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Proposer Name
Head of Environment and Public Realm, supported by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Proposed Topic
The Council’s Performance in relation to Waste Strategy.
Description and Reason for Review
A review into the Council’s performance in relation to the Waste and Recycling Strategy 2018-2023.
The strategy was agreed by the de-commissioned Communities, Housing and Environment Committee in 2018. Whilst the Council is exceeding its recycling target and is currently the second highest performer in Kent, it is recognised that similar services provided elsewhere have delivered higher performance.
A review would lead to identifying actions that can be taken by the Council in promoting and managing good performance in this area and maximise the environmental benefits of the existing services, leading to long-term improvement as part of the new Mid Kent Waste Contract due to start in 2023/24.
As the strategy will need refreshing in the near future, any resulting actions from the review would have the potential to be implemented within the refreshed documents. The Lead Member for Environmental Services expressed support for the Committee reviewing the topic.
The review would also increase Councillor knowledge and engagement on this topic, which is of public interest.
Link to Priorities:
Strategic Plan and Corporate Priorities: Safe, Clean and Green. Waste and Recycling Strategy 2018-2023.
Other: To support the Council in its partnership with Ashford and Swale Borough Councils, and with Kent County Council as the Waste Authority.
Executive Priorities: The Commitment to tackling climate change in everything the Council does
Other: Support from the relevant Lead Member on the Executive for Environmental Services.
Desired Outcome(s)
Identification of actions to increase the Council’s performance individually and collectively as part of the Waste Partnership through maximising the use of its recycling services and achieving the collection of high-quality recycling.
Suggested Approach
Day-long Spotlight Review – date tbc. Officer advice has included that the best time to conduct the review would be in Q4.
Members would be given information on the Council’s current performance levels and the aims of the Waste and Recycling Strategy 2018-2023.
The Committee would collect evidence (in verbal and written form) across the day and consider the findings to produce a set of recommended actions to be implemented by the Executive/Council as appropriate.
Suggested approach outlined below:
Source(s) of Information Required
Desk Based Research from the Democratic Services Officer and Head of Environment and Public Realm to:
· Collate previously existing reports on the Waste Strategy and Council’s performance to produce an evidence pack prior to the spotlight review;
· Ascertain whether further information can be provided, such as;
o Mid-quarter updates on the KPIs relevant to Waste Services o Update on the campaign to increase resident awareness of recyclable materials
· Any other information specifically requested by the committee that can be readily provided.
Suggested participants could include:
· Director of Regeneration and Place · Head of Environment and Public Realm · Waste Manager · Communications Manager · Officer Counterparts at Ashford and Swale Borough Councils
Members · Leader of the Council · Lead Member for Environmental Services · Lead Member for Communication and Engagement · Cabinet Member for Environment and Land Management (Councillor Barret, Ashford Borough Council) · Chairman of the Environment Committee (Councillor Saunders, Swale Borough Council)
Written evidence could be submitted if in-person/virtual attendance is not possible.
These requests could focus on questions such as:
· What does the Council do well as part of the Waste and Recycling Strategy? · What are the main areas for improvement? · How could these be improved? · What would be required to make this improvement and support it in the long-term?
Review Timescale
Spotlight Review to be conducted over a full day.
This approach would allow:
· An in-depth review in a short timescale · Engagement with other Local Authorities · Increased experience in an informal setting akin to working groups · Increased experience on questioning skills following OSC training
Report to be presented at the next Committee Meeting.
Link to CfPS effective scrutiny principles
The following CfPS effective scrutiny principles would be met through conducting the review:
· Amplifies public voices and concerns · Is Independently led by Councillors · Drives Improvement in Public Services
Officers that contributed to the scope:
Democratic Services Officer
Head of Environment and Public Realm
Member Section
In evaluating the above proposal’s scope, Members may find it helpful to fill in the below sections prior to the Committee Meeting.
Will the review add value to the service?
Is there any further information required and/or clarification needed to the subject’s scoping?
Is this proposed timeline suitable? |
Should this subject be included in the work programme? |