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Notice of the following motion to be moved by Councillor Harper, seconded by Councillor Coates, was included on the agenda for the meeting of the Council held on 29 September 2021:
The Council will be aware of the continuing problems associated with overdevelopment in the Fant Ward. These issues are accentuated by the ability to convert single family residential homes into Houses of Multiple Occupancy (HMOs) with no more than 6 persons under permitted development without the need for planning permission or democratic oversight. This is now a major topic of concern in the Ward.
However, the Council has the ability to serve an Article 4 direction to remove this permitted development right. This will not prevent HMOs in the area being proposed, but will make all HMOs subject to the democratic processes of seeking planning permission (large scale HMOs i.e. more than 6 persons already require planning permission).
It is therefore resolved that "Maidstone Borough Council impose an Article 4 direction to remove permitted development rights to convert residential properties from C3 use to C4 use and C4 use to C3 use in the area of Fant Ward to the east of Fant Lane/Hackney Road. The uncontrolled development of HMOs under permitted development has had a negative impact in this densely populated and congested area, especially on grounds of sustainability and infrastructure, highlighted by problems associated with parking issues and the continuing inability of HMO conversions to demonstrate car parking provision in accordance with the local development plan."
When moving the motion, Councillor Harper, with the consent of the meeting and his seconder, amended the first sentence of the third paragraph to read:
It is
therefore resolved that "Maidstone Borough Council impose an Article 4
direction to remove permitted development rights to convert residential
properties from C3 use to C4 use and C4 use to C3 use in the area of Fant
Ward to the east of Fant Lane/Hackney Road ME16 8 postcode.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 18.5, the amended motion, having been moved and seconded, was referred to the Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee.
A copy of the briefing note which was prepared to assist Members in their consideration of the original motion is attached as Appendix A.
RECOMMENDED: That the Committee consider the motion, as amended, relating to HMOs.