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Minutes of Previous Meeting





Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 27 May 2010



Councillor Mrs Joy (Chairman), and

Councillors Mrs Blackmore, English, Field, Mrs Gooch, Mrs Hinder, B Mortimer, Parvin and Yates




1.           Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Horne.




2.           Notification of Substitute Members


The following substitution was noted:-


Councillor Parvin for Councillor Horne




3.           Notification of Visiting Members


There were no Visiting Members.




4.           Election of Chairman


RESOLVED: That Councillor Mrs Joy be elected Chairman for the Municipal Year 2010-11.




5.           Election of Vice Chairman


RESOLVED: That Councillor Mrs Hinder be elected Vice Chairman for the Municipal Year 2010-11.




6.           Disclosures by Members and Officers


The following prejudicial disclosures were declared for Item 11, Nominations to Outside Bodies, as the Members had put forward nominations to the Outside Bodies shown below:-


Councillor Mrs Blackmore – LGA Rural Commission and KCC Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Mortimer – LGA Rural Commission

Councillor Parvin – Tourism South East and Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board

Councillor Yates – Maidstone YMCA


Each Councillor left the meeting at the appropriate time and did not vote.


A Member queried the legality of whether it was necessary to declare a prejudicial interest for nominations to Outside Bodies.


RESOLVED: That clarification be sought of the legal position with regard to prejudicial interest for nominations to Outside Bodies.




7.           Disclosures of Lobbying


There were no disclosures of lobbying.




8.           Exempt Items


RESOLVED: That the Items on the Agenda be taken in public as proposed.




9.           Minutes


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 March 2010 were approved as a correct record and signed.




10.        Appointment of Political Group Spokespersons


RESOLVED: That the following be appointed Political Group Spokespersons for the Municipal Year 2010-11:-


Councillor Mrs Joy – Liberal Democrat

Councillor Mrs Hinder – Conservative

Councillor Mrs Gooch – Independent




11.        Nominations to Outside Bodies


The Group considered the report of the Democratic Services Manager regarding nominations to Outside Bodies.




 i.          That the following nominations to Outside Bodies be agreed:-


a)     Kent Downs AONB Joint Advisory Committee – Councillor Mrs Parvin for a term of 1 year from 21 May 2010.


b)     Maidstone Area Arts Council – Councillors Daley, Paterson and Mrs Smith for a term of 1 year from 21 May 2010.


c)     Tourism South East – Councillor Paterson (Committee Member) and Councillor Parvin (Substitute Member) for a term of 1 year from 21 May 2010.


d)     Maidstone YMCA – Councillor Yates for a term of 1 year from 21 May 2010.


e)     Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board – Councillors Nelson-Gracie and Warner for a term of 2 years from 30 June 2010.


f)      Mid Kent Downs Steering Group – Councillor Mrs Parvin (Committee Member) and Councillor Ash (Substitute Member) for a term of 1 year from 21 May 2010.


g)     Town Centre Management Advisory Group – Councillors FitzGerald, Greer and Mrs Wilson for a term of 1 year from 31 May 2010.


h)     Local Government Association Urban Commission – Councillor Mrs Wilson (Voting Member) and Councillor Burton (Non-Voting Member) for a term of 1 year from 31 May 2010.


i)       Local Government Association Rural Commission – Councillor Mrs Blackmore (Voting Member) and Councillor B Mortimer (Non-voting Member) for a term of 1 year from 31 May 2010.


j)       Relief in Need Charities – Councillor Daley as a Nominative Trustee for a term of 4 years from 27 June 2010.


ii.          That the vacancy on Maidstone YMCA be re-advertised with the next round of nomination requests.


iii.          That the Maidstone Street Pastor’s Management Committee be added as an Outside Body and nominations be sought from all Members.


iv.          That Councillor Mrs Blackmore be appointed as the Council’s Substitute Member of the KCC Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the Municipal Year 2010-11 and future appointments to this Committee be included in the normal nomination process for Outside Bodies.




12.        Annual Report for Councillors


The Group considered the report of the Democratic Services Manager regarding the feedback from Group Leaders on the Annual Report form.


RESOLVED: That no further action be taken on an Annual Report form for Members.




13.        Duration of Meeting


6.30 pm to 7.17 pm

