Contact your Parish Council
From: Lisa
Westcott <>
Sent: 18 May 2023 15:04
To: Licensing (MBC) <>
Cc: Kerry Watson <>
Subject: RE: Street Trading Application - Frankie Osborne - New Shelve
Farm, Lenham
Dear MBC Licencing,
Thank you for your consultation on the street trading licence application near New Shelve Farm, Lenham.
According to the map in the application, the proposed site for the food trading facility lies just off the A20. Lenham Parish Council objects to this application primarily due to concerns regarding road safety:
- The site is located at a bus stop – vehicles stopping to use the proposed facility will likely end up parking in the bus stops leaving limited space for the bus to stop and causing a hazard to those people getting on and off the bus.
- The A20 at this point is National Speed limit – vehicles entering and exiting the site will have to join very fast traffic.
- The site is located on a single track road junction with the A20 with an additional single track road junction opposite – these are already dangerous junctions on a fast road.
We recommend that KCC Highways are consulted on this application to provide their expert opinion on the potential road safety issues of a food trader operating at this proposed location.
Kind regards,
Lisa Westcott
Clerk to Lenham Parish Council