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20 AUGUST 2008






REPORT PREPARED BY: Parking Services Manager



1.                     OBJECTIONS TO TRAFFIC ORDERS

1.1                 Issue for decision

1.1.1            To consider the objections received relating to the advertising of various traffic orders across the Borough.


1.2                 Recommendation of the Assistant Director of Regulatory and Environmental Services

1.2.1            That the Board recommend to Kent Highway Services that the orders be implemented as outlined in Appendix, B,C,E and F

1.3                 Reasons for recommendation


1.3.1            Various requests have been received by Parking Services for the introduction of parking restrictions of various locations across the Borough.


1.3.2            Appendix A provides a schedule of the Kent County Council (Borough of Maidstone) Designated Parking Places (Variation No 1) Order 2008 and The Waiting Restrictions Order (Variation No 1) Order 2008 orders advertised.


1.3.3            A Public Notice formally advertising the orders was published in Local Press during the week ending Friday March 21st 2008


1.3.4            Full details were contained in the draft orders which, together with a copy of the Public Notices, site plans and a statement of the Council’s reasons for proposing to make the orders were placed on deposit at the Highway Information Centre, Directorate of Strategic Planning, County Hall, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1XX, at the reception desk, London House, 5-11 London Road, Maidstone, ME15 8HR and the Information Office, Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone.


1.3.5            Letters were sent to statutory and non statutory consultees and residents.  Street notices were posted in the affected roads.


1.3.6            Appendix B provides a schedule of roads not receiving objections and these will to be implemented.


1.3.7            Appendix C provides a schedule of the orders receiving objection, together with a summary of the objections, the response to the objection and relevant recommendations.


1.3.8            Parking on the footway and grass verges has become a very serious issue within the borough and a lack of action as resulted in the degradation of these areas, the Borough Council is therefore promoting the Traffic Regulation Order in a effort to alleviate the situation, these requests have been waiting progress for some months and it was determined to proceed to advertise the orders and review the requests following the objection period.


1.3.9            Appendix D provides a schedule of the Kent County Council (Borough of Maidstone) (Prohibition of Stopping on the footway or verge) Order 2008 order advertised.


1.3.10         A Public Notice formally advertising the orders was published in Local Press during the week ending Friday March 21st 2008


1.3.11         Appendix E provides a schedule of roads not receiving objections and these will be implemented.


1.3.12         Appendix F provides a schedule of the orders receiving objection, together with a summary of the objections, the response to the objection and relevant recommendations.


1.3.13         Appendix G Provides a schedule of The Kent County Council, (Various Roads) (Borough of Maidstone)(Various Traffic Movements)(Variation No14)Order 2008.


1.3.14         A Public Notice formally advertising the orders was published in Local Press during the week ending Friday July 4th 2008







1.3.15         The Consultation period have elapsed and we are currently assessing the responses, we will subsequently be discussing with the objectors and Kent County Council their concerns after which a further report will be presented to the next appropriate meeting of the board setting out the results of the discussions and recommending a way forward.


1.3.16         Parking Services continue to receive and process requests to implement parking restrictions in various locations within the borough, Appendix H provides a schedule of proposals waiting to be formally advertised in the next batch of orders.



1.4                 Alternative actions and why not recommended

1.4.1            To not determine the outcome of the advertisement’s would result in some much needed orders not being implemented and these objections received not being properly considered.


1.4.2            To make the orders as advertised.  This would not take account of the views of received from the objectors.


1.5                 Risk Management


The process for signing off of traffic orders is designed to minimize risk by taking into consideration the responses to the consultation and any objections received.

1.6                 Impact on corporate objectives

1.6.1            The proposals will in most cases resolve parking problems and improve traffic flow due to reductions in localised congestion. which in general will assist with our Primrose Promise in making climate change matter and help reduce carbon emissions and improve the environment through vehicle management


1.7                 Impact on Corporate Implications



1.      Financial




2.           Staffing




3.           Legal




4.           Social Inclusion




5.           Environmental/Sustainable Development



6.           Community Safety



7.           Human Rights Act



8.           Procurement



9.           Asset Management






1.7.2   The costs of the orders will be met from within the existing Parking Services budget.


1.7.3   Formal orders will need to be made and signed by Kent County Council as the Highway Authority.













County Road (SYL north west side from its junction with Well Road for a distance of 84 metres in a south westerly direction, for the remainder of its length from a point 124 metres south west of its junction with Well Road in a south westerly and westerly direction, on its south east side from a point 84 metres south west of its junction with Well Road for a distance of 40 metres; DYL north west side from a point 84 metres south west of its junction with Well Road for a distance of 40 metres, south east side from a point 84 metres south west of its junction with Well Road for a distance of 40 metres)


Road Leading to Claygate (DYL west side from its junction with Plains Avenue for a distance of 50 metres in a northerly direction, east side from its junction with Plains Avenue for a distance of 53 metres in a north then easterly direction)


Wheeler Street (SYL south east side from a point 63 metres south west of its junction with Holland Road to a point 15 metres north east of its junction with Union Street, north west side from a point 63 metres south west of its junction with Holland Road to a point 15 metres north east of its junction with Union Street; DYL south east side from its junction with Union Street for a distance of 15 metres in a north easterly direction, north west side from its junction with Union Street for a distance of 15 metres in a north easterly direction)


Union Street (SYL north side from a point 80 metres west of its junction with Sittingbourne Road to a point 15 metres east of its junction with Wheeler Street, north side from a point 15 metres west of its junction with Wheeler Street to a point 16 metres east of its junction with Church Street; DYL north side from its junction with Wheeler Street for a distance of 15 metres in a northerly direction, north side from its junction with Wheeler Street for a distance of 15 metres in a southerly direction)










Old Chatham Road, (SYL (Monday – Saturday 8.00am – 6.30pm) south west side from a point 42 metres north west of its junction with Sandling Lane for a distance of 40 metres in a north westerly direction, south west side from a point 91 metres north west of its junction with Sandling Lane in a north westerly direction for the remainder of its length, north east from its junction with Boarley Lane for a distance of 80 metres in a north westerly direction, north east from a point 108 metres north west of its junction with Boarley Lane in a north westerly direction for the remainder of its length)





Church Street (Introduce Residents Parking Bays N4 south west side from a point 55 metres of its junction with King Street in a northerly direction for a distance of 26 metres)



Old Chatham Road (Introduce Residents Parking south west side from a point 82 metres north west of its junction with Sandling Road for a distance of 9 metres in a north westerly direction, north east side from a point 80 metres north west from its junction with Boarley Lane for a distance of 28 metres in a north westerly direction)





County Road (north west side from a point 174 metres south west of its junction with Well Road for a distance of 6 metres)


Business Permits


It is also proposed to increase the Business Permit charge from £70 to £100

















The Order will also;


Revise The Designated Parking Places at Pay and Display Machines tariffs as follows – Item No 1 Brewer Street, 2a,2b County Road, 3 Church Street,5 King Street,

6 Mill Street,7 College Horseway,8 Union Street,9 Wheeler Street



               (1)                                        (2)                                      (3)







Up to 30 minutes




Between 30 minutes and 1 hour



Between 1 hour and 1 hour 30 minutes



Between 1 hour 30 minutes and 2 hours




Revise The Designated Parking Places at Pay and Display Machines tariffs as follows – Item No 4 James Whatman Way


               (1)                                        (2)                                        (3)







Up to 30 minutes




Between 30 minutes and 1 hour



Between 1 hour and 1 hour 30 minutes



Between 1 hour 30 minutes and 2 hours



2 to 3 hours



3 to 4 hours























County Road

(SYL north west side from its junction with Well Road for a distance of 84 metres in a south westerly direction, for the remainder of its length from a point 124 metres south west of its junction with Well Road in a south westerly and westerly direction, on its south east side from a point 84 metres south west of its junction with Well Road for a distance of 40 metres; DYL north west side from a point 84 metres south west of its junction with Well Road for a distance of 40 metres, south east side from a point 84 metres south west of its junction with Well Road for a distance of 40 metres)


RECOMMENDATIONS: To Proceed with the proposal and make the Order.


Wheeler Street

(SYL south east side from a point 63 metres south west of its junction with Holland Road to a point 15 metres north east of its junction with Union Street, north west side from a point 63 metres south west of its junction with Holland Road to a point 15 metres north east of its junction with Union Street; DYL south east side from its junction with Union Street for a distance of 15 metres in a north easterly direction, north west side from its junction with Union Street for a distance of 15 metres in a north easterly direction)


RECOMMENDATIONS: To Proceed with the proposal and make the Order.




Union Street

(SYL north side from a point 80 metres west of its junction with Sittingbourne Road to a point 15 metres east of its junction with Wheeler Street, north side from a point 15 metres west of its junction with Wheeler Street to a point 16 metres east of its junction with Church Street; DYL north side from its junction with Wheeler Street for a distance of 15 metres in a northerly direction, north side from its junction with Wheeler Street for a distance of 15 metres in a southerly direction)


RECOMMENDATIONS: To Proceed with the proposal and make the Order.












Old Chatham Road, (SYL (Monday – Saturday 8.00am – 6.30pm) south west side from a point 42 metres north west of its junction with Sandling Lane for a distance of 40 metres in a north westerly direction, south west side from a point 91 metres north west of its junction with Sandling Lane in a north westerly direction for the remainder of its length, north east from its junction with Boarley Lane for a distance of 80 metres in a north westerly direction, north east from a point 108 metres north west of its junction with Boarley Lane in a north westerly direction for the remainder of its length)

RECOMMENDATIONS: To Proceed with the proposal and make the Order.




Church Street

(Introduce Residents Parking Bays N4 south west side from a point 55 metres of its junction with King Street in a northerly direction for a distance of 26 metres)

RECOMMENDATIONS: To Proceed with the proposal and make the Order.




Old Chatham Road

(Introduce Residents Parking south west side from a point 82 metres north west of its junction with Sandling Road for a distance of 9 metres in a north westerly direction, north east side from a point 80 metres north west from its junction with Boarley Lane for a distance of 28 metres in a north westerly direction)

RECOMMENDATIONS: To Proceed with the proposal and make the Order.




County Road (north west side from a point 174 metres south west of its junction with Well Road for a distance of 6 metres)


RECOMMENDATIONS: To Proceed with the proposal and make the Order.


Business Permits


It is also proposed to increase the Business Permit charge from £70 to £100


RECOMMENDATIONS: To Proceed with the proposal and make the Order.












Revise The Designated Parking Places at Pay and Display Machines tariffs as follows – Item No 1 Brewer Street, 2a,2b County Road, 3 Church Street,5 King Street,

6 Mill Street,7 College Horseway,8 Union Street,9 Wheeler Street



               (1)                                        (2)                                                (3)







Up to 30 minutes




Between 30 minutes and 1 hour



Between 1 hour and 1 hour 30 minutes



Between 1 hour 30 minutes and 2 hours



RECOMMENDATIONS: To Proceed with the proposal and make the Order.


Revise The Designated Parking Places at Pay and Display Machines tariffs as follows – Item No 4 James Whatman Way


               (1)                                        (2)                                                 (3)







Up to 30 minutes




Between 30 minutes and 1 hour



Between 1 hour and 1 hour 30 minutes



Between 1 hour 30 minutes and 2 hours



2 to 3 hours



3 to 4 hours



RECOMMENDATIONS: To Proceed with the proposal and make the Order.















Road Leading to Claygate

(DYL west side from its junction with Plains Avenue for a distance of 50 metres in a northerly direction, east side from its junction with Plains Avenue for a distance of 53 metres in a north then easterly direction)


2 letters of objection and 1 raising concerns on the grounds of that imposing a parking restriction on the road leading to Claygate will exacerbate the already difficult parking situation with vehicles dispersing onto Plains Avenue which is a major through road and that there is no alternative parking.



Although we sympathise with the residents parking situation, the above road is very congested and current parking obstructs sightlines and impedes free flow of traffic.



RECOMMENDATIONS: To Proceed with the proposal and make the Order.








































Bicknor Road


No Stopping or waiting on the Footway or Verge both sides for its entire length.


Wallis Avenue;


No Stopping or waiting on the Footway or Verge both sides for its entire length.


Bell Road;


No Stopping or waiting on the Footway or Verge both sides for its entire length.







Wallis Avenue;


No Stopping or waiting on the Footway or Verge both sides for its entire length.


RECOMMENDATIONS: To Proceed with the proposal and make the Order.



Bell Road;


No Stopping or waiting on the Footway or Verge both sides for its entire length.


RECOMMENDATIONS: To Proceed with the proposal and make the Order.

















Bicknor Road


No Stopping or waiting on the Footway or Verge both sides for its entire length.


One objection received on a number of different grounds, primarily that before we implement the prohibition of parking on the footway or verge we should first address the issues prevalent in the road such as the parking of commercial vehicles and non residents vehicles.


After further correspondence with the objector the objection has been withdrawn.


RECOMMENDATIONS: To Proceed with the proposal and make the Order.









The effect of the Order will be to prohibit all vehicles from the length of road in the schedule to this notice between the hours of 10.30am and 5.30pm and to allow access by specific vehicles at all other times.

Exemptions are included for emergency services vehicles used in pursuance of statutory powers and bicycles.


Market Buildings



Rose Yard




From it’s junction with Earl Street to it’s junction with High Street (Maidstone)



From it’s junction with Earl Street to it’s junction with High Street (Maidstone)









Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders




Hampton Road;


A 30 minute Mon-Fri parking restriction to deter commuter parking, also residents bays and 24 hour parking restrictions at the junctions of adjacent street to maintain sightlines.


The original proposal was deferred for further surveying and analysis due to objections raised, the proposal was subsequently not adopted and the above proposal is now being put forward.


Basemere Close:


A 30 minute Monday to Friday parking restriction to deter commuter parking.

The original proposal was deferred for further surveying and analysis due to objections raised, the proposal was subsequently not adopted and the above proposal is now being put forward.


Calehill Close;


A 30 minute Monday to Friday parking restriction to deter commuter parking.

The original proposal was deferred for further surveying and analysis due to objections raised, the proposal was subsequently not adopted and the above proposal is now being put forward.


Crayford Close;


A 30 minute Monday to Friday parking restriction to deter commuter parking.

The original proposal was deferred for further surveying and analysis due to objections raised, the proposal was subsequently not adopted and the above proposal is now being put forward.



Thurnham Lane, (Thurnham):


To place a parking restriction from 12.30 – 1.00pm Monday to Friday from the existing double yellow lines to the motorway bridge.


In March 2007 the original proposal to place a 24 hour restriction was deferred for further analysis and surveying as a result of comments and objections during formal the consultation period, this was subsequently not adopted and the above proposal is now being put forward.






Norman Close;


Change of operational days form Monday to Saturday to Monday to Friday to portray uniformity with other roads in the area.



A249 Bimbury Lane; (Stockbury)


To place a no waiting at any time restriction on the south side of the access road to Bimbury Lane and on the north-west side from the junction of Bimbury Lane for a distance of 25 metres in a northerly direction.


Ashford Road;


To introduce a 1 hour maximum waiting time with No return within 2 hours Monday to Saturday 8.00am to 6.30pm, outside of Yeoman Court on the north side.


On the south side from the existing syl outside of the boundary of 144/146 for a distance of 9 metres in a westerly direction, from a point 14 metres from the boundary of 144/146 for a distance of 7 metres in a westerly direction, from the boundary of 140b for a distance of 9 metres in a westerly direction, and from a point 19 metres from the boundary of 140b for a distance of 11metres in a westerly direction.


On the south side 10 Metres from the junction of Cavendish Way for a distance of 10 metres in a westerly direction and from a point 28 metres from its junction with Cavendish Way for a distance of 22 metres in a westerly direction.


Also a No waiting at any time south side from it’s junction with Cavendish Way for a distance of 10 metres.


Bell Meadow;


To place a no waiting at any time restriction from the junction of Wallis Avenue on both sides for a distance of 65 metres.




To place a no waiting at any time restriction on the south then east then north sides from the boundary of 37/39 for a distance of 73 metres, then a syl to 6.30pm Monday – Saturday restriction on the north side for the remainder of it’s length.


St Laurence Avenue;


To place a no waiting at any time restriction from its junction with A20 (Coldharbour Roundabout) to it’s junction with Liphook Way








Gibralter Lane/Castle Dene;


To place a 24 hour on all days parking restriction on the North side from it’s junction with Chatham Road to its junction with Castle Dene, and from it’s western junction with Castle Dene for a distance of 15 metres in a westerly direction.


Castle Dene, to place a 24 hour on all days restriction on both sides for a distance of 15 metres from it’s junction with Gibralter Lane.


Leafy Lane;


To place a 24 hour on all days parking restriction on the North Side from the access to the industrial estate for a distance of 25 metres.


Tonbridge Road;


To extend the current no waiting at any time restrictions on the Northwest side for a distance of 39 metres in a northeasterly direction.



Florence Road/Bower Lane;


To amend the current single yellow line Mon-Sat 8am – 6.30pm to a no waiting at any time restriction due to a new development being built therefore preserving access/egress to these properties.



Vicarage Lane (East Farleigh)


To place a limited waiting restriction between the hours of 08.00-0930am and 14.30-16.00pm Monday – Friday in Vicarage Lane to allow free flow of traffic from its Junction with Lower Road, to it’s junction with Wilson’s Lane



Earl Street


To alter the use of the current Taxi Bay outside of 35, reducing its length and introducing a Loading Bay for the length of 11 metres.


To convert the Loading Bay outside of 42/44 to a footway


To convert the Taxi Bay outside of 29 to a loading bay


To extend the disabled bay outside of 23 by a distance of 3.5 metres.



Bircholt Road


West side from a point 10 metres south of its junction with Coldred Road for a distance of 40 metres in a southerly direction.




Chillington Street


To amend the current SYL Monday to Saturday 8am-6.30pm restriction to

9am – 5pm Monday – Friday to portray uniformity with other roads in the area.





Disabled Persons Parking Bays;


Interim Bays have been placed with no formal Traffic Regulation Order in the following locations;


Pope Street, outside of number 4


Hastings Road, outside of number 23


Bonnington Road, at the rear of 14


Charlton Street, outside of number 56


St Anne Court, outside of number 38


Florence Road, outside of number 52


Bower Street, outside of number 60


Milton Street, outside of number 149


Allen Street outside of number 53





These bays are at present advisory and therefore un-enforceable and require a formal TRO.