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Item 12                                                                                                                                 Robins Rest, Park Lane,

Boughton Monchelsea      

Page      2 – 15


Officers request the application is granted with conditions and delegated authority to advertise the application as it affects a public right of way.

Amendments to conditions

1.       Remove condition 1 and re-number the remaining conditions.

2.       Amend condition 3 (as existing) as follows:

3)    The use hereby permitted shall cease and all caravans, structures, equipment and materials brought onto the land for the purposes of such use shall be removed within 3 months of the failure to meet any one of the requirements set out in  i) to iv) below:

i)             Within 6 weeks of the date of this decision a Site Development Scheme, hereafter referred to as the 'Scheme', shall have been submitted for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority. The Scheme shall include details of the following:

a)         details of all boundary treatments

b)         extent of hardstanding and parking using porous materials

c)         the means of foul and surface water drainage of the site;

d)         all existing and proposed external lighting with measures to be fitted to prevent light spillage outside the site

e)         details of bin and cycle storage, and refuse collection

f)          Notwithstanding the information submitted, a hard and soft landscaping scheme including existing and proposed tree and hedgerow planting to thicken the boundary treatment of the site which shall also include details of the landscaping to bund shown on the approved plan and specifically for the formation of a landscape buffer on the perimeter of the site including details of species, plant sizes and proposed numbers, densities and ongoing future maintenance, and to reduce the hardstanding incorporated within the development

g)         details of a scheme for the enhancement of biodiversity on the site. The scheme shall consist of the enhancement of biodiversity through at least one integrated method into the design and appearance of the building structure such as swift bricks, bat tubes or bee bricks, and additionally through provision within the site curtilage such as bird boxes, bat boxes, bug hotels, log piles, wildflower planting and hedgerow corridors, and

h)         details of signage to be erected along the PROW advising that pedestrians have priority with a speed limit of 5mph

i)             details of the bund shown on the proposed site layout plan referenced Plan 2 Rev A and received on 25 Jan 2021 including its composition, certification that the imported material is clean and finished contour details to an ODN height.

                                and the said Scheme shall include a timetable for its implementation.

(ii)           within 11 months of the date of this decision the Scheme shall have been approved by the Local Planning Authority or, if the Local Planning Authority refuse to approve the Scheme, or fail to give a decision within the prescribed period, an appeal shall have been made to, and accepted as validly made by, the Secretary of State.

(iii)          if an appeal is made in pursuance of (ii) above, that appeal shall have been finally determined and the submitted Scheme shall have been approved by the Secretary of State.

(iv)         the approved Scheme shall have been carried out and completed in accordance with the approved timetable and thereafter maintained and retained as approved.

Reason: To ensure the visual amenity, character and appearance of the open countryside location is safeguarded.


3.                   New condition to be added as follows:

12.          The residential element of the application site (in the north-eastern corner as shown on the proposed site layout plan  referenced Plan 2 Rev A  received on 25 Jan 2021  and its means of enclosure shall be retained as per the approved drawings in perpetuity, 

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development and to safeguard the character and appearance of the surrounding locality.