to turn right onto the site will cause a backup onto the single track bridge.
o The hours of working will create light and noise pollution in the open countryside.
o The hours of working will have the potential to attract anti-social behaviour.
o The application states only one member of staff; how do they propose deliveries?
Whilst not a specific objection, Councillors note that the proposal would be in direct competition with the business of Teapot Island and also the other pubs doing takeaway and who are struggling at this time due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Angela Gent
Angela Gent
Clerk to Yalding Parish Council