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Housing Health and Environment Policy Advisory Committee

7th September 2023


Member Agenda Item Request from Cllr Stuart Jeffery – Toilet provision





Housing Health and Environment Policy Advisory Committee

7th September 2023



Has this Member Agenda Item Request been submitted urgently?


Final Decision-Maker

Cabinet/Cabinet Member for Environmental Services



Wards affected

All but specifically High Street and wards with Council toilet blocks



Executive Summary


Residents have voiced concerns about the provision of toilets across the Borough, both in terms of the state of the facilities and their signposting.


This report provides a snapshot of some issues with the current provision and requests actions be discussed and proposed to the Cabinet to improve this.


Purpose of Report


To request that an officer report be presented (with the member agenda item request) directly to the Cabinet.






Member Agenda Item Request – Toilet provision





1.1     The provision and accessibility of toilets across the Borough has been the subject of concern among residents recently.

1.2     The location of toilets, both council run and privately provided but accessible for the public, is not widely known. While information about Council toilets is available on the and there are eight hard signs and finger signs dotted around the town centre promoting the Community Toilet Scheme, however the toilets are not signposted on the main boards in the town centre and the current signposts are easily missed including one that points to a closed facility (see attached photos in Appendix 1).

1.3     There have been concerns about the state of council owned toilets leading to one facility being proposed to transfer to private hands (there has been no committee discussion about this yet). The Council has six public toilets (Mote Park, Penenden Heath, Claire Park, South Park, Whatman Park and Mid Kent Shopping) the rest are operated by private businesses, parishes or trusts.

1.4     Toilets are cleaned once a day with the new Mote Park toilet permanently manned during opening times.

1.5     Residents haven’t been surveyed on their views on the provision for a number of years.

1.6     There is renovation programme happening this year, but this planned work isn’t a full refurbishment (more of repaint and regrouting). A full refurbishment of toilets the cost will be around £120K each toilet block. Examples of one toilet are shown in Appendix 2 demonstrating a poor state of cleanliness and condition.

1.7     The Health, Housing and Environment Policy Advisory Committee are asked to discuss how the provision of toilets for the public may be improved.





1.8     A report with options based on the discussion by the Housing, Health and Environment Policy Advisory Committee and any other additional information from officers be taken to the Cabinet.





3.1     No discussions have been had on this since 2019:

3.1.1   15 March 2016 – See Review of public conveniences report & minute: Your Councillors - Maidstone Borough Council

3.1.2   17 July 2018 – See Town Centre Public Convenience Provision report & Minute: Your Councillors - Maidstone Borough Council

3.1.3   19 March 2019 – see Q3 report & Minute: Your Councillors - Maidstone Borough Council





Appendix 1 – Signposting in the Town Centre


Week St, no mention of toilets.


High St, no mention of toilets

High St, no mention of toilets and no map.


Week St, key signpost with no mention of toilets.









St Faiths St, away from key town shopping area. Maidstone Library closed in 2012.


King St, away from main shopping area.


Appendix 2 Example condition of toilets owned by MBC