Contact your Parish Council
Jolanda Gjoni <>
Sent: 07 September 2021 09:26
To: Lorraine Neale <>
Subject: Report review has been completed: Review Gambling Act 2005 -
Statement of Licensing Policy 2022 -2025, version 1
To: Lorraine Neale;
The following report review has been completed by Jolanda Gjoni.
Title: Review Gambling Act 2005 - Statement of Licensing Policy 2022 -2025, version 1
Reviewer's status: OK if marked changes are applied
Reviewer's comment: • Harm from gambling has become a serious and worsening
public health problem in the UK and is found at the individual, social (family
and friends) and community levels. This includes financial hardship,
psychological distress and interpersonal conflict or relationship breakdown.
The harm from gambling to wider society includes fraud, theft, loss of
productivity in the workforce and the cost of treating this addiction,
associated anxiety and depression, and potential harms to others from reduced
usable income.
• It is recommended to make consideration of public health a licensing
objective, to ensure greater consideration of public health and levels of gambling-related
harm when processing licensing applications for new gambling venues.
• Effective partnership working to ensure implementation of existing laws on
gambling by those who are underage.
• Use of legislation to tighten regulation of the gambling industry and the
sponsorship, marketing, promotion and offers, especially online marketing which
is currently reaching children and young people.
This report is due to be discussed at the following meetings:
16/09/2021 - Licensing Committee |
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From: Info <>
Sent: 28 September 2021 13:39
To: Lorraine Neale <>
Subject: RE: Maidstone Borough Council – Gambling Policy consultation
Thank you for consulting us on your draft Statement of Principles under the Gambling Act 2005.
Due to resource constraints on a small charity, we are not able to offer specific feedback on your policy. However, you may find GambleAware’s recently published interactive maps useful, which have been designed for use by local authorities. The maps show the prevalence of problem gambling severity in each local authority and ward area as well as usage of, and reported demand for, treatment and support for gambling harms.
GambleAware also strongly commends two publications by the Local Government Association which set out the range of options available to local authorities to deal with gambling-related harms using existing powers:
GambleAware is also fully supportive of local authorities which conduct an analysis to identify areas with increased levels of risk for any reason. In particular we support those who also include additional licence requirements to mitigate the increased level of risk. Areas where there are higher than average resident or visiting populations from groups we know to be vulnerable to gambling harms include children, the unemployed, the homeless, certain ethnic-minorities, lower socio-economic groups, those attending mental health (including gambling disorders) or substance addiction treatment services.
Finally, GambleAware is a leading commissioner of prevention and treatment services for gambling harms. It provides these functions across England, Scotland and Wales and its work is underpinned by high quality research, data and evaluation. We encourage all local authorities to signpost people to the National Gambling Helpline on 0808 8020 133 and also Both are part of the National Gambling Treatment Service and offer free, confidential advice and support for those who may need
Many thanks,
Staplehurst Parish Council - Clerk <>
Sent: 20 October 2021 11:39
To: Lorraine Neale <>
Cc: Licensing (MBC) <>
Subject: Response to consultation request on Draft Statement of
Licensing Principles.
Dear Lorraine
Councillors approved the following response to be submitted for your consultation.
Having read the Draft Statement of Licensing Policy we consider the 3 Licensing Objectives are sound. However, in the main text, whilst there is reference to alcohol and drug addictions there is no reference to gambling addiction.
All risk assessments should make reference.
The Council, as the Licensing Authority should not allow gambling premises to be open 24hours. This is an obvious incentive for vulnerable people to assemble and can only encourage gambling addicts accrue larger debts and continuing mental problems. If the Council has no control over 24 hour opening then they should lobby the Gambling Commission and or Government to so enforce.
Many thanks
Kind regards
Alison Smith
Clerk to Staplehurst Parish Council
Parish Office, Village Centre, High Street, Staplehurst, Kent. TN12 0BJ