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Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for Performance Plan enc. 4


 Community Safety

Head of Service

John Littlemore

Name of Indicator

 S3 - Percentage of residents feeling safe walking in the area that they live after dark (rolling year to April 2010)

Target (not achieved)


Actual 2009/10


Target Levels







Performance Issues for current year

 (Will be used in comment for Performance Plan)

Whilst performance is down in this category, Maidstone is at 70.3%, this is still 3.5% above the county average of 66.8%.  Maidstone is 4th highest in terms of feeling safe after dark.


The 2009 Place Survey also shows Maidstone as being in the top quartile of public reassurance and feelings of safety.


Deadline (exact dates)


 Launch of the multi-agency CSU on 1st June 2010 – main criteria being on supporting the single joint measurement and increasing reassurance (progress to be reported upon on by 30th Sept )

 30th Sept 2010


 To establish the precise areas that are represented in the KCVS survey data and for the Public Reassurance Group of the SMP to target publicity and PCSO activity in those wards

 30th Sept



 Further promote Maidstone as a safe place by  Public Reassurance Group and ward news letters

 30th Sept 2010


 Ward profiles to be undertaken in liaison with Elected Members  to identify locations where S3 can be applicable and promote local interventions through EMs

 30th Sept










Head of Service

Brian Morgan

Name of Indicator

 L10 - Visits or uses of the museums per 1,000 population

Target (not achieved)


Actual 2009/10


Target Levels







Performance Issues

The long-term absence (from 9th November 2009 to 23rd March 2010) of the Learning & Access Officer has been a major factor in the failure to achieve the target. The results for the first two quarters were above target but her absence for much of the 3rd and 4th quarters contributed to the lower than expected results.


Poor winter weather forced the closure of the Museum on two days and undoubtedly led to unusually low levels of activity in much of December and January.


Another contributory factor is the continued absence of the collections database from the museums’ website. This is a long-term issue which MBC IT and Tangerine UK Ltd (the website developers) were unable to resolve in 2009/10. Over the course of a year this could have generated an additional 5,000 usages which would have put the target within reach.


Deadline (exact dates)


 The old collection’s database, hosted internally by MBC IT, will be abandoned. Tangerine UK Ltd. has been commissioned to install an interface with the Museum’s existing collections management system (ADLIB) and the museums’ website. This will once again allow collections information to be made publicly accessible. In addition the museums’ website and the ADLIB system will be hosted externally by Tangerine, negating the need to rely on in-house IT support for this system. The cost of this work, hosting and website support will be borne by the Museum’s marketing and communications budget.

30 Sept 2010

 Simon Lace

 The Learning & Access Officer has commenced a phased return to work. Her performance and welfare is being monitored by her manager and by Human Resources.


A small number of new Casual Learning Assistants will be recruited to assist in delivering workshops to schools and in organising holiday activities for children. The increased levels of activity will cover the cost of the CLAs.

 31 July 2010

 Simon Lace





















 Hazlitt Arts Centre

Head of Service

Brian Morgan

Name of Indicator

L 9 - Percentage of all available tickets sold at the Leisure Centre

Target (not achieved)


Actual 2009/10


Target Levels







Performance Issues for current year

 (Will be used in comment for Performance Plan)

 In the current economic climate there has been a slight underachievement on percentage of tickets sold, this trend is likely to continue over the next year and should be acknowledged in the target. The cost centre is still performing at 3% over the national average of 59%.





Maintain a ‘safe’ programming mix

April 2011

Mandy Hare

Exploit good relations with agents to ensure high quality shows

April 2011

Mandy Hare

Continue to reflect diversity in the programme which may mean revisiting the targets.

April 2011

Mandy Hare












Head of Service

Steve Goulette

Name of Indicator

 NI191 - Residual household waste per household

Target (not achieved)


Actual 2009/10


Target Levels







Performance Issues for current year

 (Will be used in comment for Performance Plan)

 Adverse weather at the start of Quarter 4 resulted in more recycling being diverted into the residual waste stream as collections were disrupted and residents could not get to recycling sites.

Quarter 1 also had a higher level of waste as the final phase of mixed dry recycling was not introduced until May 2009.

Residual waste had reduced substantially since the previous year due to the introduction of the mixed recycling and economic downturn however early estimations did not take into account the higher levels of waste produced in Quarter 4 immediately after Christmas and the New Year.


Deadline (exact dates)


 Development of waste and recycling strategy for 2010-2015 outlining key service objectives, improvements and priorities for waste reduction


Jennifer Gosling

 Promotion of waste reduction and reuse messages through a comprehensive educational and engagement programme including school workshops and community roadshows


Alison Sollis

 Identification of reuse opportunities, in particular partnerships with private or voluntary organisations, in order to reduce the amount of reusable waste being disposed of


Alisa Maguire

Contingency Plan developed in partnership with Sita to limit the disruption to service of any future adverse weather


Jennifer Gosling

 Encourage home composting as the most sustainable method for disposing of garden waste and selected kitchen waste through communications campaign and promotion of subsidised home composting bin scheme


Jennifer Gosling





























 Steve Goulette

Name of Indicator

 NI192 - Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting

Target (not achieved)


Actual 2009/10


Target Levels







Performance Issues for current year

 (Will be used in comment for Performance Plan)

 Garden waste levels were far lower than the previous year and are always subject to annual and seasonal changes which can significantly impact performance. 

Recycling site performance was also lower than projected following the completion of the roll out of mixed dry recycling collections in May 2009.

The mixed dry recycling collections have increased steadily since the service was introduced to the whole borough and appear to be stabilising at 900 tonnes per month, slightly lower than originally anticipated.  Higher than expected rejection rates at the Material Recovery Facility, which are combined reject rates for a number of authorities, also have contributed to lower than expected recycling rates.  Adverse weather also resulted in recycling being diverted into the residual waste stream due to disruption to collections and residents being unable to visit recycling sites


Deadline (exact dates)


 Development of waste and recycling strategy for 2010-2015 outlining key service objectives, improvements and priorities for recycling


Jennifer Gosling

 Promotion of existing recycling service through a comprehensive educational and engagement programme including school workshops and community roadshows


Alison Sollis

 Audit of existing recycling sites to identify opportunities to increase materials accepted as well as identification of potential sites


Alisa Maguire

Improving efficiency of garden waste service through introduction of compostable bags and increase promotion of service through retailers, website, community events and local press


Jennifer Gosling

Identify areas where recyclable waste is being disposed of through less sustainable channels and encourage disposal through recycling and composting services which are offered within the borough


Jennifer Gosling


























Street Cleansing


Steve Goulette

Name of Indicator

 PI 5 - Satisfaction with street cleansing

Target (not achieved)


Actual 2009/10


Target Levels







Performance Issues for current year

 (Will be used in comment for Performance Plan)

Satisfaction with street cleansing improved on the previous year from 60% to 64% although just missed the target of 65% for the year. A full review of street cleansing was conducted during the year with recommendations being implemented early in 2010/11.


Deadline (exact dates)


 Introduce area based cleaning to enable more effective use of resources and promote greater ownership of areas by street cleaning teams to improve overall cleanliness of the borough.

 April 2010

 Jonathan Scott

Promote service improvements which will result from the introduction of area based cleaning through effective communications

July 2010

Tim Jefferson

 Develop use of performance results and customer satisfaction feedback to ensure that service identifies and responds to areas of lower performance/satisfaction

 August 2010

Jonathan Scott

Support street cleaning operation with targeted environmental enforcement action and educational/promotional activities to assist in modifying behaviour to tackle source of littering problems

September 2010

Jonathan Scott/Martyn Jeynes/Alison Sollis







Environmental Services

Head of Service

Steve Goulette

Name of Indicator

NI196 - Improved street and environmental cleanliness – fly tipping

Target (not achieved)

1 Very effective

Actual 2009/10

3 Not effective

Target Levels




1 Very effective 

1 Very effective 

1 Very effective 

Performance Issues for current year

 (Will be used in comment for Performance Plan)

Despite an increase in enforcement the amount of fly tipping incident reports has increased significantly resulting in a non effective score.


The increase can be attributed to the following:


1 The reporting of fly tipping has improved due to MBS operational staff receiving additional training and supporting procedure notes to ensure all incidents identified are recorded and reported, via the CRM system;


2 Increased financial pressures due to the recession have lead to an increase in opportunistic fly tipping to avoid costs;


3 Whilst the amount of enforcement has increased the lack of resources to deploy cameras has reduced the number of high profile prosecutions.


Deadline (exact dates)


New anti fly tipping signs to be produced incorporating Smart water as a deterrent

(Cost implication that should not only be born by enforcement)

 31 July 2010

 M Jeynes

Operation Zenith and Lasso to be conducted regularly to target illegal waste carriers, incorporating smart water.

Several under taken resulting in 15+ £300 fpn’s.

Started in February 2010 and ongoing

M Jeynes





Safer Maidstone Partnership anti fly tipping advert to go in local press has already been produced and printed as well as other advertising opportunities such as pop ups through the public reassurance group.

Produced April 2010

M Jeynes

Incident note books to be issued to the following to improve the gathering of evidence:

·        Cleansing Hit Squad operatives

·        Kent Police Neighbourhood  Teams including response team

·        Kent Police motorcycle unit

·        Kcc wardens

 31 July 2010

M Jeynes

Waste carrier education event to be undertaken at DIY and other wholesaler retailers to promote legal waste carrying.

31st May 2011

M Jeynes

Review of resources in the Enforcement team to identify opportunities to resource deployment of covert cctv or alternative.

31st July 2010

M Jeynes/

J Scott

Confirmation of how much fly tipping is as a result of side waste to determine whether enforcement is necessary. Work with SITA to identify repeat offenders

November 2010

M Jeynes/ J Gosling

The fly-capture process will be reviewed to ensure accurate data is being collected by both the Street Cleansing and Environmental Enforcement.

October 2010

T Jefferson/J Edwards/ M Jeynes








Park and Ride

Head of Service

Michael Thornton

Name of Indicator

C 13 - Number of on board Park and Ride transactions

Target (not achieved)


Actual 2009/10


Target Levels







Performance Issues for current year

 (Will be used in comment for Performance Plan)

The economic recession has resulted in an ongoing reduction in use of Park and Ride particularly in the peak period. This is not helped by the current over supply of both private and public parking spaces in the town centre.

An experiment in 2009 of using ordinary service buses instead of dedicated vehicles and a revised routing also resulted in customer dissatisfaction. Subsequent service changes in November 2009 have helped to address this.


Deadline (exact dates)


 Statistics monitored weekly as well as monthly. The rate of decline has reduced and numbers now appear to be stabilising.

From March 2009

Clive Cheeseman

Route network revised and all sites now served by dedicated Park and Ride service. Website updated. Targeted promotion of changes to London Road customers.

November 2009


Clive Cheeseman


All contractors’ staff interviewed to ascertain views on service and possible actions. In response radios and transponders checked and ticketing issues clarified.

December 2009


 Clive Cheeseman



New duty roster with fewer staff to improve interaction and customer service

July/August 2010

Contractor (Arriva)

Park and Ride Marketing Plan – draft drawn up October 2009 for ongoing implementation.

October 2009

Vronni Ward

Leaflet holders on Park and Ride buses

March 2009

Clive Cheeseman

Promotion on Mall website and leaflets at information desk.

April 2009

Clive Cheeseman

Park and Ride added to Kent car share website.

May 2010

Clive Cheeseman

Take One Media – leaflet distribution to 127 hotels and caravan/camping outlets

June 2010

Clive Cheeseman

Additional road signs to Willington Street site

July 2010

Clive Cheeseman