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Community Resilience Fund


The purpose of the Community Resilience Fund is to help voluntary and community sector organisations respond to, survive, and recover from the impact of COVID-19.

The COVID-19 pandemic has proven an unprecedented challenge for us all. Many pressures and difficulties have been experienced by individuals, families, and organisations in Maidstone and the longer-term impact is yet to be seen.

A survey conducted of the Voluntary and Community Sector in 2021 identified that there were two areas strongly identified as having a change in demand for services, with more demand in relation to Mental Health and Isolation and Loneliness. These areas of need were also strongly identified through our work with Parish Councils and Community and Voluntary Groups as part of the Community Hub.

The Community Resilience Fund offers a one-off support payment for projects that benefit the residents of Maidstone, centred on the impact of the pandemic and for the purpose of the recovery in the coming months. The fund will be promoted widely to the Voluntary and Community Sector. Any scheme approved will be subject to monitoring through Service Level Agreements.

Eligible projects could include but are not limited to:

·         Befriending schemes to tackle loneliness

·         Youth groups providing recreation opportunities for young people

·         Grassroots sports clubs who need funding to purchase kit and equipment for children to encourage increased fitness and mental wellbeing

·         Support schemes targeting residents whose mental health has suffered because of loneliness or isolation due to the pandemic

·         Schemes to support employability schemes for residents that have faced unemployment caused by the pandemic

·         Projects designed to encourage residents to access nature for exercise and wellbeing.





Who Can Apply?

This fund is open to voluntary and community sector organisations based in Maidstone or predominantly serving Maidstone communities and residents.

Below is a list of the types of eligible organisations and you must be able to tick one of these.

·         Voluntary and community organisations

·         Registered charities

·         Social enterprises

·         Group of organisations if they are led by a voluntary and community organisations or social enterprise

·         Statutory bodies (including Parish or Community Councils)

·         Community interest companies (with two or more directors).


*Eligible organisations must have:

·        An eligible bank account i.e., not a private company and not a private individual’s bank account

·        Adequate policies and procedures in place to meet due diligence requirements and safe practices including, but not limited to safeguarding, health and safety, financial management


How much money can you bid for?

Bids are invited for amounts from £500 to £5000

Eligible expenditure

The grant can fund:

·         staff salaries

·         project activities

·         running costs

·         small-scale refurbishment

·         equipment

·         organisational development




How to Apply


An application form is available here:

Online form

Paper version

Please submit completed application to


How Will Successful Bids Be Selected?

Each eligible application will be assessed by the Head of Policy, Communications and Governance, Head of Housing and Communities in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee and marked against the following criteria


·        Does the project support metal health, social isolation, or inclusion? (out of 10)

·        Local need and community benefit (out of 10)

·        Is the support required in response to the pandemic? (out of 10)


All grant applicants will be notified by email as to whether their application has been successful.  There is no appeals process, but written feedback will be provided on request.









Application Form

Contact Details

First person’s contact details


Full name




 Telephone number






Role in organisation



Second Person’s Contact details

Please provide a second contact in case you are unavailable – this must be somebody from the same organisation as the first person listed above.


Full name




Telephone number






Role in organisation



About your group or organisation


Please select your type of organisation.

If successful we may ask you to provide evidence such as a governing document which must be valid at the time of application or constitution.

Registered, exempt or excepted charity



Charitable incorporated organisation (CIO)


CIC limited by guarantee

(and have charitable objectives)


Charitable company (limited by guarantee)


Community benefit society (Bencom)


Constituted community group


Faith group, where the activity is not promoting religion




Please supply any relevant registration or reference numbers.




Briefly summarise the Maidstone communities of identity or geography that your partnership usually works with. For example:

a.      “our youth partnership works with young people in Tovil to provide youth and play services”

b.      “our network supports vulnerable adults across the Maidstone borough”

c.       “our partnership works with those affected by loneliness in the town centre”

Word count: 250 words





What difference does your partnership/collaboration/network make to the health and wellbeing of residents? Please give examples:


Word count: 250 words






Your Proposal

1. Context - Give an overview of the main issues affecting the organisation in delivering this kind of work? You should include the main issues the communities you work with are facing and where there may be barriers or strengths you wish to build upon with your proposal.

Word Count: 350 words





2. Response – Summarise your proposal – what do you want to do?

Word Count: 350 words





3a. Impact - How will this proposal build the resilience of your organisation? Please also include any wider positive impact on VCSE organisations that aren’t directly involved but do the same kind of work.

Word Count: 250 words




3b. Impact - How will this proposal directly benefit the health and wellbeing of local Maidstone Residents.

Word Count: 250 words



3c. Impact - How will you monitor and assess the impact of your proposal? Please include details of any performance targets and indicators and proposed methodologies.

Word Count: 250 words







    Score Matrix



Amount Requested

Does the project Mental Health, Social Isolation or Loneliness? (out of 10)

Local need and community benefit (out of 10)

Is the support required in response to the pandemic? (out of 10)

Total Score