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Portfolio Holder Priority Statement

Councillor Ash, Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture




Having recently taken over responsibility for Leisure and Culture I have held several meetings with Officers to ensure we meet the objectives set for 2010-11. Key areas of work this year will be to review Leisure and Culture and complete the Leisure and Culture Strategy for the Borough. This strategy will look at how we promote our leisure and culture offer and where the common areas are between services and the resources we need. At the Museum this year we will be progressing the East Wing Extension and reducing our collections so they are manageable and effective. We will also be producing a management plan for our parks and reviewing the cost of maintenance.

Areas of Responsibility

  • Culture
  • Leisure
  • Parks
  • Allotments
  • Market
  • Maidstone Leisure Centre
  • Cemetery and Crematorium
  • Tourism


Portfolio Priorities for 2010-11


  • Enhance the Council’s parks, green spaces and natural habitats through initiatives like the Mote Park improvement project.
  • Encourage more adults and children to participate in sport.
  • Improve the cultural offering of the borough through projects like the Museum East Wing Extension.
  • Maximising the potential of the newly improved crematorium.
  • Reviewing the usage of allotments.