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28 JUNE 2023 |
Report of the Water Management Cycle Working Group (Overview and Scrutiny Committee) – Water Management Cycle |
Will this be a Key Decision? |
No |
Urgency |
Not Applicable |
Final Decision-Maker |
Cabinet |
Lead Director |
Angela Woodhouse, Director of Strategy, Insight & Governance |
Lead Officer and Report Author |
Oliviya Parfitt, Democratic Services Officer |
Classification |
Public |
Wards affected |
All |
Executive Summary |
This report provides an outline of the Water Management Cycle Working Group’s (Overview and Scrutiny committee), review into the Water Management cycle and the recommended actions produced as a result.
Purpose of Report Decision
This report makes the following recommendations to the Cabinet: That |
1. The report of the Water Management Cycle Working Group (Overview and Scrutiny Committee), be received; and 2. A substantive response to the report be provided via the completion of the SCRAIP report. |
Report of the Water Management Cycle Working Group (Overview and Scrutiny Committee) – Water Management Cycle |
Issue |
Implications |
Sign-off |
Impact on Corporate Priorities |
The four Strategic Plan objectives are:
· Embracing Growth and Enabling Infrastructure · Safe, Clean and Green · Homes and Communities · A Thriving Place
Accepting the recommendations may materially improve the Council’s ability to achieve all corporate priorities and have been put forward by the Water Management Cycle Working Group following its review into the Water Management Cycle.
It is expected that an Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Action and Implementation Plan will be provided to the Cabinet at a future meeting, which will contain comments from the relevant officers on the recommended actions. |
Director of Strategy, Insight & Governance |
Cross Cutting Objectives |
The four cross-cutting objectives are:
· Heritage is Respected · Health Inequalities are Addressed and Reduced · Deprivation and Social Mobility is Improved · Biodiversity and Environmental Sustainability is respected
Accepting the recommendations may materially improve the Council’s ability to achieve all cross-cutting objectives and have been put forward by the Water Management Cycle Working Group, following its review into the Water Management Cycle. It is expected that an Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Action and Implementation Plan will be provided to the Cabinet at a future meeting, which will contain comments from the relevant officers on the recommended actions. |
Director of Strategy, Insight & Governance |
Risk Management |
See Section 5 of the report
Director of Strategy, Insight & Governance |
Financial |
The recommendations of the Water Management Cycle Working Group will likely need to be delivered within already approved budgetary headings. If any new funding is required for implementation this will need to be addressed as part of the annual budget process.
The Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Action and Implementation Plan will be provided to the Cabinet at a future meeting, with a ‘financial implications’ section included to highlight any costs and or savings associated with each recommendation.
Head of Finance |
Staffing |
The delivery of any of the recommendations produced by the Water Management Cycle Working Group will be subject to consideration by the relevant Senior Officers for the applicable Service Area.
It is expected that an Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Action and Implementation Plan will be provided to the Cabinet at a future meeting, which will contain comments from the relevant officers on the recommended actions.
Director of Strategy, Insight & Governance |
Legal |
In accordance with Part 1A of the Local Government Act 2000 (as amended by the Localism Act 2011) the Council is operating under Executive Arrangements. These arrangements must include provision for the appointment of one or more Overview and Scrutiny Committees to review and scrutinise the Executive Decisions made, or other actions taken relating to the exercise of the Authority and/or Executive Functions – LGA 2000, Section 9F.
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee has exercised this power through its review and associated recommended actions for presentation to the Cabinet and has done so via a Working Group. A response has to be provided within two months, unless otherwise specified by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (LGA 2000, 9FE)
It is expected that an Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Action and Implementation Plan will be provided to the Cabinet at a future meeting, which will contain comments from the relevant officers on the recommended actions; should further advice be required at a later stage, such as at a future decision-making stage relating to the recommended actions, this would need to be raised by the relevant Senior Officers.
Interim Team Leader (Contentious and Corporate Governance) |
Information Governance |
The recommendations do not impact personal information (as defined in UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018) the Council processes.
Senior Information Governance Officer |
Equalities |
The recommendations do not propose a change in service therefore will not require an equalities impact assessment.
Equalities & Communities Officer |
Public Health
We recognise that the recommendations of this report will not negatively impact on population health or that of individuals.
It is expected that an Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Action and Implementation Plan will be provided to the Cabinet at a future meeting, which will contain comments from the relevant officers on the recommended actions. |
Housing and Inclusion Team Leader |
Crime and Disorder |
No impacts identified.
Director of Strategy, Insight & Governance |
Procurement |
No impacts identified. |
Director of Strategy, Insight & Governance |
Biodiversity and Climate Change |
The aim of this report aligns with the following actions of the Biodiversity and Climate Change Action Plan: Action 6.4 Enhance and expand wetland coverage across the Borough to support nutrient neutrality, flood prevention, and enhance biodiversity. Action 6.5 Implement a Nature Recovery Strategy, linking habitat restoration and creation to improve flood protection and water quality. Action 6.6 Work with local farms and landowners to deliver landscape scale biodiversity initiatives Nature Recovery Strategy – including reconnection of habitats, floodplain restoration, reduced chemical inputs and reintroduction of lost native species. |
Biodiversity and Climate Change Manager |
2.1 The Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) created the Water Management Cycle Working Group, to carry out a review into the Water Management Cycle. The review took place between October 2022 to March 2023, with the information relating to the review accessible through section 9 of this report.
2.2 The OSC produced a total of 22 recommended actions from the review, of which 21 are applicable to the Cabinet.
2.3 The recommended actions are contained within Appendix 1, alongside each action’s ‘intended outcomes’ and relevant Lead Officer/s. This is to provide the Committee’s reasoning in putting forward each action, alongside providing a clear record of which Officers and Members have responsibility for the applicable service areas.
2.4 The report attached at Appendix 1 for the Cabinet’s consideration was agreed by the OSC at its April 2023 meeting and has been amended to reflect the changes to Cabinet portfolios.
3.1 Option 1 – A substantive response to the report be provided via the completion of the SCRAIP report. This is the recommended option.
Request further information on the recommended actions from the relevant officers, in the form of an Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Action and Implementation Plan (SCRAIP). The completed SCRAIP would then be presented to the Cabinet at a subsequent meeting, in producing a formal response from the to the OSC.
3.2 Option 2 – Amend and/or Agree to implement the recommended actions.
If agreed, the relevant Lead Officers will implement the agreed actions or conduct further work, as appropriate. However, this would involve amending and/or approving the recommendations without having considered advice from the relevant officers. This is not recommended.
3.3 Option 3 - Reject the recommended actions.
The Cabinet could choose not to implement the recommended actions however this may mean that an opportunity to improve the Water Management Cycle, is missed alongside the recommendations having been rejected without having considered advice from the relevant officers. This is not recommended
3.4 It is a legislative requirement that the Cabinet provide a response to the OSC within two-months of having received the report attached at Appendix 1. The OSC will be formally informed of the Cabinet’s response once provided at a future meeting.
4.1 There is no preferred option from an officer perspective, as this report has been produced to support the OSC in presenting its recommended actions to the Cabinet as the relevant decision-maker. The OSC unanimously agreed the recommended actions for the Cabinet.
4.2 As outlined above in points 2.4 and 2.6, the reasons for the recommended actions are contained within the ‘intended outcomes’ section for each action.
5.1 The risks associated with this proposal, including the risks if the Council does not act as recommended, have been considered in line with the Council’s Risk Management Framework. We are satisfied that the risks associated are within the Council’s risk appetite and will be managed as per the Policy.
6.1 This is the first time that this issue has been presented to the Executive, although the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services did attend some of the Working Group meetings.
6.2 The actions taken by the OSC in conducting the review are briefly outlined in points 2.1 and 2.2 of this report, with full details provided in appendix 1 to this report.
6.3 As outlined in points 7.2 and 7.3 below, the outcome of this report’s consideration will be reported to the OSC.
7.1 This will depend on the types of recommended action, and whether they are agreed.
For the actions that can be agreed and implemented, the relevant Officers will implement the actions when appropriate.
For the actions that require further consideration, further work will take place before any corresponding actions are implemented.
7.2 The Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be provided with a formal response on behalf of the Cabinet, which will outline the Cabinet’s consideration of this report and associated appendices and which actions were agreed, if any. This is a legal requirement, where an Overview and Scrutiny Committee has formally published a report to the Cabinet resulting from a review.
7.3 Consideration could be given as to whether the Overview and Scrutiny Committee receives a further update post-implementation of any agreed actions. However, this would not need to be decided at this point.
The following documents are to be published with this report and form part of the report:
· Appendix 1: Report of the Water Management Cycle Working Group (Overview and Scrutiny Committee) – Water Management Cycle.
Agenda and Minutes for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Meeting held on 21 February 2023: Your Councillors - Maidstone Borough Council
Agenda and Minutes for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Meeting held on 13 April 2023: Your Councillors - Maidstone Borough Council