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Overview and Scrutiny Committee Recommended Action and Implementation Plan (SCRAIP)

The following recommended actions have arisen from the review into the ‘Council’s Performance against the Waste and Recycling Strategy 2018-2023’. This SCRAIP provides comments on the recommendations from the relevant Lead Officer/s such as its feasibility and possible method and timeline for implementation.


Review Title: Council’s Performance against the Waste and Recycling Strategy 2018-2023.


Recommendation & Intended Outcomes

Relevant Decision Maker

Officer Response

Lead Officer/s

That the Planning Committee Members receive training in accordance with recommendation two of appendix 8 of the written information provided to the committee in conducting the review.


Intended Outcomes:


To increase Planning Committee Member’s knowledge in relation to Policy CSW 3, to assist in ensuring that waste collection and waste collection facilities are appropriately considered.


This was an action proposed by the Major Projects Team Leader during the evidence collection process (3 November 2022).[1]


The training would cover, for example:


·         The importance of applying the waste hierarchy (as part of the wider ‘sustainability circle’) when assessing relevant planning applications

·         The wider value of planning officers adopting a positive role in terms of aligning with Corporate approaches

·         The national policy context

·         Existing local MBC/KCC policy and guidance

·         The scope of waste related consideration that can be material to the consideration and determination of a planning application.


Planning Committee

Training on this topic can be incorporated into the existing schedule of training sessions, the scope of which will inevitably expand as the Design and Sustainability SPD progresses.

Major Projects Team Leader and Head of Development Management


That Consideration be given to implementing additional conditions, where appropriate, concerning the waste collection facilities from commercial establishment that may generate high levels of waste.


Intended Outcomes:


The (O&S) Committee felt that this would support the Planning Committee’s consideration of applications where high levels of waste may be generated from the site to the benefit of the local surroundings and to support the Council’s waste collection services and overall strategy.


To facilitate this, the Council needs to include specific policy in the Design and Sustainability Development Plan Document and then specific waste guidance can flow from this as a Supplementary Planning Document

Head of Development Management


[1] Minutes of the Meeting held on 3 November, p. 3 See Appendix 2 of the report for access link.