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8 February 2023


Strategic Plan Refresh 2023-28





Economic Regeneration and Leisure PAC

10 January 2023

Planning and Infrastructure PAC

11 January 2023

Communities, Housing and Environment PAC

17 January 2023

Corporate Services PAC

18 January 2023


8 February 2023


22 February 2023



Will this be a Key Decision?





Not Applicable

Final Decision-Maker


Lead Head of Service

Angela Woodhouse Director of Strategy, Insight and Governance

Lead Officer and Report Author

Anna Collier Insight, Communities and Governance Manager





Wards affected




Executive Summary


This report proposes refreshed areas of focus for the Council’s Strategic Plan for the

period 2023-2028 following consultation with the Policy Advisory Committees.


The Executive are asked to consider the recommended changes from the Policy Advisory Committees and approve the revised areas of focus.


Purpose of Report




This report makes the following recommendations:

1.   That the Executive note the feedback from the Policy Advisory Committees

2.   That the Executive approve the areas of focus for the Council’s Strategic Plan for the period 2023-2028, set out in Appendix A



Strategic Plan Refresh 2023-28







Impact on Corporate Priorities

The four Strategic Plan objectives are:


·         Embracing Growth and enabling


·         Safe, Clean and Green

·         Homes and Communities

·         A Thriving Place

This report considers the proposed areas of focus for the Strategic Priorities for the next five years and identifies action for progressing the shaping of the areas of focus for 2023-2028.


Insight Communities and Governance Manager

Cross Cutting Objectives

The four cross-cutting objectives are:


·         Heritage is Respected

·         Health Inequalities are Addressed and Reduced

·         Deprivation and Social Mobility is Improved

·         Biodiversity and Environmental Sustainability is respected


Consideration has been given to the

crosscutting objectives in formulating the

proposed areas of focus for the Strategic



Insight Communities and Governance Manager

Risk Management

The Council’s corporate risk strategy

includes strategic risks associated with the

Strategic Plan.


Insight Communities and Governance Manager


The Strategic Plan sets the Council’s Priorities

and the direction for the Medium-Term

Financial Strategy.



Section 151 Officer & Finance Team


We will deliver the recommendations with our current staffing.

Insight Communities and Governance Manager


The Council has a statutory duty to make

arrangements to secure continuous

improvement in the way in which its

functions are exercised, having regard to a

combination of economy, efficiency and

effectiveness. The Council’s Strategic Plan

demonstrates compliance with this duty.

This review of the Council’s priorities within

the Strategic Plan will enable the Council to

deliver services in an efficient and effective

manner which meets the needs of the

borough and aspirations of local inhabitants

and stakeholders.


In reviewing the priorities, the Council is

obliged to ensure that its financial obligations

are adhered to. The Council has a legal duty

to set a balanced budget and continue to

monitor the budget during the course of each

municipal year and take remedial action if at

any time.


Interim Team






Information Governance

The recommendations do not impact personal

information (as defined in UK GDPR and Data

Protection Act 2018) the Council Processes. If

as a result of the update to the milestones

and the emerging MTFS for 2023-2028

changes are required to services involving

personal data, then Data Protection Impact

Assessments will be undertaken.


Insight Communities and Governance Manager


The recommendations do not propose a

change in service therefore will not require an

equalities impact assessment. If as a result of

the update to the milestones and the

emerging MTFS for 2023-2028 changes are

required to services involving personal data,

then an Equalities Impact Assessment will be



Insight Communities and Governance Manager

Public Health



One of the Council’s cross cutting objectives

is that Health Inequalities are addressed and

reduced. The recommendations do not

propose a change in service therefore will

not require an impact assessment. If as a

result of the update to the milestones and the

emerging MTFS for 2023-2028 changes are required to services involving personal data,

then Data Protection Impact Assessments will

be undertaken.


Public Health Officer

Crime and Disorder

The recommendations include proposals for

amendments to the areas of focus under Safe

Clean and Green.


Insight Communities and Governance Manager


No implications

Insight Communities and Governance Manager

Biodiversity and Climate Change

The recommendations includes proposals for

amendments to the areas of focus under Safe

Clean and Green

Biodiversity and Climate Change Manager





2.1     The Strategic Plan was adopted in December 2018, following wide spread consultation and engagement with Councillors staff and other stakeholders and covers the period until 2045. The decision was taken for it to be a 26-year plan to ensure continuity, longevity and a basis on which all other Maidstone Borough Council plans and strategies could be developed. The vision and priorities are clear and remain relevant.


2.2     The areas of focus were last refreshed in 2021 to respond to the significant impact of the pandemic and to plan the Council’s approach to the recovery.


2.3     In July the Executive approved a recommendation that the Strategic Plan 2019-45 milestones be refreshed for 2023-28. The Council’s Wider Leadership Team reviewed the existing areas of focus at an away day and the proposals were discussed and amended at a series of meetings by the Executive.


2.4     The refreshed areas of focus for 2023-2028 are consistent with the Council’s vision and four priorities; and there have been no significant changes.  They continue to reflect both the long-term ambitions of the Council whilst also responding to the current national and local environment including recovery from the pandemic, increased housing need, financial insecurity and the climate crisis.


2.5     Amendments were made to language to demonstrate emphasis, priorities and to reflect progress on objectives.  There has been some broadening of actions for example in parks and public spaces, to reflect not only enforcement activities but also promotion of these spaces.


2.6     Under Safe Clean and Green an additional action has been included to reflect the work and investment being made in the service and to reflect the need to meet the requirements of all new government legislation.


2.7     Under Thriving Place changes have been made to combine actions to demonstrate focus. The previous area of focus on community resilience and to encourage pride in our borough has been merged under homes and communities.


2.8     Under Homes and Communities two new actions have been included. The first has been added to reflect the Council's commitment to support residents and reflect the current financial crisis. The second is the commitment to deliver 1,000 affordable homes.


2.9     There has also been a change of emphasis on the milestone on temporary accommodation from reduction in use to increase in supply. Whilst the use of temporary accommodation is not desirable the change in emphasis reflects the current climate of financial insecurity which has resulted in an increased demand which the Council is required to support. The new milestone reflects that the Council will meet this demand but do so by investing in accommodation.


2.10  The changes were presented to Policy Advisory Committees in January and their feedback can be seen in section six of the report.  The revised areas of focus following amendments proposed by Policy Advisory Committees can be seen at Appendix A.


2.11  The foreword and updates to data and images will completed prior to republication.






3.1     The Strategic Plan was adopted in December 2018 and covers the period until 2045. It was developed involving a wide cross section of Councillors, staff and other stakeholders. The vision and priorities are clear and remain relevant.


3.2     The Executive could approve the revised areas of focus as amended following committee consultation as has been set out in Appendix A.  Alternatively, they could amend the wording or add or delete areas of focus.


3.3     The Executive could decide to revert to their original proposals before the committee feedback.




4.1     The Executive is recommended to approve the new areas of focus as presented at Appendix A.




5.       RISK

5.1    The risks associated with this proposal, including the risks if the Council does not act as recommended, have been considered in line with the Council’s Risk Management Framework.





6.1     Key officers and the Executive have been consulted in the development of these areas of focus at independent away days.


6.2     The revised areas for focus were presented to Policy Advisory Committees in January, Members across parties in engaged in discussion and made the following recommendations


·         Make more succinct and tidy up language

·         Use proactive verbs

·         Add the word communities back in to 1.1

·         Add the word communities back in to 2.2

·         Revisit and review the use of the word ’whole’, as the council aren’t responsible for all areas at 2.3

·         TA change to Temporary Accommodation at 4.1

·         ensure that Pride in the borough is reinserted at 4.3

·         include the wording ‘sustainable in both financial and ecological terms’ at 4.4






7.1     The approved refreshed areas of focus will be submitted to Council for approval as the Strategic Plan is a budget and policy framework document.


7.2     Once approved the new areas of focus will be shared with all officers to ensure the delivery of the Council’s priorities. The refreshed Strategic Plan will be made available on the Council’s website.





·         Appendix A: Strategic Plan Proposed Areas of Focus 2023-28




Strategic Plan 2019-2045 -