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Agreed funding

Target Start

Target End

Expected Success


Invest in industrial and warehouse premises to help de risk new employment sites coming forward

Capital Programme funding



Projects are identified to invest in and Maidstone is seen and delivers its promise of being open for business, businesses can expand and locate to the Borough.

No Update since Q4 as below. 


A package of Town Centre Capital Bids to the value of £5m in support of the new Town Centre strategy have been submitted. A further bid for £250k has been submitted for Maidstone Innovation Centre to facilitate more flexible workspace (wet labs) and associated shared high-tech equipment.

Transform the Town Centre through the development and delivery of a town centre strategy.

£175,680 Recovery Fund



Town Centre Strategy in place by 1 March 2023, projects may begin prior to this. Maidstone town centre becomes a centre of excellence for urban sustainability with a strong focus around arts, culture, leisure and visitor economy creating a place where people want to live, feel safe and which prides itself upon being a town centre which is relevant to all of the Borough’s residents and to which all of the borough’s residents can relate.

Work is continuing for the Town Centre Strategy. All member briefing planned for 4 September.  Public consultation on the draft strategy is planned for autumn. 

Capacity to develop projects and bids to take advantage of new funding opportunities

£45,000 Recovery Fund



Successful bids and projects completed that meet our priorities.

Project Closed

Mid Kent College Skills Hub

£60,000 Recovery Fund



Provision of a town centre venue to provide accessible training, careers advice, and employability support for all residents. Courses delivered to a range of participants including book-keeping and computerised accounting, skills development online courses, essential digital skills, certified work skills programmes, food hygiene and employability workshops and support. Courses delivered to a range of participants including bookkeeping and computerised accounting, skills development online courses, essential digital skills, certified work skills programmes, food hygiene and employability workshop and support. With space for ten participants to be physically present in the hub it is envisaged that 208 people would be able to take advantage of the hub for courses and support over 26 weeks.

Project closed