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Maidstone Borough Council


Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 2 September 2008


Partnerships Report Update


Report of: Senior Overview and Scrutiny Officer


1.      Introduction


1.1     During the Municipal Year 2006-07, the Strategic Leadership Overview and Scrutiny Committee set up a working group to look at the Council’s partnerships.  The terms of reference for the partnerships review were as follows:


·         Assess the value of the Council’s partnerships to both the Council and the partnerships. This should not just be in relation to monetary value.

·         Rationalisation of partnerships where appropriate

·         Develop criteria to assess potential new partnerships.

·         Develop a monitoring mechanism for partnerships.


1.2     Copies of the original report are available in the Members’ Library or by contacting the Scrutiny Team.


1.3     The recommendations arising from the report, and the response of the Cabinet, are attached at Appendix A.


2.      Recommendation


2.1     The Overview and Scrutiny Partnership Manager will be in attendance to provide a verbal update on the implementation of the recommendations arising from the review.


2.2     The Committee is recommended to consider this update and make recommendations to Cabinet and/or the appropriate Cabinet Members on the implementation of the report recommendations if this is felt appropriate.